Cabot High School
Graduation happens here!
Questions or Concerns?
Upcoming CHS Events
9- Financial Aid Live Stream Event
10- Jazz Concert 6:30 pm
5- Accuplacer
12- Accuplacer
13- Choir Christmas Concert 6:30 pm
14- Winter dance 8-11
16 - Band Concert 6:00pm
Dec. 21 - Jan. 3 - Winter Break
Blood Drive
The Student Council will be hosting our Student Holiday Campus Blood Drive on this Friday, December 13th in the Media Center from 9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Help us to reach our goal of collecting over 60 units and save 180 lives!
Early registration has begun! If you are interested in donating, registration forms are available outside of room 2410 or in the media center. Feel free to use the QR code on posters around the school to register, but don't forget, if you are 16 you must have a parent signature on the form. Slide the forms under the door of room 2410 in the English wing by 3:30 on Wednesday, December 11th. A council member will come get you from class 10 minutes before your appointment.
All walk-ins will also be welcome, so stop outside the media center on Friday in between classes if you are 17 or 18 to fill out your registration form and you will be given a time to return for your donation.
You will be excused from classes while you are donating.Please bring your picture ID. All successful donations will get a Holiday Long Sleeve Shirt.
All students who register before the Wednesday, 3:30 deadline, will be entered to win 2 Free Tickets to the Winter Formal on Saturday, December 14th!! All forms must be turned in by Tuesday, February 9th. Our goal is to break 100 units, so come donate and save three lives!!
Financial Aid Livestream
Class of 2025 -
Our annual Financial Aid Night Livestream, hosted by CHTV, will begin at 6:30pm Monday (Dec. 9th).
Have financial aid questions? Tune in to the livestream for the opportunity to ask our special guest Lisa McCollum Smith, Director of Financial Aid at Henderson State University.
"The Free Money Lady", as she is frequently called, will cover topics ranging from Arkansas scholarships to student loans, as well as key tips for completing your FAFSA application.
The livestream link can be found below, as well as by navigating to CHTV's YouTube channel.
Local Scholarships
The Cabot Scholarship Foundation local scholarship application is now open! The deadline for applications to be completed and submitted is 3:30pm on January 21st, 2025. There are no exceptions to this deadline.
The link to the online application and a QR code are below. The application is mobile friendly and can be completed on a phone, tablet, Chromebook or other device.
Last year, 136 graduating seniors received a total of $149,300 towards their Next Step by completing this application. The CSF program is funded through donations from various members of the community - including employees of Cabot Schools.
Important: Incomplete applications will affect the scholarship committee's decision for consideration, so be sure to complete every question that is applicable.
Prior to beginning this application, you will need:
- Name and Phone Number of four references - Two must be a high school teacher
- Work & Leadership Experience - Names & phone number(s) of supervisor(s)
- A list of school and community activities from grades 9-12, along with dates of participation and hours
- Information on your top college choice (intended major, date applied, tuition cost, books/fees, etc.)
- A list of scholarships applied for and the status of application(s)
- Parent(s)/Guardian(s) names, occupation and employer
- Family financial information - household income, dependent children in the home, amount of savings for educational purposes, etc.
Link: 2025 CSF Application
Football Try Outs
Cabot Panther Football will be hosting tryouts for any individuals interested in playing during the 2025 Football season. This will be a 3 day tryout Tuesday December 17 through Thursday December 19. Students must attend all 3 days of tryouts, and must have a current physical on the AAA Form. The physical form can be found on the school's website. Students will need Shorts, T-Shirt or Hoodie and running shoes. Cleats are optional. If you are interested in trying out, please email John.Panter@cps.k12.ar.us.
Parking Passes
School Email
Students, please remember to check your school email regularly. Teachers, counselors, and administrators share information via email and some of this information is time sensitive.
Helping with Prom
Juniors and Seniors who are interested in helping with Prom, please visit Mrs. Simpson in room 2110, or Mrs. Armstrong in room 1135 before or after school for some important information.
Student Handbook
Students reviewed the Cabot Public School Student Handbook during their English class. To read, review and print out the CPS Student Handbook, click on the link below.
Important Numbers
CHS Attendance Fax # 501.743-3583
CHS School Nurse Fax # 501-743-3582
Student ID
2024-2025 Student Calendar
Please charge your chromebooks each night!
