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Principal's Message
November 25, 2024
Even though the weather was a little rainy, the Turkey Trot was a huge success. Fun and music was in abundance. We raised over $10,000 to use for our students this year. PTA provides money for our teachers to purchase items for their classrooms and help with field trips. We love our PTA!!!!
I wanted to give a BIG shout out to Ms. Merlin. She was chosen to be one of the districts' Employees of the Year. She works in our SDC S/M class and also is our morning cafeteria monitor. She is very special to all of us at John Muir. Here she is with me and her past principal, Mr. Collins. We showed up to the Board Meeting to accept her award for being a true asset to John Muir and the district. Way to go Ms. Merlin.
One more item: If you, or anyone else you know, is in need this holiday, please let us know. We have many parents who want to give to others. You can let our office staff know, or you can email me, mbrown@lodiusd.net We want to help all of our John Muir Family.
Upcoming events:
Nov. 26-PTA Assoc. Meeting 5:30 Cafeteria
Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday
Dec. 4-Minimum Day
Dec. 11-Minimum Day
Dec. 18-Christmas Program
Dec. 23-Jan. 3-Winter Break
PTA Upcoming Events:
Nov. 20 Turkey Trot
Nov. 26 5:30pm PTA Association Meeting
Dec. 2-6 Scholastic Book Fair
Dec. 3 Bingo for Books
Picking Students Up
Thank you for not parking and blocking our buss access to students. Blue and green curbs are either for our handicapped students or the busses in general. We appreciate you honoring those safety colors.