OMS Family Focus

March Newsletter
The MISSION of Oakdale Middle School is cultivating character and academic excellence through high expectations.
The VISION of Oakdale Middle School is working together with parents we provide an atmosphere of high expectations where learning is celebrated and our students are encouraged to be the best they can be. Our teachers, counselors and administrators are here to equip each and every student with the knowledge, skills and experiences so that he/she can become an engaged and empowered citizen. Staff and students respect the rights of others and enjoy the differences, as well as similarities, they find among their classmates. As our community grows, we revel in our rich and diverse culture and welcome all to OMS.
Principal Message
Greetings Oakdale Middle School Families,
As we embrace the month of March, it comes with a reset and and a season of renewal. We will continue to embrace the opportunities that this school year has for us. We have just completed midterm of the third quarter and hoping students continue to give their best. As students are contnuing to do their daily school work, a quick reminder that students will be participating in many testing until early May. We will encourage students to do their best each and every day.
March is not only a time to celebrate the arrival of spring, but also a time to focus on resilience, unity, and the power of community. Let's continue to support one another, sharing kindness, encouragement, and strength, as we work toward common goals. Just as nature is beginning to bloom, we too can grow and thrive together, focusing on progress, joy and meaningful positive relationships.
Also, as the weather starts to get a little warmer, please help us ensure students are adhering to the FCPS dress code. We want to ensure all student have a safe and welcoming environment. FCPS Policy 439 has additional information.
Warm regards,
Dr. Samuels
Student Recognition
Shout out to our students who participated in the Model UN. We are proud of all our students!!!!
Pink out Spirit day
6th grade Science class Windward Side
6th grade Science Leeward side
6th grade duck pond Ocean current
A duck pond was built in Ms. Ferguson’s room to demonstrate ocean currents. In January 1992, a cargo ship lost 12 containers of floating bathtub toys into the North Pacific Ocean. These toys, including yellow ducks, blue turtles, red beavers, and green frogs, were carried by ocean currents. Over the next 12 years, people along the coast of Alaska and other places, like Hawaii, Maine, and Scotland, found the toys washed up on beaches.
MathCounts Competition
We took 14 members who have worked hard this year and years past to prepare for this competition. We have 2 Individuals who made it to the State competition. Vihaan Krishnan (8th Grade) and Jeffrey Shen (8th Grade). We also have a team that won 4th place at the chapter who will also go to States. Vihaan Krishnan (8th Grade), Suhith Murikinatii (8th Grade), Nigel Wood (8th Grade), and Jack O'Brien (7th Grade). We go to States March 18th! Thanks Ms. Mossburg for your dedication!!
- Mar. 5: PBIS: Student of the Month (Feb) pizza parties
- Mar. 5: MD Survey
- Mar. 5: Chorus Adjudication - UHS
- Mar. 7:MISA (only 8th grade)
- Mar. 10: MISA (only 8th grade)
- Mar. 10: Rising 6th Parent Information Night
- Mar. 11-12: Band Adjudication - WHS
- Mar. 17 - 21: Special Olympics Inclusivity Week
- Mar. 18: Orchestra Adjudication - MHS
- Mar. 19: Career Coach Field Trip
- Mar. 27: Color Run
- Mar. 27: Term 3 Ends 2 Hour Early Dismissal
- Mar. 28: Teacher Work day Schools Closed
Special Olympics Inclusivity Spirit Week:
- Monday, Mar. 17: Tie-dye Pride Day. Wear your tie-die, bright colors to celebrate inclusion for all.
- Tuesday, Mar. 18: Camouflage day to support those with invisible disabilities
- Wednesday, Mar. 19: Wear spread the word clothing that promotes inclusion
- Thursday, Mar. 20: Proudly wear school colors to show we are one
- Friday, Mar. 21- Wear purple, the color used to symbolize inclusion and diversity
- Students who are car riders, please allow time for your student to be dropped off and to enter the building without being late to class.
