Lending Library
3610 E. Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA 93726

Yosemite Valley Charter & Monarch River Academy (CVCS) Lending Library
Location, Hours, & Contact Information
3610 E. Ashlan Ave Fresno CA. 93726
- On the south-west corner of Ashlan and Millbrook, inside the brick office building with United Local Credit Union
- TIP: From the parking lot - go through the left most set of double glass doors. The school office is the first door to the left. The Lending Library is the second door to the left.
Library hours
Returns & Order Pick-up: Mon-Fri 9-4
Browsing: Tues, Wed, Thurs 9-11 & 1-3:30
- Closed for lunch: 11-1
Friday browsing by appointment only
Contact Information
Phone: (559) 370 - 0800
Email: library@theaxiagroup.com
What is the Lending Library?
What is the Lending Library?
The library has the non-consumable portions of most of the major Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies curriculums. This means we have teacher's guides, reading books, activity guides, but not workbooks or consumable packages.
We also have book sets for BookShark, Moving Beyond the Page, Lightning Literature, and Beautiful Feet curriculum.
Unit-based or Interest-Lead Learning
Does your student love dinosaurs, early American history, or math puzzles? We have learning activities, games, and books for all reading levels and in a wide range of subjects.
Come check out the library's Science models, Nonfiction Graphic Novels, hands-on activity books for science and social studies, books on art and poetry, and a wide range of music lesson and song books.
The Fun Stuff
Games, puzzles, building kits, osmo kits, reading books, cookbooks, PE equipment, audiobooks, CDs, and DVDs - we have it all!
Check Out Information
- Student textbooks, teacher guides, book sets, microscopes, math manipulatives, and musical instruments are all one school year check outs (due the beginning of June of the current school year).
- Enrichment items (everything else) can be checked out for 3 months to support a unit or topic within your learning schedule or to enjoy just for fun.
- Each student can check out 20 Curriculum items and 15 Enrichment items at one time.
The Lending Library has many items you might not expect of a school library! We have musical instruments, telescopes, microscopes, sewing machines, laminators, cookbooks, PE equipment, games, and learning activities all available to our Central Valley Charter School family.
Parent Resources and Reference Books
Graphic Novels and Learning Activities
Books for all reading levels
Tips for Navigating the Lending Library System
- Your login information is the same as your login for the Enrichment Ordering System (OS). You can log into the Lending Library Site HERE
- If you forgot your password, go to the OS and click on “Forgot Password” to reset it.
- Once you are logged in, you can search for items by using the Search button at the upper right-hand corner of the page or by clicking on the categories on the left-hand side of the page.
- Once you find the item you are looking for, add it to your cart and select your desired pickup location.
- When you are finished adding to your cart, press the submit button.
- You will receive a confirmation email once your order has been placed.
- You will receive an email notification when your order is ready to be picked up from your selected location.
- Fresno Orders: please wait for the email notification that your order is ready for pick up.
- Library Van Delivery Orders: please allow at least 2 business days for order processing. Email notifications will be sent the day of delivery.
When searching for a specific item, less is more! Use keywords and not whole titles. For example, if you would like to search for "All About Reading Teacher's Manual Level 4," instead use "All About Reading" or the 13-digit ISBN.
Be sure to go to cart and click submit
Click the Photo for a Video Tutorial for Navigating the Library's Website
Lending Library Delivery Days
Lending Library Van Delivery Day Schedule
Meet our Library Van at one of the following locations to pick up library orders or to make a library return. We will also accept ordering system returns with paperwork and securely packed in a box or bag you can leave with us (See "Returning Enrichment Materials" below).
Locations and Times
See the schedules above for when we will be at each location:
Returning Enrichment Materials (Items bought with school funds)
To Return or Not to Return?
All Enrichment material items purchased through the school with state education funds are considered the property of the school. Non-consumables need to be returned to the school library when the student withdraws from the school. They may be returned earlier if the items are no longer needed for student learning.
When returning Enrichment items, you will first want to know what needs to be returned. You can access your child's "inventory" (all of the Enrichment items you have purchased for them) in the OS or your IST may send this list to you. The last column of this inventory says "Consumable" at the top. If there is a "yes" in that column, the item does NOT have to be returned to the school and if there is a "no" in that column then that item will need to be returned to the Lending Library.
If you think that an item is categorized incorrectly, please contact your IST.
How to Return Items
When you are returning items ordered through OS, please follow these steps to complete your return.
Fill out the YV or MR form and return it with your items (see attachments at the bottom of the newsletter). Please fill out one sheet per student.
Print the inventory list (from OS) (optional, but recommended)
Mark, or list, each item being returned.
Pack up items in boxes or bags. Items must be separated by student, if applicable.
You will leave these boxes with us.Return your items, packed securely with completed return forms, to the lending library or the library van. Return items directly to library staff (don’t leave anything outside, please).
Library and Enrichment items must be returned directly to Library staff. Please do not leave anything outside the library doors or in the hallway.
In the Fresno area, you will return them to the Library:
3610 E. Ashlan Ave. Fresno, CA, 93726
(red brick building located on the SW corner of Ashlan & Millbrook)
Return Hours:
Mon - Fri 9:00am - 4:00pm
Not in the Fresno area? You can return your items to the Library Van (see schedule above).
Any questions? Find more information on the library smore page, or contact us at library@theaxiagroup.com.
Fill out the YV or MR form and return it with your items (see attachments at the bottom of the newsletter). Please fill out one sheet per student. Do NOT put all students on a single sheet.
*Library items do not need any paperwork to be returned*
How to Make a Return
(Click for Full Size)
How to Access Your Student's Inventory
(Click for Full Size)
How to Print Your Student's Inventory
(Click for Full Size)
Yosemite Valley Return Identification Form
Return form for all items bought with school funds.
Monarch River Return Identification Form
Return form for all items bought with school funds.