Kindergarten Newsletter
Upcoming Events
Kindness Day
Discovery Place Kids Field Trip
February Break
What are we learning?
Reading- We are learning about different reading strategies. Throughout the week ask your student about lips the fish, flippy the dolphin, skippy the frog and tryin lion!
Writing- We have been working on an arctic animal book and our letter writing campaign.
Math- We have finished up addition and will be moving on to subtraction.
Theme-We are learning all about arctic animals. We will have a polar science day on February 14th along with some Valentine celebrations.
Character- Optimism
Carpool Reminders:
Morning Carpool:
Two lanes are working so well that the school is going to start morning carpool at 7:30. Students will not exit the car until 7:30.
Afternoon Carpool:
Please make sure you are getting to school BEFORE 3:30. If your child is not picked up by 3:30 they will go to emergency afterschool.
Click the link below to find out more about field trips!
Please be sure to fill out each form if you are interested in being a chaperone.
- Snack and water bottles should be brought in each day.
- Ice Cream Days:
- Hoffman-Thursdays
- Clevenger- Wednesday
- Woller- Wednesday
- Rogers- Wednesday
- Whisnant- Wednesday
- Edwards- Tuesday
- Dahl- Friday