District Digest
Glen Ellyn School District 41
In this issue…
Calendar Reminders
Happy Principals Month
Student Board Members
Students Selected for Band Festival
Advent Health Glen Oaks
Glenbard Parent Series
Calendar Reminders
- Monday, October 31 - SIP Day
- Tuesday, November 8 - NO SCHOOL (Election Day)
- Tuesday, November 8 - Vote on D41 Referendum. For information CLICK HERE
- Friday, November 18 - SIP Day
- November 21 to 25 - NO SCHOOL (Thanksgiving Break)
Student Board Members Installed
Hadley Junior High School 8th grade students Maeve Bernstein and Elizabeth Bredfeldt were officially installed as student Board of Education members. Board President Dr. Robert Bruno read the Oath of Office with Ms. Bernstein and Ms. Bredfeldt.
The Hadley String Orchestra performs at String Fest with Glencrest, Marquardt, Westlake, Stratford and Jay Stream Middle Schools on Monday, October 17, 2022 at Glenbard South High School Gymnasium at 7:30pm. Admission is FREE for students 18 and under and $5 for adults. The 8th grade Hadley orchestra rehearsed at Glenbard South High School on Thursday, October 13th to prepare for this performance.
The concert repertoire includes: Sahara Crossing by Richard Meyer, Ukrainian Folk Song ~ Traditional arranged by Sandra Dackow, and Thriller ~ words and and music by Rod Temperton, recorded by Michael Jackson.
Glenbard West, East, North and South High School perform as well. A special thank you goes out to all of the high school orchestra directors for conducting and working with the junior high students. Thank you to Mr. Ortega from Glenbard West, Mr. Tim Fawkes from Glenbard East & Ms. Marisa McLean, Mr. Steve Govertson from Glenbard South, and Ms. Lauren Whisnant from Glenbard North High Schools. "It is wonderful to see hundreds of string players all in one room performing. This great learning experience makes it so memorable for our students," said Hadley Junior High School Orchestra Director.
Hadley Students Selected to Participate in Prestigious Band Festival
The Illinois Music Education Association (ILMEA) offers students the opportunity to audition for an honor band festival where talented middle school students come together for one day to rehearse and perform in a concert with a professional conductor and educator. ILMEA District 9 is made up of many school districts from our surrounding area. Out of all the students auditioning, approximately 130 from across the region will participate in the honor band. Auditioning for ILMEA takes dedication and hard work.
Congratulations to Hadley Jr. High 8th Grade Band musicians selected to participate in this prestigious festival: Francine Adduci (trumpet), Adam Manzke (French horn), Evie Slepicka (flute), and Ely Tedford (clarinet). These students will participate in the ILMEA District 9 Festival on Saturday November 19th at Bartlett High School. This is also the first time Hadley is participating in ILMEA, so to have your children represent Hadley in the inaugural occasion is something to be remembered!
Congratulations to all the students who prepared and recorded auditions. Everyone should be very proud of their hard work in preparing for this rigorous audition.
Ms. Tribley and Mr. Cooper are so proud of their student’s dedication and musicianship. Way to represent Hadley Jr. High and District 41!
PICTURED BELOW FROM LEFT TO RIGHT: Francine Adduci, Ely Tedford and Evie Slepicka. Not pictured: Adam Manzke (French horn)
Advent Health Glen Oaks
Glenbard Parent Series
Dr. Catherine Pearlman | First Phone: A Pre-Tween’s Guide to Digital Responsibility, Safety and Etiquette
Tuesday, October 25 @ Noon
Glen Ellyn School District 41
Email: webmaster@d41.org
Website: www.d41.org
Location: 793 North Main Street, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: 630.790.6400
Facebook: facebook.com/glenellynd41
Twitter: @glenellynd41