Danny Jones Middle School
Bulldog Beat 21-22 Vol. 5
Staff Spotlight
1,2,3,4,5---Math is the only subject that COUNTS! As a math team, we strive to create confident mathematical thinkers while building positive relationships with each student. This year, we will place an emphasis on acquiring problem solving skills to use with rational numbers, understanding the properties and relationships of geometric shapes, algebraic reasoning, and proportionality.
A key to success this year will be a strong partnership with parents and guardians. We invite all our parents and guardians to regularly check Canvas, encourage their kid to come to tutoring to better understand the mathematical concepts, and timely communicate with us if there is a concern.
We recognize that math is a challenging subject, but we are committed to working with our students to ensure a successful year.
Ben Barber Open House Expo
Counselor's Connection
We're Here if You Need Us!!
Upcoming Events Sponsored by our school counselors, Mrs. Roberson and Mrs. Willis
Parents and Students: Please reach out to your counselors, Mrs. Roberson and Mrs. Willis for any needs you may have. We have access to food, school supplies, and hygiene items. If we do not have it, we will figure out a way to help you.
Upcoming Dates
9/01-Beginning of National Suicide Prevention Month
9/13-Counselor visits to classes begin
9/23- Lunch and Listen with Mrs. Willis- all lunch periods
9/29- Mother and Daughter Workout Night -6pm
September is National Suicide Prevention Month
Join us in wearing yellow in recognition of World Suicide Prevention Day on Friday September 10th.
"All your feelings are valid, including those that are difficult or unexpected. Allow yourself to feel whatever comes."
DJMS PTA Membership 2021-2022
Follow these steps after scanning the QR Code above or click the link below:
Step 1: Select Join PTA
Step 2: Select - Mansfield ISD
Step 3: Select - Danny Jones Middle School
Step 4: Enter all information for the members joining
*Membership cards will automatically be emailed after payment is received.
Thank you again for your support!
Reflections Contest
REFLECTIONS Contest Submissions due Friday, October 29th.
Any questions, contact vraiwbwash@gmail.com
PTA Volunteer Opportunities
Get Involved!
DJMS PTA needs your help filling open positions. Contact us at dannyjonespta@gmail.com for more information. Here’s what’s available:
Danny Jones Candy Sales
Friday, September 23rd
Signup link coming soon!
Other Opportunities
· Programs
· Student Advocacy
· Council Delegate
· Fall Social
· Reflections
· Snack Sales
· Spirit Wear
· Teacher Appreciation
PTA Fundraising Opportunities
Box Tops App!
All you need is your smartphone! Download the mobile app to scan your store receipts within 14 days of purchase. You can instantly add box top $$$ to our Bulldog school's earnings! It's fast, easy, and a great way to help DJMS!
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Did you know Kroger has a FREE rewards program that will pay our school money because you shop there? Just link your Kroger Rewards Card, or alternate ID, with Danny Jones, and for a full year Kroger will donate a portion your total purchases to DJMS PTA. Let’s get started!
- Go to: https://www.kroger.com/account/enrollCommunityRewardsNow
- Sign in, or create an account if you do not already have one
- Click on “Community” then “Kroger Community Rewards”
- Search for “Danny Jones,” select it, then click “Enroll”
- Even if you selected Danny Jones last year, you must ENROLL AGAIN for Danny Jones to receive proceeds for your purchases for this year. We appreciate your help!
MISD Offering Free Student Meals for 21-22 School Year
Free meals for all Mansfield ISD students will continue for the 2021-22 school year.
Every MISD student is eligible for one free breakfast meal and one free lunch meal every school day through May 26, the last day of school.
Click the button below for more information!