Badger Middle School Newsletter
December 19th, 2024
Principal's Welcome
Hello Badger Middle School Students and Families,
I want to share the message I read over the announcements to our students and staff on December 17th:
"In the wake of yet another tragic event in a school setting, this time in our own Wisconsin, I just want to take a second and remind you that you matter and someone here cares for you.
I also want to remind you of a simple phrase- if you see something, say something. You can always Talk to a teacher, your counselor, administrator or other trusted adult anytime.
Finally, I want to remind you this holiday season of a gift that costs nothing- kindness- let’s continue to be kind to one another, Badger."
The District Newsletter contained more information around supporting students and families around this most recent tragedy and can be found here.
As we head into Winter Break I have enjoyed attending Winter concerts, this week's spirit week, and other festivities leading into Break. I want to say thanks for your continued support. It's been a great 2024 and I can't wait to ring in 2025! We'll celebrate with an assembly schedule on Friday, 12/20.
Finally, the Badger Office will be closed for the duration of Break. Staff will return on January 2nd and 3rd for Professional Development.
I want to wish you all safe and happy holidays. Enjoy the extra time with family and friends. We are excited to welcome students back on Monday, January 6th.
Patrick O'Connor
Badger Middle School
(262) 335-5456
High School Choice Forms Due 12/20
Parents of 8th grade students are required to complete the High School Choice Form for the 2025-2026 school year by logging onto Skyward Family Access to submit the form by Friday, December 20, 2024. (An email was sent to all 8th grade families on 12/2). The form is required to either accept your student’s current school assignment (East or West) or to request a change. Those requesting a change in high school assignment will be mailed confirmation of their approval/denial on January 10, 2025.
Students of the Week
Congrats to our most recent Students of the Week.
Students are selected based on their contributions to the school, excellence in the classroom, and their positive impact on others. Each week, 6 staff members are chosen at random to nominate a student who shows these qualities.
With great students like these in our hallways, the future is looking bright!
Staff of the Week
Staff of the Week are nominated by students or staff. See the most recent staff of the week below.
We are proud of our hardworking, caring staff!
Facebook Higlights!
Mrs. Lyneis' Algebra class learned about rebound ratios and heights while generating tables, graphs, and predictions using bouncy balls.
World Language students attended the International Folk Fair.
Lots of Winter Concerts, including Mr. Cicero's orchestras!
Second Step Curriculum Preview
Here's a Preview of upcoming Second Step Lessons:
Grade 7 - Gender-Based Harassment
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how to recognize gender-based harassment. This is when people are bothered, teased, or bullied because of their sex, or because they look, act, or have interests that are different from male and female stereotypes.
Question: Remind your child that it's important that they tell you if they experience gender-based harassment. If you feel comfortable doing so, share an example of gender-based harassment you or another person has experienced and how you or the other person dealt with it.
Grade 8 - Lesson on Connection and Kindness
No Second Step Lesson today - Students will learn the benefits of kindness and then participate in a team-building activity related to finding things in common with one another.
Grade 7 - Our Rights and Responsibilities
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will better understand how they’re protected from harassment at school and their responsibility not to harass others.
Question: Tell your child about a time you or someone you know had to speak up about something difficult. Ask your child what might make it difficult for people to speak up when they experience or witness negative things like harassment.
Grade 8 - Pause on Second Step Lessons
On November 13, November 20, and January 15 ALL 8th graders will participate in the DPI required Academic and Career Planning lessons. The lessons will take place during the 30-minute time that is typically allotted for Second Step lessons. If your child has opted out of Second Step lessons, they are required to attend their resource on this day to fulfill the DPI required lesson.
Unit 3: Thoughts, Emotions & Decisions
In this unit, students learn how to recognize strong emotions and unhelpful thoughts. They learn to apply strategies for managing their emotions and for reducing stress. This unit’s content helps students understand that all emotions are valuable because they provide us with information about our environment. Students learn to respond to their emotions in ways that help meet their wants and needs.
Grade 7 - Emotions Matter
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn how their brain handles strong emotions and brainstorm positive and negative decisions they might make when they feel a strong emotion.
Question: Ask your child about a negative decision they recently made because they were feeling a strong emotion. Help them think about how they can turn that negative decision into a positive one if they feel that emotion again.
Grade 8 - Understanding Stress and Anxiety
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will examine how they feel, what thoughts they have, and how their body responds when they’re stressed.
Question: Ask your child what they do or feel when they’re stressed. These signs will help you notice when your child is stressed, so you can ask them how to help or support them.
Grade 7 - Feel, Think, Do
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will distinguish thoughts from emotions. They will also analyze how emotions affect their thoughts, and how their thoughts can influence the decisions they make.
Question: Ask your child to explain the difference between an emotion and a thought. Take turns expressing sentiments aloud and having the other person identify if the sentiments are thoughts or emotions. (For example, Emotion: “I’m so mad at the coach for not putting me in the game.” Thought: “That’s it—I quit!”)
Grade 8 - Where Does Stress Come From?
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child will learn where stress comes from, identify stressors in their life, and examine which stressors they can control.
Question: Ask your child if they have any stressors they can’t control. Discuss what they do have control over.
Transition to HS
Transition to High School for Students
We have some great opportunities for our 8th grade students to learn about East and West High Schools!
January 22nd - Gearing Up For High School! This is a great opportunity for you and your student to learn more about East and West high school and build their excitement about their upcoming high school career. This event takes place from 6:00-8:00 at the High School.
February 7th - High School Course selection due in Skyward
April 22nd - Freshmen High School Counselors and Assistant Principal visit Badger
May - High School Tours- Date TBA
August - High School Registration Fair - Check your email in August for information.
No School Reminder
Just a reminder that there is no school in the West Bend School District from December 21st-January 5th.
There is also no school for students on January 20th.
Badger Breakfast and Lunch
Breakfast & Lunch
To make online payments, use RevTrak:
To check the menus, go to:
Information below has already been communicated but is here for your reference
Daily announcements that are read over the loudspeaker in the morning can be found here.