Mattos Family Update
November 13, 2023
Minimum Days All Week @ Mattos
Dear Mattos Families,
My husband and I were just talking about how as we've gotten older how much busier our lives seem and how quickly time goes. It's hard to believe we are already close to celebrating Thanksgiving! During this time of year, it is especially important to take the time, no matter how busy, to show gratitude to others. By showing gratitude, moments of goodness shine through. I want to thank our Mattos families for their continued support. Together, you help create a positive community that motivates me beyond measure. Our Mattos PTA supports everything we do for our students and I am entirely grateful for their hard work and dedication. My deepest appreciation to the entire Mattos staff for supporting our students in a safe and healthy environment. I wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Reminders and Announcements:
- Monday, November 13-Thursday, November 16: WHOLE SCHOOL Minimum Days for Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Friday, November 17: WHOLE SCHOOL Minimum Day
- Friday, November 17: Last Day to Order See's (5th Gr Camp Fundraiser)
- Monday, November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break
- Friday, December 8: Mattos Holiday Sing Along
Soaring in education,
Sherea Westra
Mattos Principal
Attendance Matters
As we approach the winter season it is important to remember that daily attendance remains important. Please do not schedule trips outside of the window of days off (November 18 - November 26 and December 23 - January 7). Even a few missed days can lead to confusion when returning to class as well as lost social time with friends. Also remember, Public Health guidelines call for students to stay home from school only when they have a fever, diarrhea, or are vomiting. For guidance as to when to keep your child home, please see Health Guidance for Going to School.
Instructional Calendar- Please do not schedule vacations during the 180 instructional days.
Mattos PTA Events
Fremont Ed Foundation Run 4 Education
Sunday, December 3, 2023
Quarry Lakes in Fremont
Elementary School Challenge:
Each school with 1-50 participants will receive $100
Each school with 51-100 participants will receive $200
Each school with over 100 participants will receive $300
- Walk/Run Registration & Info Site-
- Volunteer Registration-
- (high school students will get service learning hours, bring form to event)
FUSD Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Mattos Eagles S.O.A.R.
Mattos Office Staff and Counselor
Vipa Kapadia, Secretary,
Hsin Hsin Liu, Office Assistant,
Erin Waterhouse, Counselor,
Phone: (510) 793-1359
Twitter: @MattosEagles