Superintendent's Update
Otsego Local Schools

Embracing the Season of Growth and Opportunity
As we step into March, we begin to see signs of change all around us. Longer days, warming temperatures (hopefully), and the official start of spring. This time of year brings a renewed sense of energy and anticipation, and with Mardi Gras, St. Patrick’s Day, March Madness, and so many other celebrations, there’s plenty to look forward to.
March is also International Women’s Month, a time to recognize and honor the achievements, strength, and resilience of women throughout history and in our own lives. As the father of a strong young woman myself, this month holds special meaning, serving as a reminder of the importance of leadership, opportunity, and equality for all.
Academically, we’re entering a crucial stretch as we approach the spring testing season, with important assessments beginning at the end of the month and continuing into April and May. With roughly seven weeks until spring break, there’s a lot to accomplish, and I encourage everyone to stay focused, support one another, and keep pushing forward.
Hold on tight—March always moves fast! Let’s make the most of this season of growth and opportunity together.
Best of luck to all our students who are competing or performing this month.
#OneHeartbeat Go Knights!
Kasza, signs to wrestle for the Defiance College Yellow Jackets ~ By Mike Godfrey
Move over Jim Nantz as Otsego senior Kaden Knapp has the passion and the experience to create his own broadcasting legacy. ~ by Mike Godfrey
Simon’s journey will continue at Ohio Northern ~ By Mike Godfrey
Kellermeier taking distance talents to Edinboro
"A weight off my shoulders": Otsego thrower overcomes injury, signs with Akron
CLICK Here for the full Story (WTOL 11 News)
Flying through the air with the greatest of ease is often a descriptor for a trapeze artist. Yet, flying through the air as an elite competitive cheerleader is on the horizon for Otsego senior cheerleader Celeste Ellerbrock.
Are champions made or born? Mahatma Gandhi, who led India to independence, would probably say champions are made and said, ““If I have the belief I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capability to do even if I may not have it at the beginning." For Otsego senior runner Nathan Strahm, not limiting himself by his current capability, setting goals, and relentless work have contributed to a stellar career and being a champion.
Athletic Boosters Reverse Raffle
Sponsorship Opportunity - Reverse Raffle
On behalf of the Otsego Athletic Boosters, we invite you to be a valued sponsor for our upcoming Reverse Raffle fundraiser, on March 15, 2025 at the Tontogany Legion Hall. This event is a crucial part of our fundraising efforts to support Otsego's athletic programs and provide our student-athletes with the resources they need to excel both on and off the field.
As a sponsor, your business will receive recognition throughout the event. We offer several levels of sponsorship to ensure maximum visibility for your organization or family:
Sponsorship Levels:
- Castle Sponsor - $1,000
- Knight Sponsor - $500
- Shield Sponsor - $250
In addition to the sponsorship levels, we also welcome donations in the form of goods or services for our raffle or silent auction. All proceeds from this event go directly to supporting Otsego's athletic programs, enhancing the student-athlete experience, and ensuring the continued success of our sports teams.
Your sponsorship will not only provide your company with valuable exposure but will also help make a positive impact in our community by supporting the development of young athletes.
We would be honored to have your support. If you are interested in becoming a sponsor or would like more information, please feel free to contact us at OABpresident@gmail.com. Sponsorships can be given by check or credit card https://otsegoathleticboosters.org/product/booster-donation/.
Logos provided will be included on event signage. The deadline for sponsorship commitments and logo submission is 2/28/2025.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to support the Otsego Athletic Boosters and our student-athletes. We look forward to partnering with you for a successful event!
Warm regards,
Otsego Athletic Boosters
Sat. 3/15 - Athletic Boosters Reverse Raffle
Mon. 3/24 - Donuts with Grownups (Last Name A-D)
Tue. 3/25 - Donuts with Grownups (Last Name E-K)
Wed. 3/26 - Donuts with Grownups (Last Name L-R)
Thu. 3/27 - Donuts with Grownups (Last Name S-Z)
3/26 - 3/30 - JH/HS Spring Musical
Spring Arts Festival ( all grades ) Date TBD, either April 6 or 13??
SPRING BREAK April 18 - 25th.
Thu. 5/8 - HS Band Concert, OHS Auditorium (7:00pm)
Tue. 5/13 - HS Choir Concert, OHS Auditorium (7:00pm)
Thu. 5/15 - JH Spring Band Concert, OHS Auditorium (7:00pm)
Tue. 5/20 - JH Choir Spring Concert, OHS Auditorium (7:00pm)
Mon. 5/29 - Memorial Day Parade in Tontogany
Thu. 5/22: Graduation, BGSU Stroh Center (7:00pm)
FAMILY WEEK - June 27th - July 7th
Buckeye Boys/Girls State Sign-Up
2025-2026 Tentative Calendar
Otsego prides itself on hiring the very best candidates to work with and for our children.
