Hutchens Highlights
August 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR!
Dear Parents and Guardians,
I hope each of you enjoyed a wonderful summer break! As we approach the start of a new and exciting school year, I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome back our returning Hutchens families and extend a warm welcome to our newest Cardinals. We are thrilled to have you join #OurHut and look forward to getting to know you and your child.
First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude for your ongoing support and partnership as we grow learners, build character, and empower leaders every day. Our success at Hutchens Elementary is largely due to close relationships with our community, families, and school staff.
It is our goal to provide the highest quality of instruction to every student. Our dedicated team of teachers and staff have engaged in various professional learning opportunities throughout the summer, as well as worked diligently to prepare their classrooms to welcome their new group of students. We build a strong reading foundation using the science of reading, and skills are taught across the curriculum. Our approach to teaching incorporates hands-on, inquiry-based instruction with emphasis on higher-order thinking and real-world situations that are meaningful, challenging, and exciting! We have been reviewing and refining our curriculum, incorporating innovating teaching strategies, and implementing new programs to enhance the learning experience for all students.
Communication between home and school is vital for the success of our students. Please take the time to review our 24/25 student-parent handbook, which includes our school policies and procedures. I also encourage you to stay up to date with school news and events through our school Facebook page, school website, monthly Hutchens Highlights, and weekly classroom newsletters. Please be sure to have an updated contact number, email address, and parent Schoology account to receive your child’s weekly grades. We will be hosting various events throughout the school year, along with parent/teacher conferences to keep you informed of your child's progress.
Hutchens Elementary is now a Title I school and serves approximately 600 students. Title status allows our school to receive federal funding for student support resources. A Title I parent meeting will be held during the first few weeks of school to explain how these funds benefit our school. The Parental Involvement Plan and other important information will also be shared during this meeting.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact the school office. We value your input and truly consider our partnership with our parents not only important, but essential. I look forward to a successful and fulfilling school year, filled with growth and achievements.
Brittney Owen
Hutchens Elementary Principal
24/25 bus routes
Click the link below to view the 24/25 bus routes
School Supplies
School supplies will be provided to all students!
PTA Information:
Link for memberhub store-
Stay in the Know!
Benefits of joining the PTA
Join PTA & Buy Spirit Shirt
Message from our School Nurse, Nurse Jessica
All medications require parents/guardians to complete the Alabama State Department of Education School Medication Prescriber/Parent Authorization (PPA) forms. New forms must be renewed at the beginning of every school year and any time the doctor makes a change to prescribed medication. Only the prescriber (MD, NP, PA) can change a medication order (dose, frequency, specific time, etc.). Changes to the medication orders by a parent/guardian will not be accepted.
Capturing Kids' Hearts
At it's core, "Capturing Kids Hearts" focuses on building positive relationships between students and their teachers, as well as fostering a sense of belonging and connection within the school community. Through this initiative, we aim to create a safe and supportive environment where every child feels valued and empowered to reach their full potential. "Every Student Matters. Every Moment Counts"
CKH is built on 4 foundational principles:
1. Social Contract: Students and teachers will work together to create a set of rules and expectations that everyone agrees to follow. This allows for open communication, mutual respect, and a sense of ownership within the classroom.
2. The 10-Second Rule: We believe in the power of greeting every student with a smile and a personal greeting within the first 10 seconds of their arrival in the classroom. This simple act sets a positive tone for the day and helps students feel seen and valued.
3. The Circle of Influence: We wil encourage our students to focus on what they can control, rather than dwelling on things outside of their control. This mindset empowers them to take ownership of their actions and choices, fostering a sense of responsibility.
4. The Four Questions: These 4 questions server as a framework for problem-solving and conflict resolution. By asking themselves and others these questions, students learn to take responsibility, communicate effectively, and find solutions that benefit everyone involved.
We enourage you to have conversations with your child about their class social contract that they will create during the first few weeks of school. We value your partnership in this journey and look forward to working together to create a positive and nurturing environment for our children.
Hutchens Daily Schedule & Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Parents and guardians will have the opportunity to walk students to their classrooms on the first day of school. In order for students to learn morning routines, students will be expected to walk in the building independently (with staff assistance as needed) beginning Tuesday, August 8th. All faculty and staff members have designated areas inside and outside of our campus to assist students with their morning arrival routine.
