Amy's Weekly Writeup
What you need to know for the week ahead (10/21-10/25, 2019)
Shout Out!
This week's Shout Out was nominated by Luann Lord and it goes to Chris Goddard for his willingness to rearrange the tables in the cafeteria in order to provide more room and a smoother system for clearing lunch trays. It has made a big difference.....thanks, Chris!
To nominate someone for a shout out, just email me!
On Deck For Next Week; CCS Events and Holidays
Monday: PTO meeting 3:30 pm
Tuesday: National Nut Day
Wednesday: 1:50 Early Release: De-escalation training and discussion about Monday meetings
Thursday: United Nations Day
Friday: Lasagna Dinner
News, Updates, and Reminders
- A reminder that your SMART goals (or revised/updated goals) need to be posted in Google Classroom as a part of your Educator Evaluation Plan. For those of you on year 2 of a 2 year plan, I attempted to transfer all the data from last year's plan into this year's plan. Please let me know if anything does not look right.
- Budget season is underway. This year's budget is looking quite tight at the moment, so I am going to need to be more conservative with authorizing purchases. I am meeting with Melissa (the business manager) on Monday to review where our current budget is. Also, I am beginning to build the budget for next year. I will be putting a paper in your mailboxes which asks for your input regarding next year's budget.
- On Wednesday, Leann Loomis will be coming to provide de-escalation training. We will also be having a discussion about the Monday meetings and any changes we may want to make to improve them.
- SCA will be beginning soon. Following a meeting that some members of the DLT had with Austin Riley, SCA coordinator, the principals felt it was important to remind everyone that the lessons that the SCA members provide should be an enrichment or supplement to the science lessons that you teach, not a replacement. It is even possible that they may teach lessons that have nothing to do with the standards we need to teach, as their focus is primarily on environmental education.
Life Vest Inside - Kindness Boomerang - "One Day"