SOUTHWEST SCUTTLE - October 7, 2024
Meet Octobers’s Community Experts
Names: Rachel Crosby, Carrie Farr, & Stephanie Engebretson
Position: Southwest Middle School Social Workers and School Counselor
Day They Spoke to Southwest Students: Wednesday, October 2nd.
The Message:
October is National Bully Prevention Month so it was only natural we would have this month’s community expert message on this topic. Southwest students heard the message from Southwest’s very own social workers and counselor. Students first reviewed our core values for the year, which the entire student body selected at the start of the year. They are:
1) Responsibility 2) Determination 3) Show Ownership 4) Be a Positive LeaderOur experts first talked with students about the difference between teasing and bullying. Teasing can be playful but can turn uncomfortable. There is no power imbalance (1 vs 1, similar age, generally between close friends, only happens once, etc) with teasing. Bullying means intimidating, threatening, abusive, or harming conduct that is offensive AND there is actual or perceived imbalance of power between the student engaging in prohibited conduct and the target of the behavior and the conduct is repeated or forms a pattern.
Next, they presented students with facts about bullying from www.stopullying.gov. Did you know 20% of kids experience bullying? Of that 20% only 46% notify an adult. One problem with this is the “snitch” culture that our young people have in our society. Our experts talked to students about the history of the word snitch and how it was originally a word that was used in a positive way for people to keep their communities safe. A snitch was looked at as a good thing because they were reporting negative things going on around the community to keep people safe. However, over the past two decades the term snitch has transformed into a negative connotation often being interchanged with the term “tattletale”. It was an important discussion item for our students to hear about the following terms:
1) Bystander: Someone who witnesses bullying but does not act to get help.
2) Upstander: Someone who witnesses bullying and gets help for the individual
3) Bully: Someone who makes repeated attempts to harm or intimidate another
Finally, our experts talked to students about the role they play. Things that students can do are:
Knowing their classmates’ preferred names.
Make new friends, but be mindful not to say hurtful things as friendships change.
For every negative comment to yourself or another say two positive comments (or more)
Report bullying. Report to their teacher, office, and/or fill out a bully report form.
Family Talking Points:
Ask your student(s) to tell you about the community expert talk.
Ask your student(s) about bullying at Southwest.
Ask them if they find themselves more as a bully, bystander or upstander and why.
Ask them if they know what to do if they witness or are a victim of bullying.
Students will create an individual slide about themselves that will be shared with their individual team. Before MEA break, students will be voting for Student Council Representatives for their given team. More information will be given to students once they turn in their completed application to Mrs. Luoma in the office. If you have any questions please contact Laura Wangen (laura.wangen@alschools.org) or Mary Bissen (mary.bissen@alschools.org).
ParentVue? TigersUnite? Google Classroom?
How can I help my student when I don't even know what these apps are?!?
Have you ever had this thought? Then you may want to consider coming to one of our first annual Parent/Guardian Tech Engagement Night here at Southwest.
Southwest will be offering three different sessions in the month of October, one for our Karen speaking families, one for our Spanish speaking families, and one for our English speaking families.
Who: Any Southwest parent/guardian who would like to learn more.
What: Each session there will be Southwest staff present to show families the most commonly used apps by our students at Southwest, how to navigate them, and to help families install any of the apps and answer any questions.
Where: Each session will be hosted in Southwest’s media center.
When: Each session will be from 4:00-6:00pm. Families can come whenever it works for them. At 4:00pm and 5:00pm there will be a general overview of the apps, what they are used for, and how parents and guardians can navigate them with confidence.
Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.
If you are interested in attending please RSVP by filling out this Google form so we know how many to plan for.
If you are unable to attend there is a section in the Google form to put feedback on days/times that work best for you for scheduling future meetings.
Parent/Guardian Tech Feedback Form (English)
Comentarios técnicos de padres/tutores (Espanol)
If your student will not be in school you MUST call the attendance line @ 507.379.5312.
Our attendance line is available 24 hours a day and IS checked throughout the school day.
If you need to take your student out of school early during the day, please call the attendance secretary directly at 507.379.5243 OR jane.beighley@alschools.org.
Albert Lea & Southwest blankets are still for sale if you missed them at the open house!
Blankets are $20.00 each and can be purchased in the main office from Mrs. Luoma.
Pencils are $.25 each and can be purchased in the main office as well.
September 30 - NO SCHOOL
October 1 - Picture Retakes
October 4 - 7th grade field trip
October 25 - 6th grade field trip
October 10 - Choir Concert 6pm
October 17-21 - NO SCHOOL
October 30-November 7 - Scholastic Book Fair
November 27-29 - NO SCHOOL
December 17 - Band/Choir/Orchestra concert 6pm & 7:30pm
December 23-January 3 - NO SCHOOL
Tyler Johnson, Principal
Jackie Cromwell-Olson, Dean of Students
Jillann Luoma, Secretary to the Principal
Jane Beighley, Student Services/Attendance Secretary
Attendance Line - 507-379-5312
Jamie Swanson, Licensed School Nurse
Bev Johnson, Health Clerk
Stephanie Engebretson, Social Worker
Carrie Farr, Social Worker
Rachel Crosby, Counselor
David Huse, Police Liaison
SW & HS Athletics
Harrison Koetz, SW Athletic Director
Dave Langerud, HS Athletic Director
Megan LeBrun, Secretary
Holly Dahl, Clerk