MTSD Board of Education
Board Briefs

The Mequon-Thiensville School District Board of Education
(L-R): Andy Hopkins, Jason Levash, Kate Barikmo, Wendy Francour, Shelley Burns, Dr. Mary Gavigan & Dr. Michael Stadler
Please Join Us!
All Mequon-Thiensville community members, MTSD families, and staff members are encouraged to attend meetings of the MTSD Board of Education. As a reminder, all Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website. For detailed agendas and PDFs of Board presentations, please visit BoardDocs.
Board Engagement Opportunities
September Board Recap
September 9 Special Business Meeting
The Board took action to approve short-term borrowing and participation in the PMA levy and aid anticipation notes program following a presentation by Sarah Viera, Executive Director of Business Services and Operations.
The Board heard an update regarding referendum communications and engagement from Molly Loucks, Chief of Communications, and engaged in subsequent discussion.
Dr. Joynt led a presentation and discussion on Board & Superintendent Goals for the 2024-25 school year.
September 13 Policy Committee Meeting
Policies reviewed included: #5420 - Reporting Student Progress, #2260 - Nondiscrimination Statement, #5136 - Wireless Electronic Devices, (NEW) News Media Access to Students, (NEW) Indoor Environmental Quality Management, #0162 - Meetings - Quorum, and #0172 - Duties - Legal Counsel.
September 18 Legislative Committee Meeting
The Legislative Committee met to discuss report topics including statewide school district referenda information, the 25-27 state biennium, and WASDA and SWSA updates.
September 23 Regular Business Meeting
The Board heard an annual report from the Mequon-Thiensville Education Foundation, led by MTEF Executive Director, Dani Melgaard
The Board heard a Superintendent’s Report from Dr. Joynt
The Board heard a Legislative Committee Report
The Board took action to approve second readings of Policies #2260 - Nondiscrimination Statement and #5420 - Reporting Student Progress
The Board heard an update on referendum communications and engagement from Molly Loucks, Chief of Communication
The Board recognized a gift in the amount of $10,000 to Oriole Lane Elementary School from the Herman W. Ladish Foundation.
All Board of Education meetings are open to the public with all community members invited to attend either in person or virtually, as available. All Board of Education meeting agendas and video recordings of past meetings can be found on the MTSD Board of Education website.
Open House & Community Info Session #1 Recap
We are grateful to all to who took the time to attend the Open House & Referendum Information Session at Homestead High School on Monday, September 16. Participants took a student-led tour of Homestead, followed by a referendum presentation led by Superintendent Joynt and Sarah Viera, MTSD's Executive Director of Business Services & Operations. Special shout-out to seniors Shayna, Luke, Ava F., Ava N., Lela, and Gabby who helped lead the school tour and shared their experiences as MTSD students with community members along the way! Please take a moment to review the evening's presentation by clicking below.