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Patriot News
January 2022
Message from Mrs. Moore
Dear Patriot Families,
It has always been my commitment to the Pine View families that we only have one fundraiser each school year. We don’t sell cookie dough, magazines, and all the other trinkets, instead we have one fundraiser which we fondly call our “Run for Funds.” This annual event is a week of fundraising, culminating in "PVES Run for Funds" run during the school day.
Our Specials Teachers organize the event, and all proceeds stay at Pine View. No fund raiser company takes a portion of the money raised. The money is used to directly impact students; we purchase technology, classroom supplies, and subsidize field trips. This year our event is February 11. Please look for detailed information to come home on Friday, February 4. Your generous support makes a big difference in what we are offer at Pine View.
Thank you,
Mrs. Moore
Kindness Week
Invisible to the eye, soothing to the heart. Acts of kindness don’t need to be seen to be appreciated. We call these ‘unnoticed’ acts . . . ninja-style acts of Kindness.
Ninja’s are sneaky, they are masters of their craft, observant and determined. True Kindness Ninja’s carry out acts of Kindness without seeking recognition.
Our theme this year is, I’m a Kindness Ninja.
Join us in celebrating Kindness Week and Run for Funds by participating in these dress up days.
Radically Reflective Monday - Follow the Golden Rule– We all want to be treated kindly and fairly.
Wear yellow to symbolize the Golden Rule.
Quote: Treat others as you would want to be treated.
Challenge: Say hi to 20 people.
Be a Communicator Tuesday – Be a team player and an upstander– Teams are all in it together and stand up for each other.
Wear team shirts to show unity.
Quote: Alone we do so little. Together we can do so much. – Helen Keller
Challenge: Compliment 10 people today.
Superpowered and Principled Wednesday –Be superpowered by kindness - Kindness is our superpower.
Wear superhero shirts or a shirt with a kind saying.
Quote: Carry out a random act of kindness, with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you. – Princess Dianna
Challenge: Do 5 acts of kindness today. See if you can do it in secret.
I am Open Minded Thursday – Be cool and Kind – Kindness is the new cool.
Wear blue.
Quote: Kindness is the mark that we leave upon the world. – unknown
Challenge: Tell 3 people you appreciate them and why.
Show You Are Caring Friday –Be caring and encourage others– Showing you care makes hearts happy. Celebrate our school Run for Funds by wearing our school color, red.
Quote: A genuinely caring heart always finds kindness and happiness to share. – Debasish Mridha
Challenge: Encourage others to do their best.
PVES Run for Funds
On February 11th, students will participate in a PVES Run at school.
Stay tuned for more information coming home with students on February 4th.
Learning about Florida History
Gifted students in 3rd, 4th and 5th grade are learning about Florida history, including the elements of tourism, space, Native Americans, the influence of Flagler and tourism in our state. They are working with their teachers and Mrs. Heidi Smith, our District Gifted Resource Teacher, to learn all aspects of their part in the project. After research is complete, they will create a visual display to be shared with the school.
Reminder: When Checking Out Students
Parents, please make sure you bring your driver’s license into the front office when signing out your student. Office staff will be asking you to present your license when signing your student out of school. This procedure is in place to ensure the safety of all students. We thank you for your understanding and compliance.
Learner Profile of the Month: Caring
IB Learner Profile: Caring
The IB Learner profile aims to develop students who are caring. Students who are CARING show empathy, compassion and respect towards the needs and feelings of others. They have a personal commitment to service, and act to make a positive difference to the lives of others and to the environment. They remember to treat others how they themselves would like to be treated.
IB students tell us they bring this commitment to community and others to their activities and leadership roles at university and carry it throughout their lives.
How can parents help to develop students who are CARING?
- Start by practicing empathy. Model the caring behavior you would like to see in your child. Your child notices everything you do! Using kind words, helping others and being an active listener will show your child that you care about other people.
- Help your child consider the feelings of others. Ask, "What do you think she's upset about?" "How would you feel if that happened to you?"
- Read books that demonstrate caring and kindness. Discuss the message of the story and how it can be applied in your every day lives. Ask, "What are some things we can do to show kindness?" "Is there anyone we know that could use some extra caring right now?"
- Brainstorm ways your family can get involved in the community. Send cards to residents of a local nursing home. Donate food, clothing or toys to those in need. Place inspiring quotes around the neighborhood for others to see.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Sometimes this can be challenging for busy families, but make an effort to establish these habits in your home. By developing children who care about the environment, you are helping the future of the globe.
- Emphasize social skills like saying please, thank you, sharing with siblings and recognizing when others may be having a difficult day.
- Smile
Girls on the Run
Calling All 3rd-5th grade GOTR Girls and Families:
Our Spring Season Starts the Week of February 21, 2022!
We're Ready-Ready-Ready for SO MUCH FUN and
We Can't "Run" Without YOU!
The past two years have been incredibly challenging for girls of all ages, but if there is one thing she can count on, it’s that Girls on the Run is here for her!
Now more than ever, girls need opportunities to develop skills in cooperation and collaboration. They need to feel supported in identifying and expressing their emotions. They need to be equipped with the ability to create and foster strong, healthy relationships with their peers.
Our upcoming season begins the week of February 21st and together, we can meet all these needs and more!
Key Points for This Season:
- Spring Season Start: Week of Monday, February 21, 2022
- Available in Girls on the Run (3rd-5th)
- Girl Registration opens Monday, January 17, 2022!
- End of Season GOTR 5K Celebration: Saturday, May 7, 2022
Students should have received a flyer to join for spring. Reach out to Mrs. Harris lcartier@pasco.k12.fl.us if you have questions.
Click the button below to register for the spring season of Girls on the Run.
PTO Read Under the Stars
PTO invites you to join us for Read Under The Stars on March 3rd at 6pm. More info will be coming home in your child’s folder closer to the date!