RFS Family Newsletter
NOVEMBER 18, 2024
Important Dates
11/27-29 - No School/Thanksgiving Break
12/6 Marking Period Ends
12/10 PFA General Meeting 6 pm
12/10 RFS Winter Chorus Concert 6 PM (12/19 Snow Date Chorus Concert)
12/11 Early Release 12:15 pm
12/19 Report Cards released to families
12/23-12/31 No School-Winter Break
Thank you Brownie Troop 62222
A huge thank you to Brownie Troop 62222. This group of third graders in Merrimack learned about inclusion and communication during their Brownie Troop meeting and donated an outdoor playground communication banner to RFS.
Thank you for thinking of RFS. We are so grateful!
First Grade News!
First grade students have been learning about animal superpowers in Science this month. Students explored how the external characteristics of animals are essential for their survival. Students also made observations of parents and their offspring, determining how they are similar and how their behaviors help offspring survive.
The students enjoyed carrying out an investigation to determine the relationship between the shape of different bird beaks and the food the bird eats. Students used different kinds of materials to represent long pointy beaks that are good for picking up seeds and wide flat beaks that are good for scooping. They also learned why camouflage is helpful to animals. The students tested their ability to spot camouflage moths in an activity called "Moth Hide and Seek." They even showed off their learning by designing a camouflage pattern for a moth of their own and hiding it in the classroom. We love learning more about the world around us in our Mystery Science lessons in first grade at RFS!
Thank You to all our Veterans that joined RFS for our Veteran's Day Assembly
Using Performance Matters to view local and state assessment results
Use the live links below to access information and applications for the free/reduced lunch program
Elementary School Healthy Habits
Unified Arts Schedule
MSD policy for Volunteers
All volunteers, chaperones, and substitute teachers must complete a background check and be fingerprinted. If you intend to volunteer for any of these opportunities, please contact the district office for an appointment ASAP. If you have already had your fingerprints done through the school in previous years and have volunteered within the last year, you do not need to have them done again.
You will have to complete the two Vector training courses yearly: Bullying and Cyberbullying Prevention for Schools (K-12) and Preventing Workplace Harassment for Employees. Follow this link for directions to the online trainings.
PFA News!
RFS Lunch
Parents may add funds to their students' My School Bucks account. More information regarding My School Bucks can be found on the District's website: https://www.sau26.org/Page/6187. Information can also be found in the beginning of the year paperwork that will be sent home.