Bonny Slope Elementary
September 5, 2024
Dates To Remember
9/5 Back to School Night 6:00-7:30
- 6-6:25: 2nd/3rd in classrooms
- 6:30-6:55: 4th Cafeteria/5th Library
- 7:00-7:25: K/1st in classrooms
9/9 Bobcat Trail Club (BTC) first day - M/Th 7:45-8:10
9/9 Volunteer Orientation – Day Session 12-12:45 pm - Zoom
9/10 Welcome Back Coffee for Parents - 8:15-9:30 am (Cafeteria)
9/10 Volunteer Orientation – Evening Session 7:-7:45 pm (Cafeteria)
9/11 Bus Evacuation Drill (9:45-10:45)
9/13 Vision Screening (K-5)
9/25 North & Central America (GeoClub)
9/26 Picture Day
9/27 Aug/Sep Birthday Lunch
We have several vendors offering after school classes starting in October. You can see all the offerings here: After School Activities Please check back often as more classes get approved. We anticipate about 7 different classes...stay tuned!
Dear Families,
It is so great to be back! It is amazing how much students can grow over the summer! As we headed back to school this year, I felt I could really relate to our returning students, as I am coming back for my third year here at Bonny Slope. Like them, I feel so much more confident that I know the routines, know my way around, and have an established group of friends. It is such a great feeling to be returning to this community, and launching a new school year with all of you!
I always love meeting our new students, both the kindergarteners and the older students who have moved into our area recently. This past week, I have appreciated how welcoming our community is, and enjoy getting to see all of the new friendships forming. If you have a returning student, please check in with them to see if they have connected with any of our new students.
It will always be a priority for me to make sure students feel welcome and safe at school, so please encourage students to reach out to their teachers, or to me if they need any help. I am looking forward to another terrific school year, and hope to see you at Back to School Night!
All the best,
Hello Families,
This is a busy time for our children as they continue to learn many new skills at school.
One area of learning that requires specific skills is social-emotional learning. These important skills are often overlooked. This is the realm where children learn how to understand and manage their feelings, how to make friends and be a friend, and how to solve social problems. Learning takes place throughout the day—in the classroom, on the playground, and at home. Children learn by watching and listening to how teachers, family members, and friends interact with one another.
We will be using a curriculum called the Kindness in the Classroom® to help us think about, develop, and practice positive social skills. Research tells us that children who learn and use these skills are more likely to get along with others and do better in school.
To clarify, this is not a bully prevention program. Rather, it is a pro-social approach to teaching students the skills needed to better communicate and collaborate, advocate for themselves and actively call out positive behavior and actions when they see it happening.
The Kindness in the Classroom® program includes 6 kindness concepts focusing on responsibility, respect, caring, inclusiveness, integrity, and courage. The lessons give students the opportunity to be inspired, feel empowered, act on what they’ve learned, reflect and share with their peers.
Families play a crucial role in the success of the Kindness in the Classroom® curriculum. Several of the lessons have a ‘home extension’ piece where the students will share what they’re learning and may ask for your help in promoting what they are learning at home.
It’s going to be a great year! If you have any questions, I would love to connect with you.
Lindsey Williamson
Student Success Coach
Greetings from Technology! We are starting the year with all of our students in technology discussing digital citizenship and what that means here at school and also at home. You can access these lessons at the link provided below. All of the lessons are differentiated by grade, as they get new instruction each year. These lessons help us understand how to be safe, respectful and responsible users of technology.
Next week we will be reviewing and having each student in grades one through five sign our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Digital Citizens here in technology. You can view this document at the link provided below. This document serves as an agreement between your student and the school, outlining the ways they will be safe, respectful and responsible with technology here at Bonny Slope.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions about Digital Citizenship or our AUP here at Bonny Slope.
Michele Simantel
Technology Instructional Assistant
Arrival and dismissal seems to be running a bit more smoothly this week as everyone gets used to our new routines and school hours. For those that drive and drop off in the morning, please remember to pull all the way forward along the curb to the end of the building. Parents remain in their car and students should get out independently on the passenger side of the car. Please be mindful of the crosswalk at the top of the stairs from the lower lot, keep it clear for pedestrians. As you exit, please form 2 lanes of travel in the lower lot for left/right turn onto McDaniel....this should ease our congestion and get cars thru quicker. Thanks for your help!
