The Stinging News
August 23th, 2024
Hornung Elementay
Jack Yates - Principal
Email: yatesj@brightonk12.com
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/179
Address: 4680 Bauer, Brighton, MI 48116
Phone: 810-299-4451
Bell Schedule
Student Drop Off: 8:55 AM
First Bell: 9:01 AM
Second Bell: 9:05 AM
Starting Time In Class: 9:05 AM
Dismissal Time: 3:57 PM
Students eating Breakfast may enter the cafeteria at 8:45 AM
Important Phone Numbers
Hornung Office - 810-299-4450
Hornung Attendance Line - 810-299-4454
Jack Yates, Principal Office 810-299-4451
Hornung Fax - 810-299-4460
Hornung Friendship Center – 810-299-4461
BAS Central Office - 810-299-4000
BAS Transportation – 810-299-3890
Hornung Staff and Classroom Door #'s
Principal: Jack Yates
Secretaries: Alice Leahy, Cassie Kurtinaitis
Custodians: Jen Persh, Duncan McCallion and Andy Seltz
School Nurse: Jessica Kightlinger
Security Officer: Rick Jackson
Therapy Dog: Suzie
2024-25 Hornung Teaching Staff and their Outside Door Numbers
Jr. Kindergarten:
Nicole Dakhlian #23
Emily Gehres #23
Nicole McCullough #26
Alyssa Rochford #27
Karissa Superczynski #25
Megan Wilson #24
1st Grade:
Ali Monette #21
Ashley Brenneman #18
Katie Kastamo #19
Heather Lewis #20
Melanie McGinty #22
2nd Grade:
Kayla Darkowski #32
Kelcie Mitter #31
Melissa O'Connor #29
Dawn Straight #30
3rd Grade:
Sophia Garner #12
Arin Giannandrea #14
Natalie Doherty #13
Samantha Troher #11
4th Grade:
Lisa Geise #38
Brittany Roesler #37
Jen Schaibley #36
Katie Tobias #39
Media Center: Scott Turner, Melanie Linske (assistant)
Art: Sandy Cavallaro
Music: Bethany Chernich
Physical Education: Carly Anderson
Steam: Libby Barton
Instructional Coach: Brandy Ward
ELL Tutor: Gina Henig
Resource Room: Lisa Kocab, Kaitlyn Lipinski, Emily Ottmar, Clee Walker
Educational Assistants: Holly Ramage, Kathryn Reichhold, Julie Tyrna, Holly VanHall
Paraprofessionals: Sonya Allen, Kandy Buckland, Sarah Dery, Amy Preston
LESA/Ancillary Staff: Marie Blair (Social Worker) Cheryl Root (Occupational Therapist), Kelly Appleton and Alexis Paquette (Speech Pathologists)
School Counselor: Susie Robertson
School Psychologist: Sara Ryan
Student Nutrition: Diane Smith, Tiffany Stoos
Lunchroom Supervisors: Emily Calhoun, Katie Eaton, Nicole Gill, Rachel Loch,
Michele Mannooch, Andrea Shorkey, Bobbie Terry, Deb Whiteman and Leticia Zmikly
Building Subs: Christy Bederka, Amber Herbeck
School Information
ABCD Schedule – Art, Music, Physical Education and STEAM classes will be offered on a rotating basis. All students will attend one 52 minute class (art, music, pe, STEAM) each day. Teachers will inform students/parents which fine arts class is assigned to an A, B, C or D day for their class. Please send gym shoes for physical education.
Attendance - Remember to call Hornung's attendance line at 810-299-4454 when your child is absent. As a safety precaution, there will be an automated call for any parent who hasn’t called into our attendance line to report an absence. It is important for students to arrive on time. However, if a student arrives late, the parent(s) must sign the student in using the QR code or IPad by the Main Office Entrance and the student will take a pink slip to his/her teacher. This lets the teacher know the student has been signed in by parent.
Bus Information - The Transportation Department has mailed postcards with your student's bus information. If you have not received bus route/stop information, you should contact BAS Transportation Department at 810-299-3890. If your child is to be picked up at or dropped off at a location different than their normal pick up/drop off location, an alternate destination form must be completed. These forms are available by clicking here. Staff will escort bus riders to buses at the beginning of the school year.
Drop off Lane…
1) In the drop off lane in front of Hornung, parents should not be getting out of their vehicles to assist their children…The problem it causes is the safety of the driver actually getting out into traffic, along with causing a backup onto Bauer Road. Therefore, if your child needs some support getting out (i.e. undoing seat belts, putting on winter gear, lifting out backpacks, etc.) you should be parking in the lot and walking through the crosswalk onto at least the main sidewalk in front of the school.
2) Parents need to pull forward and not stop at the beginning of the lane… No matter what door your child enters in the morning, you should pull all the way up to the main crosswalk to have children exit your vehicle. The left lane is for through traffic.
3) Students will enter the building in the morning at their classroom teacher's door. (Classroom door numbers listed above next to teachers names)
Student Pick Up/End of the Day –
- End of Day Pick Up Procedure: If you are picking up your child at the end of the school day, you will need to wait patiently outside your child's designated outdoor classroom door until a school staff member allows your child to exit. You will then be asked to present your Driver's Licence or State ID to a staff member. For safe schools practice, they will verify that the person picking up is listed on the emergency card.