Please be familiar with our daily schedule outlined below:
6:30am Before School Care Begins7:40am Before School Care Ends - Teachers on Duty (First Bell Rings)
7:40am Students enter building and report to cafeteria for breakfast
7:55am (Second Bell Rings) Students report to classroom and begin morning routines
8:05am Breakfast ends (students who enter the building after 8:05 will report directly to class)
8:15am Tardy Bell rings
3:10pm Staggered dismissal begins (Teachers on Duty)
3:25pm Teachers off duty
After School Care begins
6:00pm After School Care ends
All drivers are asked to follow the directions of teachers on duty and be respectful to those assisting and directing traffic. When pulling into the carlines, please remember to observe all safety regulations. Parents are asked to remain in their cars during drop-off/pick-up. Staff will assist your child in getting in and out of their car. No person is allowed to walk between vehicles. Please utilize the crosswalk at all times.
Arrival and Breakfast:
Students are not to unload from their vehicles until 7:40 a.m when teachers are on duty and have given the unload signal. Supervision is not available until 7:40 a.m., and doors will be locked.
Car riders, bus riders, and van riders will enter through the main lobby and report directly to the cafeteria for breakfast. At 7:55 a.m, all students are dismissed from the cafeteria/gym to their classroom.
Breakfast is served from 7:40am-8:05am. We encourage all students to be at school by 8:05am as this allows students to eat breakfast and complete all morning classroom routines before the tardy bell rings at 8:15am.
Late arrival/Tardies:Research has proven a direct correlation between school attendance and student achievement. Please make every effort to have your child at school by 8:15am. Students arriving at school after 8:15am are considered tardy. If a student is tardy, a parent or guardian must walk the student into the building and sign them in at the front office. Please strive to have your student at school, on time, every day for maximum learning. Classroom instruction and routines are disrupted when students are tardy,
Early Dismissals:
An early dismissal prior to 11:45am is considered an absence. If a student arrives to school after 11:45am he/she is marked absent for the entire day. There will be no early dismissals granted after 2:30pm. Early dismissals will be granted prior to 2:30pm only to a parent/guardian or a designated person listed as an emergency contact. Parents and emergency contacts must always present identification to the office.It is highly encouraged to make all medical and dental appointments after school hours for students to receive maximum daily instructional time. Students will be allowed no more than 3 early dismissals or tardies to be considered for Perfect Attendance. Excessive absences, tardiness, and early dismissals are also reported to MCPSS Division of Student Services and the District Attorney’s Office.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
We utilize a number system for car line dismissal. If your child is NEW to Hutchens and will be a car rider in the afternoons, be sure to stop by the "Car tag" booth during Meet the Teacher to obtain your tags. Each student will be given two (2) car tags. Additional car tags may be purchased (at a later date) for $7.00 each.
- RETURNING STUDENTS: All returning students will keep their same car tag # from the 23/24 school year. New tags will be provided by your classroom teacher. 23/24 car tags may still be used as well.
- Siblings will have the same car tag #. Please help your child(ren) learn their number. Make it a routine to ask your child(ren) their car tag number.
Please be familiar with our carline arrival and dismissal procedures. These procedures are aimed at ensuring the safety of all students and maintaining an organized and efficient dismissal process. We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in following these car line procedures. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the school office.
Student/Staff Safety:
- Student & Staff safety is our # 1 priority. Please be patient and cooperative as we work together to ensure a safe, smooth, and swift arrival and dismissal. Dismissal during the first few weeks of school will take longer than norma. Our new Pre-K and kindergarten students/parents are learning new routines and procedures. Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
- Follow the directions given by staff members directing traffic and guiding students to/from their vehicles.
- Each car MUST have a car tag in order for your child(ren) to be released in the car rider line during dismissal. If you do not present a car tag, you will be asked to pull around, park, and proceed to the front office to verify you are a designated person to pick up. Identification will be checked.
- It is the expectation that traffic laws are obeyed (i.e., Children buckled appropriately, children not allowed in truck beds, no hanging out of windows/sunroofs, no texting and driving).
