The Falcon Flyer
January 2025
Dear Foothills Families,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas Break. It will be so fun to be back at school and see everyone again on Monday, January 6th. We are excited to begin a new year and hope that Foothills students will continue to make progress as "Together We Fly!" A great way to make progress is to read every night and practice math facts!
2025 isn't starting off with too much snow... yet! However, please make sure your students come dressed for cold temperatures and for snow when it arrives. The cold and inclement weather procedures are listed below for you to read through.
Our PTO Expressions Contest Entries are due this month, on January 21st. Please see below for details on how to enter. This is a special way for our students to show their artistic talents and we hope to get lots of entries from our Falcons. If you would are able to help with this special event or with the Expressions Assembly please click here.
We have our next School Spirit Night at Chubby's in Payson on January 28th. Mark your calendars to visit Chubby's on this day and we will send home more information soon.
Thank you for allowing us to work as a partner with you in your child's education. Our students are kind, hard working, and resilient. We appreciate the support our wonderful parents give to our students and staff every day. Have a fabulous month!
--Mrs. Stoddard
January Calendar
6- School Resumes/Term 3 Begins
7- PTO Meeting at 10:00am
14- SCC Meeting @ 3:30
20- Martin Luther King Jr Day- NO SCHOOL
21- Expressions Entries Due (See information below)
24- 4th grade Field Trip to the Symphony
28-School Spirit Night at Chubby's
Falcon Wings of Honor
You may have heard your student talk about earning their Wings of Honor or you may hear about it soon. This year every grade level set either a math or a reading goal with the students. When the students meet their goal they have earned their Wings of Honor! This is a big accomplishment because these are big, important goals our students are working on. When they get their wings they will have a picture taken in front of this bulletin board and receive a certificate and special pen. The picture of the student with their wings will be hung in our front hallway. Be sure to ask your children what their Wings of Honor goal is and how close they are to getting it!
In January, our school wants to focus on Perseverance, Resiliency, and Grit! These skills help students bounce back after failure or disappointment. Here are some ideas to talk about at home:
*Believe you can do hard things.
*Use positive self-talk.
*Be patient with yourself.
Conversation Starters:
*What is the difference between perseverance, resilience, and grit?
*Who is someone that demonstrates perseverance, resilience, or grit?
*How can you practice perseverance during difficult times in your life?
Our Core Knowledge Language Arts(CKLA) curriculum is filled with amazing topics to support students in their learning. At the start of a new term we will send out a quick update all about CKLA and what fun units our grade levels are working on. Here is what is happening in Term 3.
Foothills Elementary Cold and Inclement Weather Procedures
With the more severe weather conditions of winter we wanted to review our procedures to both reassure and help parents and patrons prepare and plan.
- We recommend that students arrive at school no earlier than 8:30am for supervision purposes. The building will be open for students to wait for the 8:30 bell in the foyer.
- Children should arrive at school dressed for the weather of the day so they can safely and comfortably enjoy recesses. All healthy children will be expected to go out for recess except in extreme weather conditions (wind chill, rain, snow, etc.).
- Please label all coats, jackets, hoodies and other gear with your child's name so that items can be easily returned when dropped or misplaced.
- If your child cannot participate in recess for health reasons, please send a note to this effect. If it is to be a prolonged indoor stay (longer than 3 days) please send a note from the doctor.
- Students will remain inside in extreme weather conditions such as: very cold temperatures (below 20 degrees) and wind chill, heavy rain and snowfall, unhealthy air/inversions (we check air quality daily).
- Please be considerate and safety conscious as you drop off and pick up students at school. The winter months see an increase in the number of cars. Remember to: not block the flow of traffic (inside lanes are for waiting/sitting; outside lanes for pull through), not block cross walk areas, use parking stalls not pull through lanes if you need to enter the building.
In the event of a major weather event (severe storm, power outage, snow day late start…) Nebo School District’s iCampus notification system will be used to notify parents in the form of an automated phone call, text or email. For this information to reach you, it is important that you keep your contact information current within the iCampus system. Information will also be posted and updated on the Nebo School District website at
When your child is absent...
We appreciate you taking the time to let the office know when your child is absent. You can also let us know ahead of time when you will be on vacation. Please call 801-423-9172 to report absences before 9:15 am. Thanks so much for your help.
Stay Connected
Location: 412 South 810 East, Salem, UT, USA
Phone: 801-423-9172
Twitter: @FoothillsElem