4th Grade News
January 31, 2025
Dates to Remember:
2/3 - College Shirt Day
2/7 - Dads Club SUPER CEREAL BOWL 7:20-7:40 AM
Favorite Football Jersey
2/13 - Valentine Carnivals during PE
2/14 - Campus Holiday / Bad Weather Make-Up Day
2/17 - Student Holiday / Staff Professional Learning Day
3/17-21 - Spring Break
Cold weather is here...
District guidelines say we can take the kids outside for recess as low as "FEELS LIKE" 33 as long as they are appropriately dressed. Please be sure to send your child to school with a jacket or sweatshirt. Also, PLEASE write their name in it! You'd be surprised to find out how many jackets are left in our classrooms that don't belong to a single fourth grader :-)
K-2 Sign Language Club
Sign Language Club for K-2 students on Mondays, starting February 10th, from 3:00 to 3:45 PM. This will be a 4-week club.
If you have a K-2 student who is interested please click this google form: Google Form
A Note About Forgotten Items...
Dear Families,
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. We want to address an important matter regarding items being dropped off at the office.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of items placed on our "Forget Me Not" table, which is causing disruptions both in classrooms and in the office. To help us maintain a focused learning environment, we kindly ask that you only drop off items that are crucial to your child's day, such as Chromebooks, lunchboxes, Nicky Folders, or backpacks. Items that are not essential, like water bottles or snacks, should be kept at home.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and helps us provide the best educational experience for our students.
Thank you for your understanding!
Content News
Math: This week in math we wrapped up our study on Algebraic Reasoning. We also started exploring our next unit: Data Analysis. We'll be digging into dot plots, stem & leaf plots, and frequency tables.
Science: This week we learned all about the Moon! Students studied the moon phases and how/why the moon appears to change. Students created a CER with their discovery and worked in the lab to create the 8 moon phases with a foam ball, wooden rod, and a flashlight.
Science: We are in the middle of learning how Texas has become a part of the United States. We discussed the cause and effects as well!
Reading and Writing: This week, students read about multiple wonders of nature, including the Grand Canyon. They used these texts to practice inferencing and identifying ideas/support, figurative language, and author's craft. Next week, we will begin Module 7, Tricksters and Tall Tales.
Other News:
Specials Newsletter
PTA Volunteer Interest Form
If you are interested in volunteering for our grade level PTA, fill out the form below. All information will be sent to Mandy Hewitt and Annie Davis.
PTA Volunteer Interest Form 2024-2025
Morning Melodies Are Back!
Click here to sign up and learn more!
A Message From Ms. Gerdes...
A reminder that our doors do not open until 7:20am. Please keep your children inside your car until then. We do not have adult supervision outside until that 7:20 mark. Thanks :)
Friendly Reminders
- Students MUST wear tennis shoes to PE each day. They may bring other shoes to change into/out of.
- Students need a charged Chromebook each day.
- Students need headphones each day.
- Students are allowed one small and healthy snack each day at school.
- If your child will be absent or leaving early from school for any reason, please let your child's homeroom teacher and the front office know.
- Students with phones and smart watches: These are not allowed at school per the board policy relating to elementary schools. Please ensure these are either left at home or in the backpack during school hours.
School Hours are 7:40-3:00
Students are expected to be in their classrooms, ready to learn by 7:40.
The front doors open at 7:20 and close at 7:40.
Your Fourth Grade Teachers
Please feel free to reach out to us by email if you have any questions. While we do our best to respond as quickly as we can, sometimes we may not get back to you until after school. Thank you for understanding!
Alex Patterson alexandra.patterson@gcisd.net
Al Kaufmann al.kaufmann@gcisd.net
Julianna Gregston julianna.gregston@gcisd.net
Website: https://bes.gcisd.net
Phone: 817-305-4920