Medeiros Newsletter
March 2024
Ms. Ellerson, Principal
Mrs. Looney, Vice Principal
Ms. Tovar, School Counselor
*Kindergarten Registration is still happening. If you need TK birthdates call the office anytime.
*Thank you for understanding we had to move the Color Run to March 15th.
*Thank you to all the families who came for our Literacy Family Night.
*Hope you got to meet and/or see Mr. Christian. He will be on campus the rest of the year helping Mrs. Looney and Ms. Ellerson.
*Our character trait for March is Positivity.
*We have new permanent cones in the parking lot. Remember the yellow zone is for drop off and pick up and not for parking. Due to safety all students need to be dropped off in the yellow zone not the middle lane.
*Please label your student's jackets. We had a ton of lost and found clothes these last few months.
*Please check the important dates below.
Kindness Week
Kindness Rotary Award
Pitman assembly on Kindness
*3/7 & 3/8 -5th Grade Walk Throughs
*3/8-Report Cards come home
*3/11-3/15-Go Green Week
*3/13-Wear Green on Wednesday
*3/15-Color Run
*3/16-Festival on the Green-Pitman High School
*3/21-5:30-7:00-Open House
*3/23-6th grade Math Blast-Stanislaus State
* 3/25-3/28-College and Career Week
*3/26-6th Study Trip to Stanislaus State
*3/26-Spring Pictures
*3/29-4/7- Spring Break
Please join our PTA and find out how you can support the education and activities of our Medeiros students! If you would like more information about joining our PTA email us at
PTA will be doing a Color Fun Run in March. All earnings from the run will go directly to Study Trips. Thank you for supporting our school.
School T-shirts can be purchased in the office.
Medeiros Elementary cares about your voice! Please tell us how we are doing? Questions, suggestions, concerns, or comments please email Ms. Ellerson at
Follow us on Facebook at : Sandra Medeiros Elementary
Follow us on Twitter at: @MedeirosStars
Follow us on Instagram: Medeiros Elementary School