- Picking Up Early: If you must pick up your child(ren) early please come to the Front Office Entrance and ring doorbell (button). Have your Driver's Licence or State ID ready to show office staff. Then please scan the Pick Up QR code with your cell phone or use the IPad and fill out form. An Office staff member will then call down your student from their classroom to be picked up. Always allow yourself extra time for this process for sometimes classes will be outside.
Hornung Communications - The Hornung staff believes that quality parent/teacher communication and parent involvement is vital for a child's success in school. Because a teacher's top priority is to prepare and deliver instruction, we ask you to pre-arrange conference times. This will guarantee that you have adequate time to discuss concerns and also allow the teacher an opportunity to plan for your meeting. Your child's teacher will provide you with times she is available for conferences and will work with you to schedule a mutual meeting time. Your child's classroom agenda/planner is an excellent means of communication. Also, the following site contains valuable information during the school year: http://www.brightonk12.com/ Our weekly newsletter, the Stinging News is posted weekly. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to call Mr. Yates at 810-299-4451. He is usually in his office by 8am and would welcome your call or email him at yatesj@brightonk12.com.
Lunches - Brighton Area Schools will participate in the Michigan School Meals Program for the 2024-25 school year. Michigan School Meals is a state-funded program that provides reimbursement for meals, so all students receive the meals at no cost. Please see attached flyer below for more information. Lunchroom accounts can be managed on Parent Connect, this allows you to put money into your child's account for the week, month, or year. The computer keeps track of each child's lunch transactions and notifies you when the account is short of funds. Lunch money for your child can also be brought to school in an envelope with his/her name, teacher's name and amount of money enclosed on the outside.
You can also go to BAS Student Nutrition, https://www.brightonk12.com/domain/28 to access monthly menus, a nutrition guide, and access to your child's account. A printed receipt will be given to your child if his/her account is out of money or low on funds. At no time will a student go without a lunch. Arrangements will be made for the student to get something nutritional to eat. Checks may be made out to Brighton Area Schools or Hornung Elementary. Watch for information concerning online account access and payment options.
Lunch Menu – Lunch menus are available on line at https://www.brightonk12.com/domain/28 – click on student nutrition – click on Menus. To best plan for how many hot lunches are needed daily, a lunch count is taken each morning in all classrooms. Each student can choose on a daily basis if they would like to purchase a hot lunch or bring their own from home. Milk is also available for those who choose to bring their own lunch.
Medications - If your child will be taking medication at school, either prescription or over the counter, a signed form must be on file in the office. This form must be signed by the student's parent/guardian and by your child's doctor. This includes cough drops, sunscreen and other self-prescribed medications. These forms are available online at https://www.brightonk12.com/Page/43 You’ll find the Medication form there (click on it), print it and take it with you to your doctor’s appointment.
Medical Concerns – If a medical condition exists or develops that might limit your child’s ability to participate in any activities such as recess or PE, we would appreciate it if you would send a note to the office. A doctor’s note might be necessary to make accommodations. In the event of severe allergies, parents should provide a detailed list of the allergies and the type of accommodations that might need to occur to make the child safe.
Notes –Please keep us informed if:
· Your child is going home with another child we must have a note from you and the receiving parent.
· If anyone other than you will be picking your child up from school, we need a signed note from you with specific details. Please make certain this person is listed on your child’s emergency card.
Parent Mass E-mail Communications – the e-mail address that you provided us when you registered your child is used for our mass email communication to our parents. If you are not receiving messages from Hornung or the Superintendent, please contact us at (810) 299-4450 to correct the problem.
Parent-Teacher Organization (PTO) Buzz – If you have a child enrolled in Hornung Elementary you are automatically a member of the PTO. Hornung’s Stinging News will include PTO information each week. "Like" Hornung Elementary School PTO on Facebook.
School Safety - All outside doors are secured once students enter the building. You will need to ring the buzzer to communicate with the office staff at the main (flag pole) entrance.
Stinging News – Our weekly newsletter is available for all families. This newsletter has relevant school topics and necessary information. The Stinging News is uploaded to our website on Fridays. We use our mass email system to inform you when the Stinging News has been uploaded. You can always find past and current Stinging News issues on our website.
Parent & Student Elementary Handbook – A copy of the Parent & Student Elementary Handbook can be found online by clicking HERE Please review the rules, policies, and procedures with your child/ren. It is important that all students follow these rules to help create the best learning atmosphere for all.
Team Process – Each school building in the Brighton School District has a Team Process in place. If a child needs additional support, staff members will review student performance, concerns, and collaboratively develop interventions. If you have concerns about your child’s development and are interested in more information on special services, contact your child’s classroom teacher or Mr. Yates.
Vacations – Please attempt to coordinate your vacations with school breaks. Keep in mind that when a child is absent, especially for an extended amount of time, the time needed to review concepts for that one child is instructional time lost for all students. See the student handbook concerning make-up work.
Voicemail/Email – Teachers will provide both voicemail numbers and email addresses. To reach a teacher’s voicemail, call the office directly at 810-299-4450. The prompt will ask you for the 5 digit extension for the staff member. If you have a timely message to leave for a teacher, please contact the office because teachers may only check their voice messages at the end of the day.
Brighton a Cappella Camp
Parents, do you have a 4th grader who might be interested in participating in Brighton a Cappella Camp? The camp meets Tuesday, October 1st and Wednesday October 2nd, between 4:30pm and 6:00pm at Brighton High School. There will be a culminating performance at the beginning of Scranton Idol at the BCPA on Thursday, October 3rd at 7:00pm. Please see the form for more information, and let me know if you have any questions!