We accept applications year-round, via our online application system. All applicants, internal and external, must fill out an application via our Certified or Classified Application Google Form in order to be considered for any position with Otsego Local Schools.
CLICK HERE to View our Open Positions
Once you have applied for a position by filling out the application and submitting it, we will contact you if you are chosen for an interview. If you have any questions or issues applying please contact Lisa Austin, Central Office Administrative Assistant (laustin@otsegoknights.org)
Board of Education
President: Brad Anderson banderson.otsego@gmail.com
Vice President: James Harter jameslharter@gmail.com
Board Member: Gordon Digby gdigby44@gmail.com
Board Member: Jessica Mehl jmehl.jd@gmail.com
Board Member: Mark Tolles mdt814@cs.com
February Superintendent Recommendations
February 27, 2025
After consultation with the administrative staff, the Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the employment of the following personnel:
Approve the substitute teacher list as submitted by the Wood County ESC
Retirement Resignation:
Freda Rehbein, Elementary music teacher, effective May 30, 2025
Classified Employees’ One-Year Limited Contract for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Vickie Digby School Age Paraprofessional effective 2/11/25 Step 1
Substitute Teacher Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Mattison Lytle, Maya Plaskon
Supplemental Contracts for the 2024-2025 School Year:
Nathan Luce - 7/8th Grade Track Girls
Trena Wiseman-Esparza - 0.5 Assistant Track
School Year Volunteers for 2024-2025:
Kaden Blanco, Jason Clemens, Cohen Feehan, Jesse Alfaro
Treasurer's Office
Steve Carroll
Steve has served as the Treasurer of Otsego for six years, following a nine-year stint teaching business and accounting at both Otsego and Springfield. Steve completed his undergrad and Masters degree at Bowling Green State University. He, along with his wife Jenna, resides within the district, and all four of their children are enrolled as students in Otsego, ranging from preschool to 8th grade. In his free time, Steve dedicates his time to coaching our Boy's Basketball team and enjoys time with his family.
Email: scarroll@otsegoknights.org
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Tax Season
The official start of the filing season is here - January 27, 2025! The Internal Revenue Service is reaching out to taxpayers this filing season to make certain that eligible families are claiming their tax credits when including dependents on their tax returns.
Child Tax Credit (CTC): The CTC is a credit that may reduce your tax by as much as $2,000 for each child who qualifies you for the credit. To qualify, the child must be a U.S. citizen under age 17; have a Social Security number; be claimed as a dependent on the taxpayer's tax return; and more. Use the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant tool to determine eligibility: Does my child/dependent qualify for the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents?. For more information please see: Child Tax Credit.
Other Dependent Credit (ODC): The ODC is a credit that may reduce your tax by as much as $500 for each eligible dependent. The person is claimed as a dependent on your return; the person can’t be used by you to claim the CTC or Additional CTC; the person was a U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or U.S. resident alien. Again, use the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant tool to determine eligibility: Does my child/dependent qualify for the child tax credit or the credit for other dependents?.
Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC): One refundable tax credit for moderate- and low-income families is the Earned Income Tax Credit. The IRS estimates there are millions of workers who qualify but don't claim the EITC - missing out on thousands of dollars every year. The EITC is as much as $4,213 when claiming one child, $6,960 when claiming two children, and $7,830 when claiming three or more children. Use the EITC Assistant to learn if you're eligible for the tax credit. For more detailed information see: Publication 596, Earned Income Credit and Who Qualifies for the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC).
Child and Dependent Care Credit: Taxpayers who paid someone to care for their child, spouse or dependent so they can work, be a full-time student or look for work may be able to reduce their tax by claiming the Child and Dependent Care Credit. The total expenses that you may use to calculate the credit may not be more than $3,000 (for one qualifying individual) or $6,000 (for two or more qualifying individuals). Use the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant tool: Am I Eligible to Claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit? For more information please see: Publication 503, Child and Dependent Care Expenses or Topic no. 602, Child and Dependent Care Credit
American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC): The AOTC is a credit that may reduce your tax by as much as $2,500 for each eligible student for the first four years of higher education. The AOTC can be claimed for yourself, your spouse, or a dependent claimed on your return. See Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education, or use the IRS Interactive Tax Assistant tool "Am I Eligible to Claim an Education Credit?" to help you determine if your education expenses qualify for a tax benefit.
Note: The actual credit amounts will be determined by a taxpayer’s Adjusted Gross Income.
If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email or call, Nichelle Gray IRS Liaison, Area 3.