- Communication is key and we want to ensure we are responding to you in a timely manner. We strive to respond to communication within 48 hours, please allow this time so that we may better serve you.
- Please do not go around cars that are in front of you because we have students that are getting out of the vehicles on both sides and on occasion some students need to get their belonging out of the trunk of their vehicle.
- Cars should not make U-turns in the parking lot where students are being dropped off.
- As the winter months have arrived, please ensure students are wearing the appropriate attire for the cold months. Wearing long sleeves and long bottoms are a must when students are going to recess due to the cold weather. It is the determination of the school on when it is too cold to go outside or not. attached is the regulation on weather.
- Students are permitted to bring only water to school. No energy drinks, Starbucks, McDonalds, Dunkin, etc.
- If your child has lost something, please have them check the lost and found. We have an abundance of different items that if not claimed, will be donated.
ALEKs (Math program)
- What is ALEKs?
- ALEKs is an adaptive Math Program
- Topics are assigned based on the individual students' needs
- We expect 5 topics completed each week
- This is a graded assignment.
- Students can pick which topics they would like to master
- Explanations are given prior to beginning the topic.
- If an incorrect answer is given, ALEKs will provide the solution and an opportunity to retry the skill.
- When focused, 5 topics typically take 25 - 30 minutes to complete.
- Do you know where your child is?
- This is a pie progress report. Your child can show you this through their clever portal!
- Students take a pre-test at the beginning of the year based on their current courses standards. This was where they were before instruction began.
- We just took a MOY Knowledge check to monitor progress on our grade level standards.
- We will be taking a 3rd administration of this knowledge check at the end of the year.
- How do students find ALEKs?
- FCPS Bookmarks - Clever - McGraw Hill - ALEKs of the Main Math Teacher
- Why is ALEKS important?
- There is a DIRECT correlation with research to Improved student grades, growth in Mathematics overall, and testing scores (including knowledge checks, iReady and MCAP) improving for student who have mastered at least 200 topics by MCAP
- How can you help?
- Students should have pencil and paper
- Doing Math in your head is too difficult
- Encourage students to take their time!
- Pick topics that are "doable"
- A calculator is provided online for particular topics.
- Encourage students to read the explanations to figure out mistakes.
- Monitor weekly topic completion via Schoology.
Thank you for your continued support of our students and their mathematic growth!
Counselor Corner
Students we are here for you and if you need to see one of us, please send us a schoology message or ask your teacher.
The OMS PTSA is hosting an informal virtual Schoology training/review session conducted by OMS Staff on March 4th at 7PM via Google Meet . The purpose of this event is to help parents and students understand and utilize Schoology to its fullest capabilities and answer questions the community may have.
If you have questions that you would like answered during the session, please add them to the Google Doc here: Oakdale Middle Parent Schoology Help Topics/Questions and we will do our best to answer them during the session.
*The training will be conducted from the Student View of schoology.
**This event is open to current OMS families as well as rising 6th graders at OMS feeder schools.
To ensure you are getting all the latest and greatest PTSA information, please join on mailing list using the following link and/or follow us on social media via Facebook ( and/or Instagram ( Thank you for your continued support!!
Community News
Key Information of Contacts
Administration and Counseling Team
6th Grade Assistant Principal - Ms. Brown
6th Grade School Counselor - Ms. Gibson
7th Grade Assistant Principal - Mrs. Zeoli
7th Grade School Counselor - Mrs. Eck
8th Grade Assistant Principal - Mr. Heusser
8th Grade School Counselor - Mrs. McCracken
All Grades Behavior Support Specialist - Mr. Cunningham
Attendance: Ms. Sanders, Please email absence notes to the morning of your student's absence.
LOST and FOUND: Located in the cafeteria!!
Cell Phone Use
In an effort to work together to ensure appropriate use of cell phones for students, we encourage parents/guardians to review safe cell phone usage frequently, maintain open communication, and utilize appropriate parental controls. Also, students are reminded of the school’s rules for having a cell phone at school, which is linked in case you wish to periodically review them with your child. Regulation 400-18 Electronic Devices – Student Use.
