Jefferson Jewels
Week of October 21, 2024
Hello Jefferson Leadership Academy (JLA) families and caregivers,
It's been another great week at JLA. We are busy focusing on our studies and creating community in classrooms, lunch, and after-school student activities. Thank you to the families that supported our student council fundraiser at Dominico's last Tuesday. Your support helps raise funds for student activities throughout the year. Our students participated in the Ca Great ShakeOut on Thursday and did a great job during the safety drill. See below for more information.
Thank you to our families who attended the VIPs meeting on Friday. Mrs. Lopez will be reaching out to our VIPS with exciting opportunities to volunteer at JLA. If you would like to be a VIP, please contact Mrs. Lopez via email at
Please remind your students that JLA is part of the community and is a good neighbor to the surrounding homes and businesses. Students should respect our local businesses and homes, throw trash in trash bins, and be mindful of crosswalks and other safe passages as they travel home. We want to ensure our students have positive interactions on the way to and from school.
Here are a few details as you prepare for this week at JLA:
- Regular Day Schedule: Monday- Friday 8:00-2:40
- Gates Open: 7:25 am (Breakfast available)
- Food Recycling Program at Lunch: Begins on Monday
- 4th Friday Spirit Day—Pajamas: Students are encouraged to wear their pajamas to school. Please follow LBSUD dress guidelines.
- Make-up Picture Day: Friday- Students must wear uniform tops for the photo (they may change if in pajamas).
Please note that Friday, November 1, 2024, will be a student-free day—there will be no school for students.
Thank you for your continued support in making this year strong. Please let us know how we can help your students succeed.
In partnership,
Dr. Renée Shipman
Principal, Jefferson Leadership Academy
Week At-Glance
4th Friday Spirit Day- Pajamas
High School Choice Fair- Saturday October 26
California Shake Out Emergency Notification
The safety and well-being of our students and staff remain our top priority. Thursday, 10/17, we conducted an earthquake emergency drill in collaboration with The Great Shake Out. Part of our drill included sending test emergency notifications via phone, text, and email at approximately 10:30am. This critical test was done to ensure you are receiving information and updates in the event of a real emergency.
If for some reason you did not receive a notification or you want to adjust your notification preferences, please log into your ParentVue account and make the appropriate selections. If you need any assistance, please contact the JLA school office during school hours. Thank you for your continued partnership in helping to keep our school community safe.
Picking Up Students Early
When picking up your student before school dismissal, please plan to pick up your student before or after the lunch period. To support lunch supervision, all support staff are unavailable, and we will not be able to release students who are at lunch. Please plan ahead and pick up your student before or after lunch. This practice will begin on September 16, 2024.
You Are Invited: Black Parent Coalition Gathering
I want to warmly welcome both returning and new parents to what will be another amazing school year! My name is Tiffany Martin, Assistant Principal, and I am the Creator and Sponsor of our Black Parent Coalition and Black Student Union. The Jefferson Black Parent Coalition is a space where we can gather, share a meal, build community, express our voices, and collaborate on solutions to support the success of our Black/African American students. Our voices matter, and it’s essential that we have our own space at school to discuss how we can best help our children thrive. I invite you to our first meeting on October 29th at 3:30 p.m. in the library. We’ll have light dinner, raffle prizes, and childcare available. You’ll also learn about the Black Student Achievement Initiative and our plans for this year. Whether you’re new or returning, we’re excited to connect with you and work together for the success of our students. Please RSVP:
Wellness Center Activites
JLA Student Clubs
JLA Bell Schedule
Does your student need a TAP card?
Currently all JLA TAP Cards have been issued and we are waiting for our next delivery for LB Transit.
After School Student Support
Introducing Our New Recycling & Organics Program
Did you know that recycling is the law in California? In response to mandatory commercial and organics recycling legislation, Long Beach Unified School District is implementing a Lunchtime Recycling and Organics Program at JLA. This program begins on Monday, October 21, 2024.
See the links below for more information:
Save the Date: October 31, 2024- Fall Festival
No School- November 1, 2024
Looking for more ways to connect?
For school information
Visit and favorite/bookmark the Jefferson Leadership Academy Website
Visit our Instagram page
@lbjefferson_jags or and request to follow us.
Dr. Renée Shipman
Jefferson Leadership Academy
750 Euclid Avenue, Long Beach, Ca.90804
Pronouns: she/her/hers