Wed, Jan. 15th "B" day
Daily Announcements
Today is Wednesday, January 15th. It is a “B” day.
Activities Announcement
Reminder, D & D meets today in room 238 3:45-5pm.
There will be a tech crew meeting in the auditorium after school on tomorrow, Thursday, January 16th. The meeting will last about an hour.
Attention all ambassadors (new and old): There is a meeting in Mrs. Rice’s room (room 114) tomorrow, Thursday, January 16th at 8:10am. This is a required meeting. If you are unable to attend, you need to let Mrs. Rice or Mrs. Klimek know. Thank you!
Other Announcements
Students, you have another opportunity to enter an essay contest. This year’s Americanism contest has the theme “What Does Flag Protection Mean To Me?” Entry forms can be picked up from Mrs. Rice outside room 114. Completed essays are due back to Mrs. Rice by January 16.
Do you ever wonder how to grow plants in space? Plant the Moon Club informational meeting will be held January 21st from 3:45-4:15 pm. This club will meet Tuesdays after school. Check your email for a sign up.
We all have lost things, the problem sometimes is we don’t know we lost it until we accidentally find it again. Check out the lost and found! We currently have 19 hats, 19 gloves/mittens, 4 shoes, 2 backpacks, in the last week we have doubled clothing items to 83 which includes winter coats and 1 set of keys. It will all be donated soon. Go check it out.
7th grade vision screening is today during advisory class. Students if you wear glasses please have them with you for the screening.
Students, please stay off the snow hills before and after school and do not throw snow. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping everyone safe!
Some Good News
Franklin's Finest Efforts
Our positive affirmation for today is that my challenges help me grow.
If you need something, find the closest adult. Remember, We are Ben Franklin, and “We” have the best students and staff in Fargo!