Rush Creek News
December 4, 2024
Yearbook Photo Deadline: Dec. 6th
Please check your emails from Kemmetmueller to chose your child's yearbook photo. Again, if you do not chose one, one will be chosen for you.
Safety Reminder: Morning Drop Off
If you are dropping students off in the morning, please drive slowly through the parking lot and make sure you are stopping for the staff members holding the orange traffic flag to cross students and families in the crosswalk. We have had a lot of vehicles driving quickly through the drop off area lately, creating an unsafe environment for students and staff.
Also, as a reminder, if parents are going to be getting out of your vehicle, you need to park in a parking spot.
Tri 1 Report Cards Available Wed. Dec. 11th
Report cards for Trimester 1 will be available on ParentVue starting on Wednesday, Dec. 11th. If you need any assistance accessing ParentVue, please reach out to the front office at 763-494-4549 or email Jen Marsh at
Reminder: Please Send Winter Gear
The weather is getting colder, so please make sure you are sending you child with appropriate winter clothes including boots, snow pants, jacket, hat and mittens. The kids go outside for recess and we want to ensure that they stay warm while out there.
Join Us: PTO's Burn Boot Camp - Jan. 12th
Save the Date: Rush Creek PTO Casino Night, Friday Feb. 28th
phone: 763-494-4549