Parent Pick Up Waiting Areas
To make the parent pick up area easier to navigate for families, teachers, and students we have designated waiting areas out front. If you look at the top of the poles, you will see each one has a grade level number at the top. If you have students in multiple grades, please let them all know the area where you have chosen to wait. Teachers will head to the designated areas to connect students with their families.
In addition, it really helps the pick up process if families clear the area after meeting up with your students. We know that families enjoy visiting and giving students time to play some afternoons, and invite you to use the playground or the field.
In order to get school lunches, students in grades 2 - 5 need to enter their student ID numbers when they pick up their lunches. If your student gets a school lunch, please check with them to see if they know their student ID number. If not, it would help them to get through the line faster if they can practice at home in order to commit it to memory.
Bobcat Trail Club STARTS MONDAY 9/9!
NEW THIS YEAR: Bobcat Trail Club will have an earlier start time to accommodate our new 8:15 start. We will now run Mondays and Thursdays from 7:45-8:10.
Bobcat Trail Club (BTC) is a running/walking program we do in partnership with Marathon Kids. The goal is to encourage fitness in a fun way! Kids run or walk to accumulate laps on the BSE track—rewards will be given after milestones are reached. The ultimate goal is completing a marathon!
The program runs the full school year, rain or shine. When students get to the track, they will find a card with their name (used to track their laps). They should grab their card and start running! No need to sign up ahead of time.
We would love parent volunteers to help us count laps! We are still working on our new volunteer management system so stay tuned for more details on the volunteer signup process. In the meantime, if you would like to volunteer for BTC in September please reach out to questions@bonnyslopebsco.org.
Welcome back Bonny Slope!
It’s time to SAVE THE DATE for our annual jog-a-thon event taking place on Thursday, October 10th on Bonny Slope’s outdoor track. This school-wide fundraising event promotes fun and fitness while raising vital funds for BSCO’s annual budget used to support programs that directly enrich students’ education and experience here at Bonny Slope. Students solicit pledges/donations and then run, jog, or walk their way to the finish line.
We will be sending out more information about this event in the coming weeks via BSCO and BSE newsletters and social media, so stay tuned! If you are eager to show your school spirit by getting started, please visit the Jog-A-Thon Website at: https://sites.google.com/bonnyslopebsco.org/bonny-slope-jog-a-thon/home or scan the QR code below to register and begin fundraising!
Volunteer at Bonny Slope This Year!
Now that you've had time to settle in after the first week of school, are you wondering how you can get involved? Read on to learn about current opportunities and how to begin volunteering if you have not done so in the past. Thank you so much for finding the time to support Bonny Slope. It is a special community because of our volunteers and we wouldn't be able to do so many things without you!
Apply to Volunteer
ALL volunteers, new and returning, need to apply through BSD's new software - Raptor. If you have not yet registered to volunteer, please fill out an online application so you can get your background check completed. This process can take 2-6 weeks
Volunteer Orientation
Join us for ONE of the following sessions we have scheduled next week:
- Monday, September 9th 12noon - 1pm on Zoom.
- Zoom Link | Meeting ID: 839 8347 9894| Passcode: BYb28M
- Tuesday, September 10th 7pm - 8pm in the BSE cafeteria
At these sessions we will:
- Review the school protocols and policies you need to know while you are volunteering at BSE
- Learn about volunteer logistics and ways to get involved throughout the year
- See how to sign in and out at the school with the new Raptor system
Current Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are listed on the BSCO website in the Bobcat Volunteer Bulletin. To keep our children and school safe, and to ensure we are in compliance with BSD safety requirements, you MUST be cleared to volunteer through Raptor before signing up to cover an open volunteer shift.
Bonny Slope Elementary
Principal: Betty Skundrick
Assistant Principal: Anh Nguyen-Johnson
11775 NW McDaniel Rd.
Portland, OR 97229
Phone: 503.356.2040
Fax: 503.356.2045
Attendance: 503.356.2040 Press 1 for attendance
Attendance email: