EPHS Career and College Newsletter
2024 Fall
If you missed Open House, the presentations are available below 😀
EPHS Current Senior Guide & please stay tuned, NEW Canvas page coming soon!
This is the current Senior Guide & please stay tuned for a new Canvas page to be launched soon!
YouScience - After all, it’s ALL about YOU!!!!
Freshmen & Families - We just this week introduced & rolled out YouScience to all of the Class of 2028 in all of the Health classes. Ask your student to share details & espcially their results after they’ve completed the 11 “Brain Games” activities. They should be completed & have their results in about a week or so.
Sophomores - Seniors (Classes of 2025-2027) and Families DON’T forget that you all have had the opportunity to complete the YouScience “Brain Games” activities & all that’s available to you through your YouScience account & results once you’ve completed the 11 Brain Games activities in the “Aptitude & Career Discovery” section of the platform. Possibly you didn’t complete this in previous years, don’t fret - you can still login & complete by simply using the Google Login with Single Sign On feature. Just be sure that you’re logged in to your school Google account to use this feature. Once logged in you can still access your results if you’ve completed the 11 “Brain Games” activities or work to complete any of them that you haven’t via the “Aptitude & Career Discovery” section in order to then have access to your results & all of the resources. Your results & the resources can help you look at & consider Career Pathways, specific careers you may want to consider after High School based on your Aptitudes (again, another fancy way to say our natural strengths, talents & skills). Furthermore your results can help you prepare resumes, complete applications & even prepare for interviews since your results also give you words & short phrases to describe yourself - this is the “Discuss Together” icon/section near the bottom of your YouScience homepage once you have your results from completing the 11 activities. Again this platform is all about & for YOU, hence the name - YouScience! Scan the QR code above or use this hyperlink below to easily be able to login to access your account & results https://signin.youscience.com/ Simply click on the GOOGLE “Log in with Single Sign On” icon & it uses your school Google login credentials, again be sure you’re logged into your school Google acct.
Where Have We Been?
PNACAC College Fair at RCC - Over 50 colleges from around the U.S. were represented. Over 90 juniors and seniors from EPHS signed up to attend.
EPHS has hosted a couple College Rep/Student visits on our campus & more to come - watch for Google Sign Up Forms sent to your email & sign up if interested.
Where We're Headed
Duck Express Application Workshop Student Info & Instructions
Scholarship Spotlight for October
VFW Scholarship - "Voice of Democracy." Application must be submitted to our local VFW post representative, see below for more info & due date to me by Friday, October 25th. You can also see pg. 1 of the attached for information pertaining to detailed specifics for entry needs, etc.
Dr. Paul Cook is our local VFW post contact at the Medford Post#1833 & his phone number is on the application attached (see bottom right of pg 2 of the application). He will come out to EPHS to pick up completed applications on Friday, October 25th, so please have your completed applications to me by then. He & our local VFW Post will then submit applications to the national post by Oct. 31st.
Download the fillable application (right-hand side of the webpage) - Voice of Democracy Entry Form here:
Other Scholarship Search Resources - Always Available
Scholarships | Oregon Goes to College
(Resource to search scholarships by due dates)
Scholarship Search - BigFuture
(Resource to search & can narrow list using filters &/or by due dates)
(Resource to search & create profile for matches to those you may qualify for)
(Resource to search by category or create profile for matches to those you may qualify for)
(Resource to search by category)
As the school year progresses there will be more local scholarship opportunities (OSAC, EPHS/D9 Local Scholarships, other Local Community, etc.) that open & links will be shared here as well as emailed out to students. STUDENTS - PLEASE CHECK YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL ACCOUNT REGULARLY; DAILY or AT LEAST EVERY COUPLE OF DAYS! Not doing so will cause you to miss potential opportunities, important information, events to sign up for, etc.
Please contact Rob Cowden, College/Career/Workforce Coordinator at 541-830-6676 or cowdenr@eaglepnt.k12.or.us