Raccoon News: Summer Update
August 9, 2024
Greetings Roosevelt Families!
We hope this letter finds you well and soaking up some sunshine this summer. If you've been by Roosevelt recently, you have noticed construction is in full swing! Our safe, secure entrance and updated ADA compliant bathrooms will be ready by the start of the school year. We can't wait for you to see them! The new classrooms on the kindergarten end of the building will be completed as scheduled by mid-October. It has been a busy, exciting summer!
Please take a moment to read this newsletter for important information about the upcoming school year. We are so excited to have our raccoons back in the building!
Staffing Updates
There have been some teaching staff changes over the course of the spring and summer. We welcome Melissa Buseth at fourth grade, replacing Kristin Krusemark who will be working as a Mentor Coach at Hoover and Kennedy this school year. Patsy King will be moving from second to third grade this year in place of Hillary Hebl. We welcome Aseena Ally to the second grade team in Patsy's place.
We also welcome Allison Vandekieft and Lyndal Kosmatka to our Special Education teaching team.
We are thrilled to welcome them all to our Roosevelt family!
Each year, Mankato Area Public Schools asks our families to review and update census information through the online census verification. This ensures that student information is accurate. We are asking that you complete your family's census verification online through your Campus Parent account by August 21, 2024.
Below are the steps to complete the Census Verification process.
Step 1: Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account.
Step 2: Select MORE from the menu along the left side of the screen.
Step 4: Select Begin Registration
Click here to view the Help Guide for Census Verification
Later this month, you will receive communication from us about finding out who your child's teacher is this year, signing up for entrance conferences, etc.. Census Verification must be complete for you to be able to see who your child's teacher will be.
Nutrition Services Information
2024-2025 Educational Benefits Application is HERE.
Even though Minnesota Public Schools provide breakfast and lunch at NO COST to its students, filling out the Education Benefits Application is important because it may have HUGE benefits for your family and school. Applications for Educational Benefits determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports.
Additionally, eligible families may qualify for other benefits, such as:
- WIC benefits
- Reduced or free athletic or activity fees
- Reduced fees for in-home internet
- Community Education classes offer scholarships and discounts
School Breakfast and Lunch Menus can be found on Schoolcafe.
- Click on the Schoolcafe Menus.
- Click on "View Menus (as a guest)."
- Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly along the top header
- Select the School and Meal Type from the drop-down options.
Roosevelt is in need of your help to find quality people to work with our children. We are in need of a Lunchroom Supervisor for the 2024-2025 school year. The hours are from 10:45 – 12:20 at an hourly rate of $16.40 per hour. Selected candidates must pass a background check. If interested in this position, please contact me at mkruiz1@isd77.org or call the Roosevelt office at 507-345-4285.
We would love to have you on our team!!
3..........Entrance Conferences 8:00 am-6:00 pm
4..........Entrance Conferences 8:00 am-12:00 pm
5..........First day of school for students
18........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30pm
9...........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30pm
14.........NO SCHOOL-Indigenous People's Day
17/18...NO SCHOOL
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285