RAMS Raider's Den for Oct 10, 2024

Thursday, October 10, 2024
Message from RAMS Principal - Heidi George
Dear Roseville Area Middle School Families,
Thank you so much for attending the STAR conferences this week! It was a wonderful opportunity to connect and strengthen our partnership in your child's education.
Looking ahead, on Monday, October 14th, we will honor Indigenous Peoples Day. This is a time for us to learn about the rich cultures and histories of Indigenous peoples, and we will be incorporating this important topic into our curriculum.
Then, on Tuesday, October 15th, we will celebrate Unity Day. This day is dedicated to anti-bullying and spreading kindness throughout our school community. We encourage everyone to wear orange to show your support for this important message.
Last but not least, enjoy the long weekend with your family and friends! Kids will love the chance to sleep in, and we’ll return rested and rejuvenated, ready to dive back into learning.
Thank you for your continued support!
Learning for ALL,
Heidi George
🎉Raving About RAMS!🎉
Winning Ribbons at the State Fair
RAMS CTE projects won ribbons at the Minnesota State Fair! Congratulations!!!
Amazing Author Visit!!!!
Thank you to Red Balloon Books for sending author Randy Ribay to RAMS! We had an amazing visit in the auditorium last week with over 230 8th graders in attendance! Randy shared with students and staff about his writing journey and how he became a published author. There was time at the end for a Q & A and students had great questions!
- Thursday, October 10 - Fall Conferences with STAR Teacher - 3:30-7:30pm - see below for more information
- Monday, October 14 - Indigenous Peoples Day
- Tuesday, October 15 - Unity Day - Wear Orange - Send a visible message of building commUNITY through kindness, acceptance, and inclusion to prevent bullying
- Wednesday, October 16 - No School - Teacher Workshop Day
- Thursday, October 17 - No School - Fall Break
- Friday, October 18 - No School Fall Break
- Thursday, October 24 - Dine to Donate @ Parkway Pizza (see flyer below under FTA information)
Wednesday, October 16-Friday, October 18
Enjoy your time off!
We hope everyone has a restful, fun and wonderful Fall Break! Classes resume Monday, October 21
RAMS Fall Book Fair
Families will still have the opportunity to purchase books online for the RAMS Book Fair. Click HERE if you would still like to place an order to support RAMS through purchasing books!
Thank YOU for Attending and Supporting RAMS Fall Conferences!
We are so grateful to have partnered with so many families this week for conferences! Thank you for taking the time to meet with your student's STAR teacher to help start the year strong!
Important Notice: New Immunization Requirements for Roseville Area Schools
Starting Monday, October 21, 2024, Roseville Area Schools will enforce the Minnesota immunization law. This is crucial for maintaining healthy and safe school communities. Here's what you need to know:
Students must meet one of the following criteria to continue attending school:
- Have received all required immunizations
- Have a scheduled immunization appointment
- Have submitted a notarized exemption form
Starting October 21, 2024:
- Students who do not meet the immunization requirements will be instructed to stay home until the requirements are met.
- These absences will be marked as unexcused.
Why this matters:
- This policy helps protect our most vulnerable students, who are unable to receive vaccines.
- It minimizes the time students miss due to disease outbreaks, as those not immunized may be required to stay home per the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH).
If your student is missing any immunizations, you will receive a notice from the school's health office. Please respond promptly to ensure your student can remain in school.
For questions or concerns, contact your school’s health office.
Technology Information
Checking Grades
Conferences are coming up and it is a good time to check your student’s grades and reach out to teachers. You will need access to both Schoology and ParentVue to do this. If you do not have access to either of these accounts, please email kathryn.obrien@isd623.org.
Health Office Information
Immunization Update
Students who are not compliant with required immunizations by 10/15/2024 will be excluded from school starting 10/21/2024. Parents and guardians of students who are not compliant have received multiple phone calls, letters and emails regarding this. If you have received a letter or phone call, please call the school nurse (Joan Tighe) at 651-724-6680 before 10/15/2024 to discuss a plan to avoid exclusion from school.
RAMS Health Office is staffed from 7:30am-3:30pm on student contact days
P: 651-482-5291
F: 651-288-5034
RAMS School Nurse - Joan Tighe: 📨 joan.tighe@isd623.org
RAMS Health Assistant - Linsey Saxon: 📨 linsey.saxton@isd623.org
Athletics & Activities
Change in After School Activity Buses
We are so grateful to have buses for students who participate in after school athletics and activities. For the past few decades the activity buses have operated more like a public bus system having students alert the drivers of where they would like to be dropped off. To streamline the drop off process we have now implemented specific stops for each of the activity buses. Click on the links below to see the maps or each specific routes stops. These are also posted outside of the main office as you enter RAMS for students to find their bus and stop.
4:00pm Activity Bus Route Stops
5:00pm Activity Bus Route Stops
- Sports Physical Form (Found here in English, Spanish Hmong & Somali)
- Online Registration
- Activity Bus Routes
- Information on Free Sports Physicals at Twin Cities Orthopedics
*7-12th sports in the district are run by the RAHS coaches and activities office. More information can be found at www.rosevilleraiders.org. RAHS fall sports start Monday, August 12th.
RAHS activities office contacts:
📨 Natalie Crosby or 📨 Andrea Schmidt
AD Office Contacts: 📨 Tanysha Scott and 📨 Susan Garland or call 651-482-5290
Students 8th grade and younger must be accompanied by an adult AND that adult must stay and monitor those students. Students and parents who don't follow these expectations will be subject to loss of entry to future RAHS events.