Car Line Routines/Procedures:
- Pull as close as possible to the vehicle in front of you; the closer the cars, the more students we can load/unload at once.
- Do not block the crosswalks.
- Make sure your car tag is hanging/visible during dismissal.
- We will load/unload using two lanes. (Lane 1 - closest to sidewalk) (Lane 2 closest to parking lot)
- Students will load and unload from the passenger side of the vehicle. Please make sure all car seats, etc. do not prevent your child from entering/exiting the passenger side.
- Students in Lane 1 will load from the sidewalk and unload onto the sidewalk.
- Students in Lane 2 will walk down the blue line to the adult on duty. The adult will lead students across the crosswalk to the sidewalk (for arrival) or to their vehicle (for dismissal).
- Remain in vehicle at all times during the car line process. This will help maintain a smooth flow of traffic and ensure the safety of everyone involved. Designated staff members will be available to assist.
- Please work with your child on unbuckling their seat belts.
- Disable child locks on the passenger side.
- Refrain from using your cell phone or engaging in any other distractions while in the car line.
- Loud music is not allowed in carlines.
- Tobacco products are not allowed on campus.
We reserve the right to report unsafe traffic behaviors to authorities for the safety of our students.
Car Parkers:
- Park in the field next to the cafeteria.
- Enter through the side door and show car tag. If you forget your tag, please be prepared to show identification in the front office.
- All car parkers are expected to be picked up no later than 3:15pm
Bus Transportation
All students who ride a bus will be assigned to a specific bus number and each bus is labeled with a specific animal. (For example, the ladybug bus, the bear bus, the bird bus, the elephant bus, etc.). It is important for students to learn their bus animal name. Please arrive at the bus stop at least 10 minutes prior to the expected arrival time.
Appropriate behavior is always expected on the bus. Misconduct on the bus is a safety hazard and may result in revocation of riding privileges or other disciplinary consequences. If a child is referred to administration for a bus infraction, an investigation will take place and the parent will be contacted. After the parent has been contacted, if the misbehavior continues, a bus suspension may occur. Bus suspensions for the 1st offense are five consecutive days. Subsequent bus suspensions may result in a longer period. Should you need another stop for the bus you should utilize the MCPSS website to submit a new stop application. Students are expected to be at the bus stop at least ten minutes before it is scheduled to arrive. Students are to board only at the designated stops where they live. Students are not allowed to ride a different bus home with a friend. We only transport students to and from their own address. The direct number to MCPSS transportation is 251-221-5260.
Bus Safety/Procedures
Please review with your child our bus routines/procedures.
- Always listen to and obey the bus driver.
- Stay seated the entire time.
- Never extend your hands, arms, head, or any object out of the window.
- Keep the aisles clear.
- Do not jump seat to seat.
- Always keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Speak in quiet voice. No yelling!
Do not write on or damage the seats. Student/parent/guardians may be responsible for damages.
- Bottom to bottom, Back-to-Back, Bookbag on lap.
Change in Transportation
ALL changes in a dismissal routine must be made in writing and sent to your child’s teacher the morning of or day before the necessary change. Changes in dismissal are not taken over the phone, text, or email. We cannot guarantee that a text/email will be checked prior to dismissal. We understand emergency situations arise, but we will not allow constant day to day changes through the office. Please help us with this policy and plan accordingly.
School Visitors/Volunteers:
Student Safety is our top priority. A visitor is anyone who is not employed at Hutchens Elementary School. All visitors should ring the bell at the front entrance, report to the main office, show identification, and state the purpose of the visit. All visitors must be listed on the student’s contact information, secure a visitor’s pass, and comply with school policies and procedures while on campus. Volunteers coming to assist at the school are also required to sign in and wear an identification tag. Visitors/volunteers who fail to maintain behavior that enriches the educational environment are subject to restriction from all school facilities, activities, and events. All school facilities are smoke/vape free. Use of profanity is also prohibited (verbal, written, or gestures).
Lunch Visitors
Beginning Tuesday, September 10th, we will open the cafeteria for lunch guests. The following procedures are expected to be followed to ensure a safe and positive lunch experience for all students in the school.
- Lunch guests are required to report to the main office to sign-in and show identification.
- Adults visiting for lunch must be listed as a contact to visit the student at school.
