TAA News
September 16, 2022
Please see each section for more information on:
- NO SCHOOL - MONDAY, Sept 19th - Teacher/Pastor Meeting at GLAA
- Blake's Apple Orchard - Field Trip - Thurs, Sept 22nd
- Extend Day Friday - Please inform teachers by Wednesday
- LIFT Information - Oct. 2nd - Oct 5th (7th & 8th Graders)
- Field Trip to Troy Historic Village - Oct 18th
- Picture Day is coming - Monday, Nov 7th
- Volunteers Needed
- TAA Vegetarian Food Store Hours - Tuesdays 3:30-5
- School Board Positions INFO
- Be sure to like & follow our Facebook Page @TroyAdventistAcademy
Many of the items in our Newsletters can be found in our TAA Handbook. Remember this was put together by our school board. If you want to be a part of making changes, join our TAA School board - We would LOVE to have you!
God's Word to Encourage
"Every word of God is pure: He is a shield unto them that put their trust in Him," Proverbs 30:5
Click below to download Calendar
NO School - Monday, Sept. 19th
Blake's Apple Orchard - Thurs, Sept 22nd
If you are driving straight there we are meeting there at 9:15am. Parents are driving their own children should plan to stay and enjoy the day with our school group. We are also having drivers for students whose parents can not come, we will meet at the school at 8:15. If you are willing to drive other students, please text Mrs. Moore and ask for a driver packet. (Note: those who have non-school age younger children cannot drive school students, just your own family.)
(check out the link to see ALL there is to do)
17985 Armada Center Rd
Armada, MI 48005
When: Thursday, September 22, 2022
Time: Meet at the above address or at the school if you are willing to drive other students too- Outside the FUNLAND entrance! (see picture)
Cost: Cost is $11 per person (money Sept. 12th )
Two years old and under FREE.
Please be sure Mrs. Moore has your permission slip and money to attend this amazing field trip. We look forward to having a great time together.
- Don't forget a jacket (might be cold) and cozy shoes (socks are a must for the jump hill).
- Packed Lunch
- Water
- Extra money (optional) to bring some cider and donuts home! They also have fresh apples (if you want more than the 5 you will each pick), fresh veggies, pies, jams, and much more.
Please remind your child we are NOT to go into the Haunted House area. It is separate and easy to avoid. Thank you
This is an AMAZING place with a TON of family fun to do together - You don't want to miss out!
Friday - Extend Day Program
We have a few families that use Friday Extend Day Program every week. If you NOT part of this group, but wish to use Friday Extend Day please let Mrs. Moore by Wednesday Morning each week. Teachers need time to plan what students will be there and when they will be picked up.
IF you have NOT signed up for Fridays you CANNOT just drop your child off the day of. The supervisors are not the ones who plan and they can NOT leave students unattended to make copies for your child. Remember, please just let us know by WEDNESDAY if your child is coming. THANK YOU this will be a huge help to us to make this program run successfully.
LIFT - Lifestyle Improvement For Teens (7th & 8th Graders)
LIFT is Sunday, Oct 2nd through Wed, Oct 5th at Camp AuSable in Grayling, MI
Mission Statement
LIFT is an interactive retreat designed to inspire young people to make positive choices that will benefit their lives, and the lives of others: spiritually, socially, and physically.
- Inspire 7th and 8th graders to commit or recommit their lives to Jesus
- Encourage teens to make healthy lifestyle choices
- Encourage teens to choose a drug-free lifestyle
- Train youth to share our unique Adventist lifestyle with others
LIFT Retreat Fee
The charge for each student in attendance is $70.00. This Michigan Conference subsidized fee includes 8 meals, 3 nights lodging, and all materials provided at LIFT. Please be sure to turn in permission slip and money.
7th & 8th Grade Students who attend LIFT will chose three breakout sessions (one Spiritual, one Social, & one Physical).
Our new Pastoral Intern will attend as our male chaperone. Chaperones complete background checks and short online training.
Field Trip - Oct 18th - Troy Historic Village
Students will see an old one room school house and see how living was in historic times.
Permission slips and more information will go out as we get closer to this event. We wanted to inform parents, so you can plan to attend.
Picture Day is coming - Monday, Nov. 7th
- They do NOT have to wear their school uniforms!
- Monday, November 7th
Also if you would like to help with the Yearbook this year, please contact Mrs. Moore or Heather Willis 248-499-2000 or through email at TAAparentTeam@gmail.com. Thank you
Volunteers Needed
Many of you love to be involved in your children's school! We are extremely thankful for your willingness to step in and make a difference. Our school has many opportunities to help. Our TAA Handbook states it is expected that every family to help 10 hours during the school year.
