From Athletic Director Winders Office
Home of the Hawks!
There may be snow on the ground, and more coming this week, but it is time to start thinking about playing a spring sport for Hawk Nation! The spring sports season is right around the corner! Below you will find important dates and information about the sports offered, when online spring registration opens and closes, and the mandatory all spring sports participants meeting.
Spring Sports Offered:
Boys/Girls Lacrosse*
Girls Tennis
Boys/Girls Outdoor Track
Boys/Girls Unified Track
*Boys Lacrosse is a co-op with Marlboro, West Boylston, Tahanto, Clinton. Hudson is the host school.
*Girls Lacrosse is a co-op with Clinton. Hudson is the host school.
Co-op teams are determined by numbers of participants needed to have a full roster.
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Important Meetings/Dates that require your Attention:
Friday, February 28, 2025 – Online Registration for Spring Sports **OPENS**
Please note that we will be using Family ID as our online registration system (HHS Family ID). The
link for Family ID will also be available on the HHS Athletic website beginning at 8:00am on February 28, 2025.HHS Athletics Registration on Family ID is available in English, Spanish and Portuguese.
Thursday, March 13, 2025 – Online Registration for Spring Sports **CLOSES** Registration will close at 12-noon. This will be the last day to register your student for a spring sport.
Spring Sports Pre-season Meetings - Thursday, March 13, 2025, 6:00pm
Spring head coaches and assistant coaches will be in attendance and will expect your participation in the respective sport-specific preseason meetings. There will be no spring sports general meeting in the auditorium. Student-athletes and their families should go straight to their respective sport-specific preseason meetings. This is an opportunity for coach introductions, to address sport-specific policies, regulations and player/team expectations. Room assignments will be listed outside the main office that night.
**Please Note**
The spring sports program will begin on Monday, March 17, 2025 for all teams.
Hudson High School student-athletes must have the following items on file in the Athletic Department in order to participate in spring sports:
1. Physical Examination Form – MIAA Mandate:
Please upload your child's current physical when prompted on the Family ID registration form. We are no longer collecting hard copies; any new physical form should be uploaded to the existing registration for your child. HHS Athletics will get a notification that the registration has been updated.
If the exam takes place after registration closes, please go into your registration and click on "Add or Update Information" for any completed registration, this will let you back in to upload their physicals whether the program is closed or not.
Do not send your child's physical exam to the nurses for Athletics.
Physicals expire 13 months after the date of the health exam. No athlete will be permitted to play or tryout with an expired physical.
2. Athletic Fee:
The athletic fee is $125.00 for Baseball, Softball, Lacrosse, Tennis, and Outdoor Track. There is no fee for Unified Track. The fee must be paid before you are allowed to receive a uniform. Please contact the athletic department regarding athletic fee waivers or cash/check payments. If your family qualifies for Free/Reduced Lunch, the fee for Athletics will also be free or reduced ($62.50).
3. Concussion Forms – National Federation of High Schools (NFHS) Mandate:
Parents must provide information to the school at the start of each sports season regarding any previous student-athlete head injury. Additionally, both parents and student-athletes MUST complete Concussion in Sports certification – the free online course is available at www.nfhslearn.com.
NFHS Implicit Bias Course and the MIAA DEI Pledge
In order to gain a better understanding of actions, language and behavior which can be interpreted as discriminatory in nature and to confirm their commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, student athletes, coaches and athletic directors should take the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) free online course entitled Implicit Bias and take the MIAA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Pledge. It is recommended that school administrators (coaches and athletic directors) take the course and pledge every school year, prior to the start of the academic year. Student-athletes should take the course and pledge every year prior to the start of their first athletic season.
The Athletic Handbook is included in the Student Handbook. An online version can be found on the HHS website under Parent/Student Resources. It is important that both student-athletes and parents read through it thoroughly.
If you have any questions or concerns about Spring Sports registration or participation, please feel free to contact me at jlwinders@hudson.k12.ma.us or 978-567-6250 ext. 11112.
Jessica Winders
Hudson High School
Email: jlwinders@hudson.k12.ma.us
Website: https://hhs.hudson.k12.ma.us/athletics
Location: 69 Brigham Street, Hudson, MA, USA
Phone: 978-567-6250
Facebook: facebook.com/ourschool
Twitter: @HHSHawksAD