Hawk Weekly Week of August 26
Welcome Back!
It was so great to see everyone at back at school this week! The excited energy from staff, students, and families were a wonderful inspiration to start the year!
This week at school, we had a great assembly to introduce some of our expectations and exciting ideas, had our first "Walk it out Wednesday" wellness walk, and shared so many smiles and hugs. It was such a wonderful week!
Our entire staff is looking forward to a great school year!
Parking Lot
Pack Your Patience Please!
We are looking forward to a great year! We know one of our biggest challenges is our parking lot! Please adhere to the flow chart below. Additionally, please see the letter below encouraging bus use when possible. Thank you for helping us keep everyone safe!
HVL Updates/ Meeting 9/24 at 7:00 PM in Havel Media Center or on Teams!
Meet the Board
We look forward to a great partnership with HVL this year!
Food Services Information
2024-2025 ***Free Breakfast and Lunch for All Students***
Power School Information
Power School Accounts- Parents Please See Below
Parents- Please Log into your POWERSCHOOL Account - See Below
There are several items that all parents will need to indicate have been reviewed on the PowerSchool site in the FORMS section:
1) Student Address, Student Contacts, and Health Info
2) Parent Student Handbook
3)Technology Use Agreement
4)Technology Device Insurance Opportunity
Volunteer Information
District iPad/Laptop Insurance
Please be sure to log into your PowerSchool and sign the Technology Use Agreement!
Damage to the iPad/Laptop your child is using is the parent's responsibility! We offer insurance for each device we lend to students. A phrase I heard many times last year was, "Thank goodness I got insurance!"
No one ever intends for an accident to happen to one of the district devices... believe me, accidents happen! Below is a link to the district offered device insurance, The due date is time sensitive, so if you would like insurance, I recommend not waiting so the due date doesn't pass in all the hustle and bustle of the start of school.
Insurance may be purchased from August 7th-September 6th at 4:00pm.
Link device information:
Payment for device insurance is through PaySchools. There is a new platform for Payschools. Please see blurb below.
PaySchools has improved its platform this year to provide a system that is consistently more reliable and user friendly. The end result for parents will be that the information they need will be personalized for their child.
As a result, families will be asked to recreate an account (even if you previously had a PaySchools account). Once created, you will be provided with those product choices that directly relate to your child.
Just follow these easy steps:
- Create an account from your computer or tablet at: www.payschoolscentral.com
- Complete the account registration by selecting register, enter your profile details, setting up your password via the email link that will be sent to you, then logging in.
- Add your children to your account using their student ID numbers. ID numbers are found on their report card available through PowerSchool.
- If you like, enter credit card and/or banking information as forms of payments to use with your PaySchools account.
A complete guide (with screen shots) is available at this link.
Need help with your PaySchools Central account?
8:30 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. ET (M-F)
Medication at School
Any child who needs to have medication administered at school will need to have completed medial forms on file for each medication. This includes over-the-counter medications, such as Tylenol/Advil, cough drops, allergy medication, and others
Children may not bring any medication to school, including allergy medication, without signed medical forms on file. Please do not send medication to school in your child's backpack, such as inhalers, EpiPen, or over-the-counter medications as they will be asked to keep the medication in the office for parents to pick up. If your child needs to have medication in their backpack per doctor recommendation, UCS requires the completed medical form to be on file with the office.
Picture Day!
Important Dates
8/30 - NO SCHOOL
9/2 - NO SCHOOL-Labor Day
9/17 - Constitution Day
9/18 - NO SCHOOL
9/23 - Picture Day
9/24 HVL Meeting
10/16 - NO SCHOOL PD
10/31 1/2 Day -12:04 Dismissal
11/1 End of Quarter 1
11/4 Picture Re-Take Day
11/5 No School Election Day!
11/7 1/2 Day PM Conferences
12/20 End of Quarter 2
12/23-1/3 - Winter Break
1/16 Candid Photo Day
1/20 MLK Jr. Day
2/17-2/21 - Mid- Winter Break
3/10 Spring Fun Photos
3/21 End of Q3
3/24-3/28 - Spring Break
4/18 No School
5/26 - NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day
6/10 - 1/2 Day
6/11 - 1/2 Day - Last Day of School