Newsletter Week 2 Term 1
St Joseph's School Waipukurau 9th February 2022
Hello, Kia Ora, Ni Hao, Malo e lelei, Hallo, Kamusta, Namaste, Talofa,
“E hara taku toa i te toa takitahi, engari he toa takatini’
“Our strength is not ours alone, but as part of a collective”
Maximizing the strengths of each member of our community, teaching and learning team helps us to provide explicit plans to move our students' understanding forward. An example of this is the appointment of Mrs. Kirsty Wagstaff as our schools Acting Director of Religious Education for this school year. Kirsty has already met with staff and together they have mapped out what religious education learning looks like for student learning across the year. This week, during our staff morning prayer, Kirsty shared a resource she is using with her class which focusses on different ways of talking to god and builds on the work being completed across the school as they develop their class treaty’s.
If you need wisdom, ask our generous god, and he will give it to you (James 1:5)
King Solomon was not born wise, and he did not learn to become wise. Yet he was one of the wisest people who ever lived. Where did Solomon get his wisdom? - He asked God.
Having wisdom is not knowing a lot of stuff, or being super clever. It is knowing the best thing to do or say in a tricky situation. When the way ahead is blocked with a problem, wisdom from god always finds the best way forward.
Unfortunately, Solomon didn’t use his wisdom to make good choices for himself. He forgot what was important in life and set his heart on things that didn’t last. Wisdom from God can only grow in a heart that is humble and wants to help others (James 3:13)
Is your heart ready for God’s wisdom?
Here is a checklist:
“The wisdom that comes from above leads us to be: pure, friendly gentle, sensible, kind, helpful, genuine, and sincere” (James 3:17)
In this time of Omicron uncertainty in Aotearoa, it is critical that we use our wisdom to make good choices for the good of our school community. This was demonstrated this week as our students wore their masks on the bus to their first session of Technology at the CHB Tech Center.
Technology Photos
Road Patrol
Thank you, to our senior students who diligently arrive on time each morning and each afternoon to get everyone safely across the road. The patrollers will tell you when to “Cross Now” which is when you can move quickly across the road. They will be on patrol from 8:30am - 8:50am and 2.50pm – 3.00pm every day. Our road patrol team will be receiving another refresher course in March.
Parents & Friends Group
Another example of maximizing the strengths of our community is our school PFG. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the group that met last evening for a constructive, well organised, informative, collaborative meeting. I am looking forward to attending the AGM next month and welcoming more parents to join this very involved and passionate group. On behalf of the staff I would also like to thank the PFG for their generous donation of $300 per classroom towards student resources/learning.
Nau mai haere mai
This week we welcomed Ezalea Kupa-Garrett to our Room 1 classroom.
Mā te Atua e manaaki
Betty Brown
Proudly Sponsored by
"Never see a need without doing something about it" - St Mary MacKillop
Welcome back to our second week at School. We hope everyone had a great Waitangi weekend. The Students at St Joseph's School have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi. Each class has developed their own class treaty. We understand that a treaty is an agreement between two or more parties.
Our School Wide Inquiry is; ‘Our Local Environment is Special To Us.
This week the year 7 Students had their first day at technology on Tuesday at Waipawa School. Most of Room 6 has been focusing on sustainability at technology.
Hannah & Molly
Feast Day 11 February
Our Lady of Lourdes - On February 11, the Catholic Church marks the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, in commemoration of the Blessed Virgin Mary who in 1858 appeared multiple times to the 14-year old girl Bernadette Soubirous in Lourdes, France. Bernadette was from a poor family and from a young age suffered ill health. On 11 February 1858, Bernadette was with her sister and friend playing and gathering wood along the local river when they reached a shallow cave. Bernadette's companions took their shoes off and entered the water while Bernadette remained, knowing her mother would be angry if she entered the icy water. After growing impatient, she entered the water and, moving towards the grotto, saw a vision of a young woman dressed in white with a blue sash. Her hands trembling, Bernadette stayed where she was and reached into her pocket and together with the lady, began to pray the Rosary. The lady then vanished and Bernadette could not comprehend what she had seen. The young girl continued to visit the grotto and pray with the Blessed Virgin Mary, who asked Bernadette to convey the message of repentance and prayer. When she reported the visions to her local priest he was surprised and informed the bishop about it. Her description of the lady as the Immaculate Conception (which had been promulgated by Pope Pius IX only a few years earlier) helped convince the local authorities of the veracity of the apparitions. Four years later, the local bishop recognised the legitimacy of the apparition and endorsed the veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Lourdes. Thousands of pilgrims have since flocked to the apparition site.
PFG Update
Hi Everyone!
The PFG committee met last night for our first meeting of 2022, we had a productive time making flexible plans for the year ahead and are very excited to see what this year brings.
Thank you to everyone who attended last night, your valuable time is appreciated.
We are kicking the year off with selling some beautiful floral arrangements made from local gardens kindly donated from one of our amazing parents. These will be available Monday 14th February (that's this coming Monday/ Valentines Day). Please follow our Facebook page below for details on how to get your hands on them. Please note: This is weather dependant, any more rain could limit available flowers further and we will have to postpone until flowers recover. There will be limited numbers, no pre orders available. These are gorgeous and we are super grateful for the donation of these and the time put into making these for us! Thank you!
Our big fundraiser for this term is our annual frozen boxed cookies! Keep an eye out towards the end of the term for your order forms.
We are working on a new lunch option to start term 2, we will share more when we know the details.
Facebook page - please follow us to keep in the loop! St Joseph's Parents and Friends Group - Waipukurau
Our next meeting is 7th March, which will open with our AGM. Everyone welcome.
Have a great week!
Sarah Martin PFG Chair and the committee.
Well done to the students who received certificates last week. A fantastic effort!
Last week Bl Suzanne Aubert house won the CBG house points and Millie was the winning individual. Well done Millie!
Upcoming Events
27th - School Mass (Intended)
2nd - Ash Wednesday
18th - St Joseph's Day
14th - Last day of Term 1
Contact Us
Email: office@stjosephschb.school.nz
Website: http://www.stjosephschb.school.nz/
Location: 6 Russell Street, Waipukurau, New Zealand
Phone: 06 858 9221
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stjosephschb/