Finally, please reiterate with your child to not use their cell phone for unsanctioned purposes such as: cheating, harassing or bullying others, taking photos or videos of others without permission, checking personal social media accounts, or sexting. Some violations may have consequences not only related to student discipline, but victims have also pursued legal action against both the student and the parent/guardian. Those outcomes are best avoided when schools and parents partner together. We thank you for all that you do to help us reinforce good digital citizenship.
Oakdale Middle School has implemented the "Off, Away, and Out of Sight" cell phone policy for the last several years. While students are in the school building during the instructional day, they are to keep their cell phones, "Off, Away, and Out of Sight" and that time is 7:45am - 3:12 pm. Please see FAQ for consequences of misuse.
- Parents/Guardians - if you need to contact your child please call the front office at 227-203-2450 and we will get the message to your child as soon as possible.
Bus riders
Please use the FCPS Transportation website to ensure you know your child’s bus stop location as well as the pick-up and drop-off time.
As a reminder, A quick and easy resource to check if your child's bus is delayed is to visit This site is updated in real-time to reflect any bus delays.
Car rider Arrival and dismissal Traffic Patterns and Procedures
All car rider drop-off and pick-ups will occur in the side parking lot off of Oakdale School Road. OMS staff will be in the side parking lot to assist with traffic flow, student crossings, and vehicles safely exiting from the parking lot. Please pay close attention to their guidance. OMS staff will be highly visible over the next few weeks helping with the flow of traffic. During these first few weeks, I ask for your patience and understanding as everyone becomes familiar with our arrival and dismissal procedures.
OMS Arrival Traffic Procedures MAP
All traffic should follow Oakdale School Road past the middle school and turn left into the OMS side parking lot at the bottom entrance.
Upon entering the parking lot, all car traffic should stay to the left of the cones and follow staff guidance as you proceed towards the student drop off location near the front of the parking lot.
Once you reach the drop-off spot, students should exit the car and follow the guidance of the OMS staff member(s) at that location.
After the students have safely crossed and are on the sidewalk, the car should follow staff guidance, yield to any exiting busses, and proceed to exit the parking lot onto Oakdale School Road. Cars SHOULD NOT make U-turns in the parking lot.
OMS Dismissal Traffic Procedures MAP
All traffic should follow Oakdale School Road past the middle school and turn left into the OMS side parking lot at the bottom entrance.
Upon entering the parking lot, all car traffic should stay to the left to begin forming lanes of parked cars (OMS staff will be present to help with this process).
All bus riders and walkers will be dismissed first beginning at 3:12. Once all of the busses have cleared, we will begin dismissal for our car riders (at roughly 3:25).
As students exit the building, OMS staff will help students cross to their cars and begin releasing one row of cars when it is safe.
Please do not move your car until a staff member has released the row you are parked in.
Start and End Time
School doors will open at 7:45 with all students arriving through the side cafeteria entrance. Upon arrival, students will report to their designated areas until they are dismissed by OMS staff members.
6th Grade - Gym
7th Grade - Gym
8th Grade - Cafeteria
All students should be in the building before 8:05 so that they are in their class and ready to learn by the start of class at 8:12.
We will begin dismissal at 3:12 with our walkers and bus riders. Once all walkers and bus riders have been dismissed, we will dismiss our car riders (usually around 3:20/3:25).
The Frederick County Library has an online tutoring platform called Brainfuse HelpNow. This service can be used with a Frederick County Public Library Card Number. HelpNow is a resource designed for K-12 students and beyond. Live tutoring is available in English and Spanish from 2:00-11:00 p.m. to provide homework help for core subjects, including mathematics, science, and English language arts. Practice long division, improve reading comprehension, and learn other key skills. Practice for standardized tests. Students may submit papers to HelpNow’s Writing Lab for expert assistance and feedback, or collaborate with peers in virtual study spaces. More information is available at the FCPL website,