It's time for the annual "EGG MY YARD" Otsego Softball Fundraiser. Please take a look at the flyer below or use the following Direct Link to get more information.
Pay-To-Participate - Click Here
Our athletics and extracurricular programs are gearing up for another fantastic year. Participation in these is a great way to build teamwork and school spirit. If you would like to purchase athletic passes or pay your participation fees use the links below. There will be tables set up at our Back-To School Day for this as well. The league has raised ticket prices for entrance into events starting this year.
Varsity Contests (Including double and triple headers)
Adults $8
Students/Senior Citizens $5
Stand Alone Freshman and JV Contests and Junior High Contests
Adults $6
Students/Senior Citizens $4
National Athletic Trainer Month
National Athletic Training Month is celebrated in March to recognize athletic trainers and the important role they play in preventing, treating, and rehabilitating injuries as well as their commitment to the health and well-being of athletes. Nobody has a better AT than Otsego. Thank you Jen Mag for all your hard work and dedication.
Otsego Town Ball Sign Up
See the flyers below. Open to all Boys & Girls in the Otsego School District looking to play Baseball, Softball or T-ball.
Spring Soccer Registration
Spring soccer registration is now open. Please see registration deadlines. Registration will be open until teams are full or until the deadline.
Youth Soccer Teams Registration: https://forms.gle/RjVtTetkRfmQK44s6 (Deadline February 10th)
Youth Soccer Clinic Registration: https://forms.gle/g1ehbxtW4CH83RZy7 (Deadline March 23rd)
Spring Musical Program Ads
The Otsego High School Music Department is proud to present this year's musical,
MAMMA MIA! on our Otsego Performing Arts Center stage March 26th, 2025 through March 30th, 2025. Every year at this time, we offer parents, family members, friends and community members an opportunity to become a music patron by placing messages and ads in the musical program.
This year there are many levels for your consideration for advertising in the program. Shout-outs are short messages that are included on a page with other shout-outs. Ads can include longer messages and pictures and graphics and is a great way to advertise your business or spotlight your student. Different sizes are listed with prices below.
Shout-outs are available $5 for up to 10 words, $10 for up to 25 words
With a $35.00 donation, you will receive a ¼ page ad or message to the cast.
For a donation of $50.00, you will receive a ½ page ad or message to the cast.
If you feel you can donate $100.00, you will receive a full page for your message to the cast or an advertisement
A ¼ page ad can accommodate a longer stylized message or 1 small picture and a short message. For clearer pictures however, we do recommend ½ or full page ads.
If you would like to support the musical while also encouraging your student or advertising your business, please make check or money order to Otsego BOE (Board of Education) and mail payment to:
Musical Program Coordinator c/o Otsego High School
18505 Tontogany Creek Road Suite 2
Bowling Green, OH 43402
You may also mail a hard copy advertisement with payment, or E-mail directly to Ginger Caris, our program designer gcaris@otsegoknights.org
All advertisements and payments must be received by Friday, February 21st in order to be included in our program.
Emilia Bires
Email: ebires@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Dear Parents,
As the school year progresses, I wanted to remind you about a few important items regarding your child's lunch account:
- Free and Reduced Lunch Applications: If you haven't already, please consider applying for free or reduced-price lunch. This can significantly reduce your out-of-pocket costs for your child's meals. You can find applications on our school website or by contacting the school office.
- Monitor Your Child's Account: Please make sure to check your child's lunch account balance regularly. This will help you ensure that they have sufficient funds to purchase their meals. If you need to add funds, you can do so online or by sending in a check or cash.
- Questions or Concerns? If you have any questions about your child's lunch account or the lunch program, please don't hesitate to contact me. I'm here to assist you in any way I can.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Pay It Forward Campaign
I am pleased to announce that since lunches are no longer free to all students through federal funding we are bringing this account back. At this point, the account has a zero balance. If you are interested in donating to the Pay It Forward program please contact Emily Bires, ebires@otsegoknights.org or Kevin O'Shea, koshea@otsegoknights.org.
Checks are made payable to the Otsego Board of Education. If you send money in, just make sure you put on the memo or a note that says Pay It Forward - Lunch
Student Wellness
Wellness Implementation Survey
Schools alone cannot develop students' healthy behaviors and habits with regard to eating and exercise. It will be necessary for not only the staff, but district stakeholders to be involved in a community-wide effort to promote, support, and model such healthy behaviors & habits. Click the link above and give us your feedback.
Eva Vasher
Email: evasher@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Kylee Euler
Email: kyeuler@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 4198234381
Dental Services
We are trying out a new Dental partner this year, Health Partners of Wester Ohio, and they have local offices that will allow our students to get any needed follow-up appointments scheduled and completed.
