Spring Teacher Librarian Meeting
Iowa AEAs
Join Us!
What support can your library provide to families, educators and students? How do you meet their needs using distance learning? Join us as try to tackle this unusual learning environment with a day of collaboration and connection via Zoom!
Feel free to pop in and out for this event. We will have a variety of topics and individuals sharing around a common well-being theme! To kick off the morning we are asking participants to wear a favorite hat!
Friday, May 1, 2020, 08:30 AM
Zoom - Register using the link below.
Supporting Yourself & Students: Well-being within a Digital Learning Environment
8:30am - Hat's Off to Teacher Librarians - Wear a Favorite Hat
9:00am - It's Our Time to Shine! - Shannon M. Miller
10:00am - Break
10:15am - Book talk with Katelyn Browne, SEL titles
11:15am - Break
11:20am - Follett Destiny Collections - Kris Steingreaber
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - Connecting Content Collaboratively in a Digital Learning Environment - Cari Teske
2:00pm - Break
2:15pm - Hot Topics - Use the link to share an idea for discussion.
Our Guests
Katelyn Browne - UNI Rod Library
Shannon M. Miller - Van Meter CSD
Shannon will facilitate discussion around the role of the teacher librarian in our ever-changing shift of instruction. What can librarians do to support distance learning today? this summer? as we return in the fall?
Shannon is the Innovation Director of Instructional Technology and Library Media at Van Meter CSD.
Kris Steingreaber - Van Buren CSD
Kris will share how to use Destiny® Collections to enhance learning and engage students. Kris is the Instructional Media Coordinator for the Van Buren CSD.