Bulldog Bulletin
November 7, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Bulldog Families-
I hope you are staying warm and safe during this first major snowstorm of the season. I can hardly believe that we have had two snow days. I miss seeing students but have enjoyed the extra time to catch up on work and be with my family.
Weekly Highlights:
- PBIS Store is open three days a week during both of our lunch hours. Students can purchase items online and receive them at the store OR they can purchase items in the moment at the store. Our counseling team has worked hard to set this up for us this year and we can't thank them enough for their hard work!
- Student Support Center OPEN! We are fortunate enough to have sub(s) that come daily to support students regardless of whether or not we have teacher absences. One of our subs has opened our Student Support Center to provided more individualize support, catch up time, quiet workspace, etc. for our Bulldogs. I will speak more to this at our School Accountability Committee meeting next week.
Upcoming Events:
- A Grateful Gathering Family Event Night will take place on November 13th at Galileo Middle School beginning at 5p. RSVP using the following link. We hope to see you there!
- School Accountability Committee will host its second meeting of the year. We purposefully put these meetings right after school with the hope that it will be more convenient for you to attend. We will post the agenda in next week's newsletter. Please reach out to our SAC Chair kaye.jones@d11.org if there is anything you would like to be sure to discuss at this time. Next meeting is Thursday, November 14th at 4p.
- Yonder Pouches...friendly reminder that students must place their cell phones in their Yonder Pouches at the beginning of the school day. If students violate this board policy, we as a school will move through the disciplinary action set forth by the board of education.
- Impact Forms were given out to students during their advisory last week. Please be sure to ask your child if they brought one home. If they did, please turn them into their advisory teacher no later than November 20th.
- Student Tech Agreements were given out during conferences. If you were unable to attend, please be sure to get those turned into your child's advisory teacher ASAP. If you did not receive a form, please reach out to our LTE carol.chapman@d11.org.
As always, we are grateful for your ongoing support and partnership. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to reach out.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend!
In partnership,
Julia Scott
Galileo Middle School vision, "Students will engage in purposeful, authentic learning experiences, through integrated core subjects with real world connections."
Mark Your Calendar
Friday, November 8th
- Veteran's Day Assembly 10:30a
Monday, November 11th
- Veteran's Day--School IN SESSION
- Mr. Gibson's Veteran's Band Assembly at 8:35a
Wednesday, November 13th
- Family Night: A Grateful Gathering
Thursday, November 14th
- School Accountability Committee Meeting
- All are welcome to attend in Room 111 at 4p
Monday, November 18th
- District Professional Development Day---NO STUDENTS
Friday, November 22nd
- Whole School Community Circle 8:40a
***Thanksgiving Break for ALL D11
Monday, November 25th-Friday, November 29th
Fall Family Event: A Grateful Gathering
School Accountability Committee
Please join us for our School Accountability Committee meeting. We are offering both an in-person and virtual meeting option. If you are able to join us in-person, please check in to the front office and join us in Room 111. Otherwise, we hope to see you virtually. Please reach out to our SAC Chair, Kaye Jones (kaye.jones@d11.org), if you have any questions or would like to see something added to our agenda. Meeting is Thursday, November 14th from 4:00p-5:00p.
- Welcome and Introductions
- Celebrations
- Fall P/T Conferences
- Fall Family Event
- Staffing Updates
- Big Rock 1: Instructional Excellence Updates
- STAR Testing
- Sustainability Grant PD Days
- Big Rock 2: Positive School Culture Updates
- PBIS Store
- Student Support Center
- Attendance
- Open
- Next Meeting: Thursday, December 19th at 4p
Ways to Join the Meeting Virtually:
Join from the meeting link
Join by meeting number
Meeting number (access code): 2631 199 0213
Meeting password: VGpHRih8E94
+1-415-655-0001,,26311990213## US Toll
Join by phone
+1-415-655-0001 US Toll
Global call-in numbers
Join from a video system or application
Dial 26311990213@cssd11.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.
Harvest of Love Food Drive
Next week beginning Monday November 4th we will begin collecting food and money for the Harvest of Love Food Drive. It will run until Nov. 15th.
Important Info:
Every $1 donated will count as 5 lbs of food donated.
Non-perishable food items (especially proteins, by request) are also acceptable.
The class that is able to donate the most amount of food by weight, including the money donated, will be receiving a prize.
Our goal as a school is to collect 350 pounds of food in these two weeks.
Everything we collect will be donated in turn to the Care and Share Food Bank. Please only give what they are willing and able to and should not feel obligated to donate.
Mitchell High School Toy Drive
We are excited for you to be a part of the 2024 Toy Nation campaign! Our goal is to provide each student at Monroe, Penrose, Mark Twain and Wilson ES a toy for the holidays and we need all the help we can get in order to reach this ambitious goal (around 1400 toys needed)!
Our Donation Window starts on November 4th this year and will go until December 11th. We will then take the toys to each of the elementary schools across December 12-13. There will be a decorated donation box in the front office for donations.
Eye Love Care Appointments at Galileo Middle School
Applications for eye exams were due on Monday, November 4th. Please reach out to shirley.moorhead@d11.org if you have questions or missed this deadline.
Appointments and glasses fittings take place on site at Galileo Middle School! The eye exam appointments will take place at school on the following days/times:
- Friday, December 6th from 8a-4p
- Monday, December 9th from 8a-4p
- Tuesday, December 10th from 8a-4p