Nutrition Services
RAMS Menus
Menus at the secondary level will no longer be provide for each month in a calendar format. Please click on the grey button below to access the menus online. Make sure you change the school to be Roseville Area Middle School and check that you are in the week you would like to look at the menus.
FTA Information
RAMS 2024-25 FTA Meetings
🕐 7:00pm
📍 RAMS Team Office (next to Media Center)
📅 Thursday, November 7
📅 Thursday, December 5
📅 Thursday, February 6
📅 Thursday, March 6
📅 Thursday, April 3
📅 Thursday, May 8
From the District
Community Flyers
Community Ed Updates
Taylor's Birthday Pool Party! 💧 🎵 🥳
Come celebrate Taylor Swift’s birthday weekend in the pool at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center! Our musical legend was born on December 13th, 1989. No need to be crying at the gym because we all know that Taylor acts like its her birthday, everyday. Make a splash to Taylor Swift’s sick beats and embrace her iconic style by taking testing out our Lover backdrop for the perfect photo op to capture those #SwiftieMemories. Enhance the experience by adding on a Swiftie-themed Party Pack goodie bag with friendship bracelets, goggles, dive toys, glitter beach balls, and more! Event is open to adults and children - please review pool supervision requirements for youth ages 0 to 14.
🗓️ Saturday, December 14, 2024
⏰ Times from 9:30am - 1:15pm - choose the 45-minute time slot that works best for you!
💧 Pool Entry for Child: $10
💧 Pool Entry for Adult: $8
💧 Swiftie Party Pack: $20
Gift & Craft Sale - October 24 - 26! 🛍️
Come shop at the Gift & Craft Sale! Browse hand-crafted gifts, jewelry, quilts, ceramics, cards, knit and crochet items, holiday decorations, wood crafts and more! Items for sale have been specially made by members of our community. This 3-day event, led by the Roseville Gift & Craft Shoppe, is held at Aŋpétu Téča Education Center (1910 County Road B West in Roseville).
⏰ Thursday, Oct. 24, 8:30am - 4:00pm
⏰ Friday, Oct. 25, 8:30am - 4:00pm
⏰ Saturday, Oct. 26, 8:30am - 2:00pm
Please note that we can only accept cash or check for payment. Questions? Call 651-604-3529. We hope to see you there!
School Supply Spotlight
Water Bottles Needed
The Health Office is requesting donations of reusable water bottles for our students. The image below shows the type of water bottle that would work the best. The water bottles can be donated by individuals, companies or ordered on Amazon. Thank you in advance for your donations!
You can also find them on our RAMS Amazon wishlist here if you wish to donate: RAMS Amazon Wish List.Resources
Important RAMS Phone Numbers and Email addresses (click on any staff members name below to send an email)
- Main Office - 651-482-5280
- 📨 Attendance Email or leave a message at 651-482-5281
- Principal - 📨 Heidi George - 651-482-5284
- Assoc. Principal Grade 7 - 📨 Garin Bogenholm - 651-482-5287
- Assoc. Principal Grade 8 - 📨 Joseph Bue - 651-482-5297
- Building/Administrative Support Staff - 📨 Linsey Owen - 651-482-5284
- Registrar / Student Records Support Staff - 📨 Rebecca Thompson - 651-482-5288
- Athletics/Activities - 651-482-5290
- 📨 Tanysha Scott - Activities Director
- 📨 Susan Garland - Activities Clerical
- Student Support Services Office - 651-482-5289
- 📨 Julie Gabos - Grade 7 - Counselor
- 📨 Todd Richter - Grade 8 - Counselor
- 📨 Amy Grengs - School Psychologist
- 📨 Lisa Valerius - School Psychologist
- 📨 Angie Feigal - Social Worker
- 📨 Duane Woeste - SEL Teacher
- 📨 Rachael Gandossy - Counselor
- 📨 Melanie Cogan - Student Services Support Staff
- Health Office - 651-482-5291
- 📨 Joan Tighe - School Nurse
- 📨 Linsey Saxton - Health Assistant
- Special Education - 651-288-5000
- 📨 Jodi Walker - Special Education Lead Teacher
- 📨 Nancy Boulay - Special Education Clerical
- Centerline Bus - 651-482-1794
- District Transportation - 📨 Kristen Donaldson - 651-635-1638
- Tech Support - 651-288-5001
- 📨 Kathryn O'Brien - Media Specialist
- 📨 Kaolee Yang - District Tech Integrationist
- School Fax - 651-482-5299
- Spanish Liaison - 📨 Cecilia Martino - 651-235-3426
- American Indian Liaison - 📨 Savannah Rojas - 651-332-6513
- Somali Liaison - 📨 Kowthar Ismail - 651-322-0468
- Karen Liaison - 📨 Hsar Htoo - 651-332-6929
- Bhutanese/Nepali Liaison - 📨 Indira Kharel - 651-307-7471
- Hmong Liaison - 📨 Maider Lee - 651-210-7821
- African American Liaison - 📨 K’Lynn Lewis - 651-239-2826
Pre-order your RAMS 2024-25 yearbook online directly from JOSTENS.
Questions about Yearbook? Reach out to our Yearbook Coordinator Kelly Rogers.
RAMS Back to School Email
RAMS sent out a Back to School email the past two weeks that had a lot of great school information. If you missed those emails please CLICK HERE to find the most recent email.
Change in Information?
Has any of your contact information changed over the summer? Address, phone numbers, emergency contact information, etc? If so, please contact the office by calling 651-482-5288 or email
📨 rebecca.thompson@isd623.org and we will update our records
Roseville Area Schools does not discriminate on the basis of sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any education program or activity that it operates, including in employment, as required by Title IX.