Husky Headlines
December Newsletter for S-RC Elementary School Families
Important Dates
December 2nd - National Special Education Day
December 2nd @ 2:30 - One Act Performance for all students
December 7th - PK-5 Winter Concert
December 9th - 6-12 Winter Concert
December 13th - Elementary Acadience Testing Day (All K-5 students)
December 13th @ 7:00 - S-RC Board Meeting
December 17th - Last day of school for 2021!!
December 17th - Christmas Around the World (during the school day for all K-5 students)
December 17th @ 6:00 - 5th Grade Science Fair in Activities Hallway
December 17th - December Book-It Due (by 8:30)
December 20th - Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL
December 21st - Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL
December 22nd - No School, Christmas Break!
December 23rd - No School, Christmas Break!
December 24th - No School, Christmas Break!
December 27th - No School, Christmas Break!
December 28th - No School, Christmas Break!
December 29th - No School, Christmas Break!
December 30th - No School, Christmas Break!
December 31st - No School, Christmas Break!
January 3rd - No School, Christmas Break!
January 4th - No School, Christmas Break!
January 5th - All students BACK TO SCHOOL
Elementary Winter Concert
Students should dress up for the concert:
- boys can wear shirts with collars or sweater/vests and pants or nice jeans
- girls can wear a nice shirt or sweater and pants, nice jeans, skirt, or a dress
- NO t-shirts or sweatshirts with writing
- NO headbands with antlers, Santa hats, or other items that will distract from the performance
- shoes must be comfortable as students will walk and climb stairs
Students should be to their homeroom classroom at 6:45pm (please do not send them to classrooms prior to that as there will be no supervision). The concert will begin at 7:00 p.m. Cookies will be provided following the concert by our S-RC Booster Club!
Dropping Temperatures
Recess Procedures:
- Actual and/or "Feels Like" Temperatures Above 25 degrees = OUTSIDE
- Actual and/or "Feels Like" Temperatures Between 16-24 degrees = Abbreviated outside and then INDOOR (5 minutes outside, followed by 15 minutes inside)
- Actual and/or "Feels Like" Temperatures 15 degrees and BELOW = INDOOR
Dress Recommendations:
"Feels like" below 50 degrees - Students must wear coat/light jacket/sweatshirt
"Feels like" below 40 degrees - Students must wear coat/jacket, long pants, close toe shoes, and we recommend gloves and stocking cap
* Below 32 degrees gloves and hats are required
If there is snow on the ground, students must wear boots to play in it.
PBiS at Home
Reviewing Step 1 & 2:
Step 1: Define Behavior Routines: Children's problem behavior may be prevented or reduced when behavior expectations are clearly defined and taught!
Step 2: Teach the Behavior: Select one to three routines where growth is needed. Teaching will focus on the expectations for these routines!
Tips and Tricks - Step 3 - Practice the Behavior
Practice improves confidence and skill! Set aside time without interruptions for practice.
- Teacher one step at a time
- Add a step once the child can do the previous step
- Ask your child to tell you or show you what the next step is
- Practice all steps together
- Give cues as needed to insure success
- Re-teach or review behavior as needed
- practice often
Keys to success: Model wanted behaviors through your own behavior. Continue to be patient!!
Christmas Around the World
Students will be learning about England, Australia, Mexico, Sweden, Poland, Netherlands, Germany, AND MORE!!!
We do need to collect 150 cardboard tubes (toilet paper, paper towels, or wrapping paper rolls will all work). Please send tubes with your child and ask them to drop them in either kindergarten classroom.
Lost & NOT Found
Here are our NOVEMBER individual winners (pictured above):
Top Readers
Kindergarten - 2nd Grade: Nolan Noyd 60 books
3rd Grade - 5th Grade: Evan Osantowski 24.8 points
K-2 Drawing Winners
(All K-2 students who reached their Book-It goal were entered into this drawing.)
Preston Crook
Matthew De la Riva
Addilyn Sorensen
3-5 Drawing Winners
(All 3rd-5th grade students who reached their Book-It goal were entered into this drawing.)
Brooklyn Rasmussen
Layla Waite
Emma Rabourn
Pizza with the Principal Drawing Winners
(All K-5 students who made their goal were entered into this drawing.)
Kyler Epps
Kyra Wempen
Piper Glatter
Mystery Envelope Helper
Ashley Aquino
Please remember that students can only miss ONE month in order to qualify for the end of the year celebration. If they do not have a signed book form (K-2) or meet their AR goal (3-5) they will not make their goal for the month.
For our December goals, please make sure you keep an eye on the calendar. We only have THREE WEEKS of school before our Winter Break. That means we only have THREE WEEKS of school to make Book-It goals!
S-RC Reading Classic
During two Saturdays in March, the Reading Classic teams will travel to two competitions to show their knowledge and understanding of the books they read. Over the next couple weeks, students selected for a Reading Classic team will be bringing home permission forms. If you receive a form and have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. MeLinda Cromer!
We are excited to begin!
Testing, Testing, Everywhere!
Here are some ways we use data here at S-RC:
- ...to track individual student growth over the year
- ...to help understand areas that we, as a school, may need to focus
- ...to track classes and grade levels as they move through the school
- ...to identify individual students who may be struggling
- ...to develop intervention and extension opportunities for ALL students
Classroom Snacks
Please see the list below for some healthy ideas:
Crackers (prefer whole grain or multi grain )
Ritz chips
Graham Crackers
Fruit/nut trail mix, Chex mix (limited or no candy or salt)
Popcorn (limited salt)
Granola Bars (limited or no candy or chocolate)
Nutri-Grain Bars
Welch’s Fruit snack
Sliced Apples with Caramel Packs
Animal Crackers
Baked Cheetos
Baked Lays Chips
Cereal Bars
For additional healthy snack ideas, feel free search the internet OR contact the school!
10 Ways to Raise a Responsible Child
- Establish family rules and be consistent about carrying out consequences for any rules that are not followed.
- Give chores to do (appropriate to your child's age)
- Provide opportunities for choices. These could start with which bedtime story to hear or which socks to wear.
- Praise your child for completing responsibilities. This will boost your child's self-esteem.
- Teach good health and safety habits. Children need to learn to care for themselves.
- Make it your child's responsibility to get all homework done on time.
- Help your child get organized. Teach your child to keep all schoolwork in one place, write down assignments, and file papers.
- Divide big tasks into smaller parts, so that success will encourage your child to tackle new responsibilities.
- As your child matures, offer ways to earn, save, and manage money.
- Encourage concern for the feelings and needs of others in your family and community.
REMEMBER: Children learn by what they see and hear. Set a good example by acting responsibly.
Mrs. Heather Thompson
Special Education Director
Shelby-Rising City Public Schools
Email: hthompson@shelby.esu7.org
Website: https://www.shelby.esu7.org/
Location: 650 North Walnut Street, Shelby, NE, USA
Phone: 402-527-5946 5718
Twitter: @mrs_thompson007