- The student’s teacher must be notified BEFORE arriving on campus.
- Visitors must wear a badge/sticker provided by the office staff during check in and it must be visible at all times while in the building.
- Adults may purchase the school lunch ($5.00) or bring one from home. Outside food must be packed inside of a lunch box. No restaurant food bags are allowed.
- Visitors must return to the office after the student’s lunch period has ended to sign out.
- Cafeteria visitors may not visit other areas of the campus without prior approval from the principal.
- Any questions or concerns must be directed to an administrator.
Personal Property
Personal property (i.e., money, clothing, jewelry, etc.) is the responsibility of each student. These articles should always be kept in the student’s possession. Students should not bring large sums of money or valuable personal property to school. Please label all outerwear, lunchboxes, and water bottles with first and last name.
Snacks and Ice Cream
Snacks (chips and crackers) and juice/water will be sold daily for $1.00 each. Students are allowed to bring their own snack and encouraged to bring their own water bottle from home.
Ice Cream will be sold each Tuesday for $2.00.
Student Code of Conduct:
Students and parents must read and follow the guidelines and policies outlined in the MCPSS Student Code of Conduct. You were provided the opportunity to read and discuss the student code of conduct when completing online registration and it is also available on the MCPSS website. Please review school rules and expectations with your child on a regular basis. If you have questions regarding the expectations and policies in the Student Code of Conduct, please contact a school administrator.
Positive Behavior Reinforcement:
Each month, classroom teachers select one student who represents that month’s Leadworthy Character Trait (empathy, responsibility, courage, self-direct, respect, perseverance, teamwork, kindness, or integrity). Students are recognized and celebrated at our monthly character breakfast. Staff members also submit positive office referrals and students receive a positive phone call home by an administrator. Students who display good behavior also receive “Cardinal Coins” from our faculty and staff. Cardinal Coins are redeemed for various prizes throughout the year.
Electronic Devices/Cell Phones:
Electronic devices are not allowed during the school day. Students should avoid disrupting classroom activities by not displaying, using, or activating wireless communication devices during the school day. Cell phone usage by students during the school day causes a major disruption to the learning environment. Cell phones have become a distraction to student learning and are the cause of many disciplinary infractions, ranging from bullying to cheating. Should a student bring a cell phone to school, the phone will be securely locked away in a collection box and returned to the student at the end of the school day.
Student Birthdays
We love to celebrate our students and our office staff and classroom teachers will acknowledge students’ birthdays in various ways. Classroom birthday parties are not allowed; however, parents may send a “pre-packaged snack” (not homemade), if it has been prearranged with the child’s teacher. Snacks must be arranged to avoid multiple snacks being sent on the same day and to assure students with allergies can eat the snack provided. Birthday party invitations may be exchanged on campus IF ALL students in your child’s homeroom receive an invitation.
August & September
August 7th - Students 1st Day of the 23/24 school year (Pre-K & Kindergarten 1st day of school pictures will be taken)
August 14th -28th - Beginning of Year iReady diagnostic assessments
August 20th - Cub Scout meeting at 6:00 in the cafeteria
September 2 - Labor Day (No School)
September 4 - MAX3 fundraiser begins (3:30 after school)
September 5 - Fall Pictures (students must be in full uniform)
September 5- Books & Bingo with Grandparents (More info to come)
September 9 - Title I meeting at 5:30/ Open House at 6:00
September 13- Progress Reports will be available
September 16 - Staff Professional Development/NO School for students
September 20 - MAX3 fundraise grad party
September 30 - Virtual Day for Students (At-Home Learning Day)
At-Home Reading Resources
Welcome our NEW faculty & staff to our Hutchens family!
August Staff Birthdays
August 2nd, Shannon Cochran (Custodial Staff)
August 18th, Kim Cole (1st Grade Teacher)
August 20th, Stacey Harrington (Cafeteria Staff)
August 23rd, Stephanie Pettis (Media Specialist)
August 26th, Risa Baucum (Custodial Staff)
Contact us:
Email: bowen@mcpss.com
Website: hutchenselementary.org
Location: 10005 West Lake Rd. Mobile, AL 36695
Phone: 251-221-1420
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HutchensElem
Twitter: @HutchensElem