Weekly Update
August 8th, 2023

January 6-10, 2025
Message From the Principal
All of us at Jeff West Middle School hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We are ready to hit the ground hard for the 2nd semester. All schedules for students are pretty finalized, please note we will not change students electives unless it is an easy switch. We can put them on the top of the list for the elective they didn't get for next school year.
Please make sure your student has logged into their skyward and looked over their schedule so they know where they will be going on Tuesday.
Please make sure chrome books are charged and ready to go as teachers will be having students get to work on the first day.
Few reminders if your child is going to be gone make sure you are calling the office by 9am in order for the absence to be excused, all absences that have not been called in will be marked as unexcused until we receive notification. Also please make sure you are bringing doctors notes especially if your child has missed 3 or more days in a row due to being sick. If you will be gone for vacation please make sure you let the office know and that you email your child's teachers so they are able to get them homework ahead of time.
If your child takes medicine at school please make sure you bring it into the office in the prescription bottle. Do not send it to school with your student as we will not be able to accept it.
Our After School Program will start back up the week of the 13th, this is offered Monday-Thursday until 4:30pm for students who are needing some extra support on their school or extra time to get their work completed. It is important that the students who are attending ASAP are there to work and will put forth effort and not distract other students or take away from their opportunity to work and learn.
Student Service Coordinator- Ms. Andrews
We are excited to announce that we will be hosting a Career Fair on the afternoon of Friday, January 17, 2025. This event will provide our students with the opportunity to explore a variety of career paths, hear from professionals in different fields, and get inspired for their future.
We’re inviting parents, guardians, and community members to participate by representing their careers at the fair. Please take a few moments to fill out this form if you are interested in representing your career field on this day.
Survey Link: Career Fair Interest Survey
Students of the Month for December
5th Grade- Wyatt Hill
5th Grade- Hadlee Bathurst
5th Grade- Addalynn Martin
5th Grade- Jonathan Sellens
6th Grade- Nora Malone
6th Grade- Liam Kraft
6th Grade- Colton Ray
7th Grade- Samantha Villines
7th Grade- Beck Alexander
7th Grade- Abigail Downing
8th Grade- Giddeon Willett
8th Grade- Alise Martin
All Things Activities and Athletics
Boys Basketball at Hiawatha- Boys need to be at the middle school by 1:45pm- bus will leave at 2:00pm
Make sure you send some snacks with your child.
7th grade is at Hiawatha High School- 600 Red Hawk Dr. Hiawatha KS
8th grade is at Hiawatha Middle School- 307 S. Morrill Ave Hiawatha KS
All games will start at 4:30pm- game play will be A teams followed by B teams
Girls Wrestling at Nemaha Central- Girls need to be at the wrestling room by 1:00pm- bus will leave from the wrestling room at 1:15pm. Girls have practice tomorrow Saturday 1/4 from 8-10am please plan to attend if possible. Matches will start at 4pm- school is in session for Nemaha Central- spectators will not be allowed in before 3:15pm.
Boys Basketball at Home against Silver Lake- games start at 4:30pm
7th grade boys play at the High School- A team followed by B team
8th grade boys play at the Middle School- A Team followed by B team
Boys Basketball at Home against Perry- Games start at 4:30pm
ALL games will be held at the Middle School due to Perry's low numbers. Game play will be as follows,
8A, 7A, Combo B team.
Let's Talk About Food
Cost for Breakfast is $2.25- we start serving breakfast at 7:30 am
Lunch cost is $3.50- Salads and sandwiches are offered every day but Late Start Days
Extra Milk is $0.50