PCE Newsletter
February 2025 Newsletter
A Message from Principal Gaston
Dear PCE families,
Our students have been working hard, showing perseverance, curiosity, and dedication to growing every single day. We are so proud of their efforts.
We will start our Spring Parent conferences February 17 - March 14. This is an opportunity for you to talk to teachers in detail on where your child currently is academically and behaviorally and how you can help your child at home. Thank you all for your continued support of your children and our teachers.
This month our Emergent Bilingual students will get to show us how well they are learning the English language on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) assessment. TELPAS annually assesses the progress that English learners (ELs) make in learning the English language. It answers the question: “How well is the student currently able to understand and use English during grade-level instruction?
All K–12 students classified as emergent bilingual LEP/EL in the Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) are required to participate in TELPAS, including those who have parents who have declined bilingual/English as a Second Language (ESL) program services. Students will be assessed in four different areas: writing, reading, listening, and speaking.
TELPAS testing will be an online assessment for 2nd-5th grade students. Kindergarten and 1st-grade students will be rated holistically. The reading, listening, and speaking will be assessed beginning Feb 25th. Please ensure that your scholars are here daily and on time.
What to look forward to this month:
- 2/14 Wear pajamas fro $1
- 2/17 Student Holiday, No School
- 2/27 Black History Program at 1:15 pm
Please let me know if you have any questions,
Ryane Gaston
Pioneer Crossing Elementary School
MISD Health Guidelines for School Attendance
A healthy school community requires Parents/Guardians and schools to partner with each other in an effort to prevent and control contagious diseases. Keeping a sick child at home protects other children and school staff from contracting a possible communicable illness. The following guidelines are intended to assist in the decision making process of when to send a child to school or when to keep them home. These guidelines are not meant to take the place of a medical evaluation or advice and they do not address every illness. Manor ISD Health and Wellness Department follows exclusion criteria from the Texas Health and Human Services.
In order to control communicable diseases in school, your child should be kept home or will be sent home for the following reasons:
- FEVER: If temperature is 100 degrees or more, keep the scholar home until fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever suppressing medications like acetaminophen and ibuprofen
- COVID-19 OR FLU LIKE SYMPTOMS: If symptomatic for cough, congestion, sore throat, severe headache, or body aches, keep the scholar home and follow up with a healthcare provider for guidance
- DIARRHEA: If three or more episodes of loose stools in a 24-hour period, keep the scholar home until diarrhea free for 24 hours without the use of diarrhea suppressing medications
- VOMITING (unrelated to anxiety): If two or more episodes in a 24 hour period, keep the scholar at home until vomiting has subsided
- RASH: If the scholar has an undiagnosed rash or skin condition that is accompanied by itching and or fever, they should be referred to a healthcare provider to confirm that it is not contagious
- EYES: If eye redness with discharge (mucus, pus), keep the scholar at home and follow up with a healthcare provider for guidance. The scholar may return with a doctor's note or when symptom free.
- OTHER: If the child’s symptoms will keep them from participating in the school setting in a meaningful way, monitor the scholar at home and contact your healthcare provider.
If you take your child to a healthcare provider for an evaluation, please request a note with recommendation on when to return to school and/or any accommodations.
Manor ISD does not provide crutches or wheelchairs or any other adaptive equipment for use at school. Parents/Guardians should submit a doctor's note for temporary use of crutches or wheelchairs at school to include the anticipated length of time the scholar will need the device.
For questions or concerns, please contact Nurse Debb at 512-278-4250.
Oral Language is often called the "bedrock" of reading and writing. Strong oral language skills will not only help children become successful communicators, but it is critical for literacy development. Simply put, having strong oral language skills means students can read more fluently and comprehend at greater depths. Schools play a huge role in impacting students' oral language by exposing students to academic vocabulary and grammar rules in a supportive and comfortable environment, but there are ways that families can help as well.
Four Ways to build Oral Language:
- Plan multiple opportunities for students to practice their formal and informal language in the community.
- Model and explain multiple-meaning words - I can go fishing at the lake or I can fish for compliments.
- Ask specific questions - Instead of how was your day, try "tell me one hilarious thing that happened, something that was challenging, and one thing you wish you could change.
- Challenge students to use bigger words - I feel tired vs I am depleted.
Oral Language is really all about getting students to speak and build their vocabulary.
PTA Pipeline
Greetings Panther Families!
We're excited to share some key updates from your PCE PTA:
Upcoming Events:
- UT Girl Stem Event - An amazing free event. You should go! On campus at the University of Texas, 11am-4pm.
- General PTA Meeting - March 6th 5:00 - 5:30pm, We need Exec Board Officers for 2025/26 (President, VP, Treasurer, Secretary). Help Plan Events and enrich the student experience and support our teachers.
- Spring Carnival - SAVE THE DATE, April 17.
Recent Successes:
- Teacher Holiday Party Food
- Book Fair Student Assistance
- Teacher Professional Development Lunch
Volunteer Opportunities:
- AIM Concession Stand
- Carnival Helpers: Monitor Games, Concession Stand, Setup & Breakdown,
- Field Day Concession Stand
Stay Tuned
We look forward to our next membership meeting and family engagement event . Stay tuned for more details. In the meantime, be sure to connect with us on Facebook:www.facebook.com/pce1pta/.
~ Your PCE PTA
Upcoming Events
a note from our parent liaison
We love our PCE Panthers! To our parents, grandparents, PTA and other caregivers in the lives of our scholars Thank you! Having you as a role model motivates and inspires us. Your scholars and the staff see the value you placed on education and involvement in our school community
and we are very appreciative.
Email: laura.adams@manorisd.net
Phone: (512)278-4250