Principal's Newsletter
🦁 From the desk of Dr. Tiffany Jacobson
Friday, September 20, 2024
In Pre-K, students explored feelings, discussing moments that cause us to feel happy, excited, scared, or sad. Students are also learning shapes and colors through direct instruction and play. In Fundations, Baby Echo the owl guided students in recognizing the letters and corresponding sounds. Typically, the class covers 1-2 letters per week, though expectations are differentiated in small groups or through one-on-one work for students who need more support or more enrichment. Finally, students practiced classroom rules and enjoyed learning about each other through various activities aimed at exploring identity.
In Kindergarten this week, students participated in a range of engaging activities that built important skills. In reading, they enjoyed "The Pigeon Has to Go to School" and worked on developing comprehension and having conversations about the text. During FUNdations, students are continuing to develop letter recognition and writing abilities with interactive tools like whiteboards and letter magnets. Math lessons focused on counting and recognizing numbers through games and classroom activities. While weather observation and preparation for storms were topics covered in Science; and responsible classmates and trying their best in school were topics emphasized in Social Studies.
Enjoy this week's photo gallery -
Facilities Bond Referendum Portal
The Westfield Public School District is excited to introduce an important resource for our community - our Facilities Bond Referendum Information Portal. The site provides initial details on the scope of the referendum, including the key areas of focus and our community's vision for the future. As the district moves closer to finalizing the language of the referendum in February 2025, the portal will continue to grow with more comprehensive information, including specific project details, financials, and opportunities for community engagement in advance of the April 2025 vote. As illustrated in this screenshot, a Bond Referendum button is located on the homepages of the district and school websites for easy access to the portal.
From the District Counseling Department
Understanding the HIB Process: Save the Date on the evening of Tuesday, October 8, as the district's K-12 Director of Counseling Falynn Balassone, WHS School Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist Paul Valenzano, and McKinley School Counselor/Anti-Bullying Specialist Lauren Echeverry lead an informative and important session to help parents understand the Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) process. This session is for parents and guardians of students in Grades Pre-K to 12 and will be held from 6:30-8:30 p.m. in the Wilson Elementary School Library.
From the District Health Services Department
This is the time of year when students start to display cold and allergy symptoms. As symptoms can be similar, we want to advise you that a case of pertussis (whooping cough) was identified at Westfield High School. Pertussis is a highly contagious disease that is spread through the air by a cough or sneeze. Pertussis begins with cold symptoms and a cough, which become much worse over 1-2 weeks. While most people have been vaccinated against pertussis, there is some loss of protection after several years. If your child has had a cough that is worsening, please let your healthcare provider know that a case of pertussis has occurred in our community so they can properly care for your child.
Individual and Class Photos - Tues, Sept 23 and Wed, Sept 24
Individual and class photos are scheduled as follows:
Pre-K - Tues, Sept 24
Kindergarten - Wed, Sept 25
Pre-pay online: https://order.bnlschoolpictures.com
Select "PORTRAITS" and enter code 2D4W759.
If you pay online, there is no need to submit anything at school.
The PTO has circulated a volunteer sign-up form through Membership Toolkit.
Touch-A-Truck - Mon, Sept 30
To launch our Week of Respect, the Lincoln School PTO has partnered with local emergency responders to provide students with a Touch-A-Truck event. Students will explore a variety of vehicles and meet local community helpers. The PTO has circulated a volunteer sign-up form through Membership Toolkit.
Pumpkin Patch - Wed, Oct 16
The annual Lincoln School Pumpkin Patch will consist of various fall-themed stations for students: pumpkin picking, pumpkin decorating, games, and stories. Parents and caregivers are welcome to visit during their child’s scheduled time.
Please send a reusable bag; students will use them to bring home their pumpkins (please note, it is unlikely the same bag will be returned to you). The PTO has circulated a volunteer sign-up form through Membership Toolkit.
⏰ Timely Arrival
We appreciate your cooperation getting students to school on time each and every day! Late arrivals interrupt the flow of the class, and the late comer requires time to catch up with what the class has already accomplished.
📥Parent Pick-Up & Changes to Dismissal Plans
When the dismissal plan of a student is a parent pick up, it is the expectation that a parent or guardian will pick up. Any change to the plan must be communicated in an email to the teacher and the main office secretaries on the day of the change. The designee for pick up will have to show the teacher a government issued photo ID. These practices help us to manage the safe dismissal of all students.
🆘 Emergency Contact in Genesis
Names provided by parents as emergency or other contacts in the Genesis Parent Portal will be contacted only after a parent or guardian cannot be reached. There is no list of approved contacts for individuals to pick students up other than the parent or guardian.
💻Genesis Absence Reporting
Please enter your child's absence in the Genesis Parent Portal by 9:00 AM. If you are unable to enter the absence by 9:00 AM, please contact Ms. Davey and Ms. Linder in the main office via email:
🚶🏻♂️Pedestrian Safety
Please cross at the crosswalks, and be sure to thank our cross guard, Mr. Marc, for keeping us safe!
🦮Please Leave Your Cute Pets Home
Some students have severe allergies to pets and some students are still learning appropriate boundaries. It would be very unpleasant if a pet made a student sick or if a student upset your pet. Plus our Lincoln School stuffies, Fudgey and Lester, will get very jealous!
Our staff has been working diligently to teach students what it means to be safe, kind, and responsible throughout the school day. We are proud to see our students beginning to understand how these qualities help them build meaningful friendships with their peers. This article from PBS provides ideas on how families can extend these concepts beyond the school day.
Hispanic Heritage Month
24: Pre-K Individual & Class Picture Day
25: Kindergarten Individual & Class Picture Day
27: Spirit Day (blue and purple)
30: Touch-a-Truck (rain date 10/1)
1: Back to School Night (Apples)
2: WFD Fire Prevention Assemblies
3: School closed
4: School closed
7: Week of Respect
10: PTO Executive Board Meeting
11: Training Day
14: School Closed (Columbus Day / Indigenous Peoples' Day)
16: Pumpkin Patch | Family Fall Social (rain date 10/20)
21: Food Drive through 11/15
25: Halloween Parade & Class Parties (rain date 10/28)