The Dentist will be coming to our school on Monday November 4th and offering dental services. Regular dental check-ups are an important part of overall health. We will bill Medicaid and Private Insurance. The dental visit will be considered a preventive visit through your insurance company. If your child has no health coverage there will be NO charge. This organization can also help sign you and your family up for insurance, if eligible. The program is open to all children.
If you are interested, please return the following consent form to our district nurse by October 8th.
Special Education - Click Here
Lauri Dunham
Email: ldunham@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Stephen Bihary
Email: sbihary@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Jessica Weatherwax
Email: jweatherwax@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 419-823-4381
Luke Swartz
Email: lswartz@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 4198234381
Twitter: @OtsegoTv
Jessica Martinez
Technology Integration Specialist
Email: jmartinez@otsegoknights.org
Website: Click Here
Location: 18505 Tontogany Creek Road, Bowling Green, OH, USA
Phone: 4198234381
OES Extended Care is available for students aged 5 through the summer before entering 6th grade. There is a $10.00 per family yearly registration fee for the OES Extended Care Program. The registration fee will be applied from June 1 to May 31 each school year and will be charged to the credit card on file. If you are registering your child for the summer program you will not be required to pay an additional registration fee for the coming school year.
Contact Info and Hours
phone: (419)823-4381 ext 4408
email: extendedcare@otsegoknights.org
Summer: June 10th - August 9th
- Hours are 7am-6pm
- Closed June 19th & July 3-5
School Year 2024-25: August 21 (first day)
The program follows the school calendar
- Before School ~ 6:30 a.m. to THE START OF SCHOOL
- After School ~ END OF SCHOOL to 6:00 p.m.
In the event of a school cancellation after a two-hour delay, OES Extended Care will remain open. If school closed before 6:30, Extended Care is closed also.
Pricing and Registration Info
The hourly rate charged is $3.50 per hour for the first child, $2.00 per hour for the second child, and $1.50 per hour for the third child and any additional children. The hourly rate is billed to the quarter-hour. The Credit Card form in the registration packet MUST be filled out in order to register.
The Credit Card Form will be used to pay your Extended Care amount.
Please print out the registration form (all 5 pages MUST be completed in their entirety) and send it to the elementary school office, attention: Becky Hatfield.
Registration for 2024-2025 will be available on May 13th on the Elementary Website or in the Elementary Office.
Questions may be emailed to:
Billing: Steve Carroll 419-823-4381 extension 1101 or scarroll@otsegoknights.org
Becky Hatfield 419-823-4381 extension 4401 or bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Registration: Becky Hatfield bhatfield@otsegoknights.org
Please send me any and all community events that you might know of. I love sharing things in and around our great community.
Otsego Town Ball
Click Here to download PDF of see images below.
The Otsego Local School District would like to take the time to thank all of our generous sponsors who support our students, staff, and community. Click on the links below to support our sponsors. If you are interested in advertising with us and would like more information, please contact me at koshea@otsegoknights.org or 419-823-4381 ext. 1102
1. District Website CLICK HERE The Otsego Local Schools website will more effectively highlight what is important to us and the community. We keep the site updated with pictures, news articles, and other important information regarding the district and our buildings.
2. Twitter follow @Otsego_Supt
Community Resource Book
Our district is proud to present a comprehensive Community Resources Book, developed collaboratively by our staff following professional development with Ruby Payne's Bridges Out of Poverty. This valuable resource provides essential information on emergency services, local council members, and a variety of programs available within our community. It is designed to assist individuals and families in accessing the support they need, empowering our community members and promoting well-being throughout our district.
Safe Schools Helpline
Recent polls show that parents’ first concern about schools today is their child’s safety. That is my concern as well. Fortunately, the Otsego is very safe. However, no community is immune from the threats of violence and drugs that endanger public schools nationwide.
We are introducing a Safe School Helpline® to help prevent such actions. It is designed to assist you in reporting any wrongdoing that impacts our schools, our students, or our staff – anonymously, so as to protect your privacy. For example, you may wish to report acts of violence, theft, drug or alcohol use, weapons, or sexual harassment.
Just call from a touch-tone phone to 1-800-4-1-VOICE, ext. 359 (418-6423) to leave your information. Or TEXT: 614-426-0240 Then type: TIPS Your message will not be traced, and you will not be identified. The Safe School Helpline® team will transcribe and fax your message to school officials, so appropriate action can be taken.
Thank you for your continued support to provide a better education for all Otsego students.
800-418-6423 (800-4-1-VOICE ext. 359)
TEXT: 614-426-0240
Then type: TIPS
Superintendent & CEO - Chief Energy Officer of Otsego Local Schools since 2013.