Viking Village

The Viking Village
Principal's Message 12/09/24
Viking Friends and Families!!
Good afternoon, Viking Friends and Families:
As we are getting closer to the end of the 2024 year, it is important to remember that we will be having some minimum days coming up. This week, we have a minimum day on Wednesday 12/11. Please plan accordingly. Vikings, our PTC has put together some fundraising events for all of us to enjoy. Please consider supporting our PTC with these fundraising events, they are to help the school and our students.
Thank you for your continued dedication and support. Let’s make this week a great one!
Important Dates:
12/11 Mini Day
12/20 Mini Day
12/23- 1/04/2025 Winter Break
In your service,
Dr. David Gutierrez,
Victor Elementary,
Lodi USD
Update on BBQ PTA Fundraiser
The pre-orders have been extended to Monday 12-9-24. Please turn your orders into your Teacher or the front office.
Survey (K-12)
Survey (K-12)
The district is conducting a survey to improve and strengthen communications efforts. The survey will be launched on November 12th at 9AM PT and sent district-wide that evening at 5PM.
Below are the survey questions. Email Chelsea Vongehr if you have any suggestions/feedback.
Click on the link below for the survey:
After School Bridge Program
The After School Bridge Program is now accepting applications online. For more information, please call the Bridge Office at (209) 331- 8903. You can also enroll online click here to get on the waitlist.
Have You Reported Your Students' Absence?
Please Report Student Absences
Please be sure to let us know if your student will be absent. You can give us a call at (209) 331- 7441.
District Approved Flyers and Information
Parent Climate Survey (K-12)
Dear Lodi Unified School District Parents and Guardians,
Each year, the district desires to obtain community input to measure parent and family engagement, including how well the district builds relationships between school staff and families, builds partnerships for student outcomes, and seeks input for decision-making. Each year the district collects this information in part using the Parent Climate Survey. This survey also helps determine the allocation of services included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and is used to evaluate the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for each Title I school site. It is a valuable source of information, and we hope that you take the time to answer thoughtfully. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey will be available from December 9th to December 20th. This link will take you to the survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!
If you have any questions, contact Uve Dahmen.
Online Data Confirmation 2024
Please be sure to confirm your student data through Aries parent portal.