Home Access Center (HAC)
In order to check your student's grades and attendance through the Home Access Center (HAC), you can log in at the link below. Be sure to change the district to Cabot. If you would like to receive real time notices about absences and grades for your students, you can set up alerts. To do that, log in and put your cursor in the upper right corner on your name. A drop box should appear. If you click on My Alerts you can set up these notices to be sent to your email or phone.
The PSAT/NMSQT will be given on Wednesday, October 23, 2024, 8:00 am-noon, for Sophomores and Juniors who register. Test results will give students the following:
- unique SAT practice recommendations
- access to college planning resources
- Juniors will be entered into the National Merit Scholarship Program
- assessment of skill levels and readiness for college and career
- suggestions on how to improve academic skills
- You can find more information about the PSAT/NMSQT by visiting the College Board website here: The College Board
PSAT/NMSQT: Wednesday, October 23rd
Registration: 2024 PSAT Registration -or- bit.ly/chspsat2024
Fee: $18 Payable at https://cabot.revtrak.net/hs/hs-psat/ and click on "High School" then "PSAT"
Deadline: Registration & payment due by 3pm September 11th
Students currently in GT Seminar I or II will automatically be registered.
CHS Bell Schedule 2024-2025
1st Period: 7:55-8:44
2nd Period: 8:49-9:40
2B1: 9:40-10:15
3rd Period: 10:20-11:09
1st Lunch: 11:09-11:30
4B Period: 11:44-12:33
4A Period: 11:14-12:03
2nd Lunch: 12:03-12:33
5th Period: 12:38-1:27
6th Period: 1:32-2:21
7th Period: 2:26-3:15
Student Athletes
Any student athlete who aspires to play sports in college must register with the National Collegiate Athletic Association or NCAA. It is recommended that students register with NCAA during their Sophomore year of high school. NCAA registration is the student's responsibility. To learn more about NCAA and the student registration process, click on the link below.
CHS fax number for all medical and excuse notes (501-743-3583)
CHS Check Out Policy
CHS students will be allowed to check out with a parent/guardian note only. A parent/guardian phone number will need to be included on the checkout note for verification purposes.
***No phone call checkouts will be allowed because of safety concerns.
CHS is a closed campus and we strongly discourage students from checking out at lunch. This typically causes unnecessary tardies and classroom interruptions. If a student is checking out at lunch, a parent/guardian must physically come in and sign the student out and them back in from lunch.
Only a parent/guardian is allowed to drop lunch off for a student. If a parent/guardian is dropping off lunch for a student, there will be a table (outside the office) with a sharpie for the students name to be written on it. Students should know in advance that lunch is being dropped off to them.
Important Numbers
Save these in your phone in case you or a friend should ever need them.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line
Text HELLO to 741-741
Online Payment Store
Did you know that Cabot Public Schools is now providing an easy to use solution for online payments? It's called RevTrak , and this web store allows you to make payments online for high school clubs, activity fees and more. This convenient options saves time, reduces trips to the school office, and eliminates the need to send cash or check with your students. All it takes is a few clicks. To learn more about RevTrak click on the website below.
Student Success Center
Please click on the link below for scholarship information, college announcements, financial aid resources and miscellaneous announcements.
Attendance concerns?
Need Help with the ACT?
Upcoming ACT Dates
December 14
February 8
April 5
June 14
July 12
Need to check your grades?
Principal and Counselor Assignments by student last name:
Student Success Coordinator
Mr. Adam Koehler
Floating Counselor
Mrs. Darby Phillips
A - Co
Mrs. Jeanette DeJesus
Mr. Mike Sprawls
Cr - Ha
Mrs. Christy Melder
Mr. Mike Nash
He - Mc
Mrs. Julie Wilson
Mr. Tim Harrison
Mea - She
Ms. Jayne Snyder
Mrs. Angela Beason
Mrs. Kim Gibson
Dr. Nicole Gatewood
Need to Contact Us?
Email: first.last@cps.k12.ar.us
Website: cabotschools.org
Location: 401 N Lincoln St, Cabot, AR, United States
Phone: 501-843-3562
Twitter: @CabotHigh
Library Media Specialist at Cabot High School.