Here are some opportunities for volunteering:
- Field Trips and Class Trips: drivers and chaperones (including trip to Camp AuSable for 5th- 8th male chaperones - LIFT is Oct 2-5 and Outdoor Ed is Nov 15-17)
- Classroom and School Celebrations: help with parties for Christmas, 100s Day, End of Year, etc.
- Help Teachers: make copies, laminate or cut out laminated items
- Fundraising: Coordinator or helpers
- Hosting healthy snacks for MAP Testing week
- Career Day Presenters: Come in and talk to students about your line of work
- Bible Lab Activities or crafts: Have ideas or just want to help
- Lego Club
- Any other ways...
If you have a skill or talent, you would like to bless our school with, please talk with Mrs. Moore.
We would love to hear about it!
Box Tops, AmazonSmile, and TAA Food Store
There are many little ways you can help raise funds for TAA.
- Download the Box Tops for Education app! No more cutting out box tops and forgetting where you placed them. All you have to do is download the app, register it to benefit Troy Adventist Academy, take pictures of your grocery receipts. It is that easy! Here is a quick video to help you get started.
- Shop at our TAA Food Store Open Tuesdays from 3:30-5. We have a great Vegetarian food store right in our school. Mrs. Lydick runs this amazing little store to help benefit TAA. So if you need anything, please let us know. If you have never checked out this store, please do. Proceeds from sales goes to help keep tuition costs down. Brands include: Worthington, Morning Star, Loma Linda, and others.
- Shop on AmazonSmile If you already use Amazon for your shopping needs. Please start using AmazonSmile, register it to benefit Troy Adventist Academy, and .5% of your eligible purchases will benefit our school.
Mrs. Lydick
TAA Food Store
TAA School Board Positions
We have current openings to join our school board. This is a great way to get involved in our school and to have your voice heard. There is currently no one in these positions, so as they might seem overwhelming, someone doing something - is better than nothing getting accomplished!
School Board Offices Available
- School Board Chair (Troy SDA Church Board approved position) - the school board chair oversees the school board. This person will act as a voice to guide the board in decision making and must be flexible to meet the needs of both staff and our student families.
- Bible Labs Coordinator - this position helps coordinate outreach efforts to help students learn service for Jesus. In the past we have baked cookies for local police and firefighters, sang at local nursing homes, packed boxes at the local food bank, and even read to the preschoolers or made them homemade play-dough. We have also packed socks with gift items for the homeless. During these challenging times, we now more than ever need to learn how to meet the needs of the community around us. Students are vital to this! We need to ask ourselves "If we weren't here would our community miss us?" Let us work to ensure they know we are here to help serve them as Jesus did.
- Home & School Team - this position helps our school connect to our church and helps the school families connect to the school. The team needs to be able to communicate the great work we are doing to our constitutes. This position also helps to choose and organize our fundraisers (along with other helpers/teachers): Fall Festival, Spring Fling, fruit orders, Rada products, books or other sales. We want to hear your ideas and get to work to help keep our tuition down and lights on!
- Safety Team - the Safety Team is a special team of people who will help TAA work carefully with the local health, fire, and police departments to ensure the highest safety for our students and staff at all times.
Adventist Learning Community (ALC) offers free board training
ALC 1hr School Board Membership Training
ALC 1hr School Board Leadership Training (Board Chair)
It is very important that parents hold positions on the school board. This helps the school be led according to parents' votes. Please take time to pray about being involved in our school board. We are a great team to work with and we want to hear your voice!
TAA Staff Contact Information
Best Way to Contact Teachers
We take pride in giving students our full attention, so we may not always answer the school phone or our cell phones. Please text us if you have any information you need to relay to us during the school day. In an emergency, please text and call our cell phones. We will get back to you as soon as we can.
Thank you for your patience!
Mrs. Denise Moore, Principal/5th-8th grades
- 248-563-2214
- dmoore@misda.org
Miss Bethany Stevens, K-1st grades
- 248-318-7730
- bstevens@misda.org
Mrs. Nicole Hadley, 2nd-4th grades
- 530-306-6871
- nhadley@misda.org
Latch-Key Supervisor
- Still Hiring
Ms. Pat Cook, Treasurer/Extraordinaire
- 586-344-6357
- taatreasurer3@gmail.com
TUITION (see 2022-23 Payment Plan) Statements go out in parent mailboxes on the 10th of each month payments are due on the 1st of the following month, unless other arrangements have been made with the School Treasurer. Our Treasurer is Ms. Pat Cook, please call or email her if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you
Troy Adventist Academy
Email: dmoore@misda.org
Website: TAA.education
Location: 2777 Crooks Road, Troy, MI, USA
Phone: 248-563-2214
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TroyAdventistAcademy/?ref=bookmarks