Riverbend Parent Newsletter
March 1, 2024

From the Principal
Riverbend Families,
Welcome to trimester 3! It's hard to believe we're starting spring sports this week! There's a lot of exciting things ahead as we get the new trimester rolling. Here are a few helpful reminders as we head into spring:
- Student Dress: As the weather warms up, please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for school. We're still in that crazy stage where it could be 30 degrees one day, and 60 degrees the next. Students should be comfortable and able to adjust to the temperature swings. Please see our student handbook for specific dress code details.
- Summer Discovery registration is now open for incoming 7th grade students and 2025-2026 8th grade students. You can register your student here.
- As we begin Trimester 3, we will monitor students who may potentially be required to attend June summer school. As a reminder, if a student fails 3 or more core classes during the year, they are required to complete summer remediation in order to advance to the next grade level. Please monitor your student's progress through Infinite Campus, and feel free to reach out to your student's teachers with questions.
Lastly, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your continued involvement and support. As you may have heard, Riverbend was selected as a 2024-2025 State School Of Character. This is a huge honor for our students and staff. We have worked very hard to promote our core values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resiliency throughout every aspect of Riverbend. Whether in the classroom, cafeteria, athletic competitions, or the community, our students and staff have been shining examples of what it means to be a part of Riverbend. We thank you all for helping us achieve this honor, and we look forward to continuing to raise the bar for our students and staff.
We are excited to see the things our students will accomplish this trimester. As always, please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Todd Dempsey
Nurses Notes
Please take a moment to ensure your child’s immunization records are up to date. Our school nurse is reviewing records, and any missing or updated vaccinations need to be submitted as soon as possible.
How to Update:
- Contact your child’s healthcare provider for any necessary immunizations.
- Request an updated shot record.
- Submit a copy to the school nurse via email, fax, or by sending it with your student.
Keeping immunization records current helps protect the health and safety of all students and staff. If you have any questions, please reach out to the school nurse’s office.
Thank you for your cooperation!
District Board Room Art Show Display
Students in Mrs. Puls' art class were chosen to display artwork in the Meramec Valley District Office. Please use the link below to view some of the amazing pieces that were displayed.
Responsibility Awards Given
New Artwork Designed
Students in Mrs. Puls' Studio Art class recently took on a special service-learning project to make Riverbend even more inspiring! They collaborated with teachers to design and paint custom ceiling tiles that reflect the personality and spirit of each classroom. Their hard work and creativity will leave a lasting impact, as these beautiful tiles will be displayed throughout the school for years to come! Way to go, artists!
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Last Chance to purchase a yearbook! Yearbooks are on sale now. You will be able to order a yearbook through March 16th. To order simply use the link on the flyer below. Please be sure to note your child's grade and Tribe Teacher. If you are unable to order online, please contact Ms. Miles via email - smiles@mvr3.k12.mo.us or by phone 636-271-1481.
Beta Club News
Attention Beta Club Members: This month is a do-it-yourself service project. Find a random act of kindness that you can do WEEKLY and make it happen. Write in the feed (respond so we can all see) what you did and what response you received. Have fun and be kind. Turn this in by March 31st. Remember we will be checking grades and service projects, so make sure you are up-to-date.
Café Connections
You can use the link below to access both breakfast and lunch menus for our building. Would you like to see something on the menu that's not there? Email Ms. Gail at gsimpson@mvr3.k12.mo.us your suggestions. Breakfast ala-carte is continuing to be offered. In order to purchase, your child must have money in their account.
March Madness Event
Happy Birthday!
We want to wish a Happy Birthday to all students, parents, and staff who celebrate their birthday this month.
Sports Schedule
We love to see our Riverbend students supporting each other at the various extracurricular activities around our district. Please note that all Riverbend students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend an extracurricular event at any of our buildings around the district. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed to enter an event. If there are changes to game times, please check out the link below for additional information.
Riverbend Middle School Information
Helping students reach full potential through innovation, engagement, character, and community.
Website: mvr3.k12.mo.us
Location: 2085 Hwy N. Pacific, Mo. 63069
Phone: (636) 271-1481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RMSIndians