North Star Weekly Communication
November 4, 2024
spirit wear-deadline is midnight tonight (November 3rd)!!
Spirit Wear
Please read the information below from PTA members Sheri Laratonda and Bonnie Principe regarding spirit wear. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to them directly. Thank you
Hi Everyone,
We hope you’re doing well! We’re excited to announce that the North Star Spirit Wear online store is now open!
** Closing Date is Sunday, November 3rd at midnight.
The online store features a variety of items, including adult apparel and some options for students, like hoodies. All items will be embroidered with the North Star logo featured on the flyer. You can find the link to the store below: ** Even if it does not show the logo it will still come with it on the upper left chest.
Additionally, we’re offering North Star Spirit Socks (separate from the online store). Please see the attached form for details. Sock orders must be sent back to the school with cash only using the attached form:
All spirit wear items will be delivered directly to classrooms once they arrive.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to Sheri Laratonda or Bonnie Principe.
Thank you for your support!
Sheri Laratonda
Sherilaratonda@gmail.com or Bonnie.Principe@gmail.com
spirit sock ordering extended until november 8th
Too much Halloween candy? We can help!
From the desk of Alyssa Schweizer:
Stockings for Soldiers sends personalized holiday greetings to the many brave young men and women in uniform serving around the world. North Star Elementary School is collecting candy to include in the stockings they fill with special goodies and treats from home. Please place candy donations in the monster (Candy Fang) in North Star’s library from 11/6/24 - 11/15/24.
Thank you for your support!
Our Mission, Vision, and Core Values
Mission: North Star is a caring community that helps children grow.
Vision: North Star will be recognized as a school that inspires a love of learning.
Core Values:
- Respect for All
- Supportive Community
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Calendar News
This Week:
- November 4: Teacher Grading Day: No school for students
- November 4: Choice window opens and closes on January 8
- November 5: Schools and Offices Closed (Election Day)
Thinking ahead:
- November 11: Schools and Offices Closed (Veteran's Day)
- November 12: Picture Retake Day
- November 14: PTA Meeting at 7:00 (Zoom Only) https://redclayschools.zoom.us/j/87390587769
- November 18-22: Scholastic Book Fair
- November 19: Smore Stories Family Event from 6:00-8:00
- November 25 and 26: Parent/Teacher Conferences: (School closed for students)
- November 27: Teacher Inservice Day: (School closed for students)
- November 28-29: School and offices closed
What's for Breakfast and Lunch?
Please access the link below for the breakfast and lunch menus:
November Menu:
Picture retake information
Disability History and Awareness Poster Contest Information
Governor’s Advisory Council for Exceptional Citizens (GACEC) hosts an annual Poster Contest. This is a fun way for students to get engaged with recognizing the contributions of people with disabilities to our communities, and to actively participate in inclusion efforts throughout our state. A flyer and the entry memo for our GACEC poster contest are attached for your convenience. Our theme this year is “Share our Similarities. Celebrate our Differences.” The entry forms may be duplicated. Last year we had participation from only a few schools. With your help, we are hopeful that this year we will receive posters from students across the State at pre-pandemic levels. The winners will be notified no later than December 6, 2024 and invited to a Cookie Reception on Friday February 7. More information and the entry form can also be found on the GACEC website . Please contact GACEC staff if you have any questions on DHAM or the poster contest. Disability History and Awareness Month is all about inclusion, acceptance and celebrating the contributions of persons with disabilities.
NSTA Annual School Bus Safety Poster Contest-deadline to submit is April 1st
NSTA, National School Transportation is sponsoring their annual school bus safety poster contest. The theme is Safety First—Safety Always. There are categories for all grades and programs. Red Clay has had many winners in the past. Details are in the attachment.
Let's make a PUSH FOR POP TABS!!
From the desk of Sue Reichle:
The Ronald McDonald House will be ending all POP TAB collections on January 1st, 2025. Let’s see how many we can get between now & winter break!!
Thank you,
PTA meeting information and upcoming events
Book fair volunteers needed: Sign up below
"S’more Stories” family event: Tuesday, 11/19 6-8pm
RSVP for the smore story family event below
smore story 5th grade campfire story readers needed
Do you have a 5th grader that would like to be a special reader or hold an engaging volunteer role on this night?
Sign up here:
Please Complete this Survey by November 15th!
National PTA School of Excellence
We have officially enrolled again and the process is underway!
By enrolling, our PTA and school administrators make a year-long commitment to identify and implement an action plan for school improvement based on National PTA’s “National Standards for Family-School Partnerships” and by National PTA’s Center for Family Engagement.
In order to collect as much information as we can, we ask that you kindly complete the survey BEFORE 11/15.
School of Excellence SURVEY (ENGLISH)
Join us for our next PTA meeting: Thursday, November 14th @ 7:00pm
additional PTA information
For updates check out our Facebook page and website at www.nspta1.givebacks.com Any questions, please email us at nsptaboard@gmail.com
Link to PTA important dates:
Join the PTA here!
Sign up to become a PTA member here:
help stock the NSE staff lounge
Purchases ship directly to the school:
North Star Birthday policy
In keeping with our healthy school initiative and the District’s commitment to providing a safe learning environment for students with food allergies, individual student birthdays will not be celebrated with food. Please do not send food items (ie: cupcakes, cookies, Rice Krispie treats, candy, chips, etc.) in with your child, as they will not be distributed. Bags with party favors that have items such as pencils, erasers, fidgets, stickers, etc., are acceptable as an alternative to treats. School-wide, birthdays will be acknowledged through morning announcements. If you are having a private party, please do not send invitations to school unless the entire class is invited. We thank you for your attention and compliance with our policy.
Student cell phones/Smart watches and other electronic devices
Students whose parents require that they have a cell phone or other personal electronic device at school are to keep them off and away at all times during the instructional day. Use of these devices at any point during the school day is considered “unauthorized.” These devices must be kept in a clothing pocket, secured bookbag, or locker (locked when possible) at all times. Thank you for your attention.
Links to the Student and Family Handbooks:
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iIM7VFc2nHOc3wVjP6ygnFO1qciFxFPZ/view?usp=sharing
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o2sljgFmypihsm34JCO_i4WWHMJ2g_z6/view?usp=sharing
North star weekly communication archives
Here is a link to the North Star Weekly Communication just in case families needed to go back and locate previously communicated information:
Link to the Red Clay Academic Calendars:
English: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14rv1K7VWf56X2YCcmbvtXAKuIV-AYab0/view?usp=sharing
Spanish: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IXQ0c3N9-UbSnQtjkETPQsk6DYSRWXug/view?usp=sharing
News from the Community
These materials are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Red Clay Consolidated School District. The Red Clay Consolidated School District has neither reviewed nor approved the program, personnel, activities, or organizations announced in this flyer. Permission to distribute this flyer should not be considered a recommendation or endorsement of the program by the school district. The Red Clay Consolidated School District shall be held harmless from any cause of action or claim filed arising out of the distribution of these materials, including all costs, attorney’s fees, and judgments or awards.
About Us
Email: jason.martin@redclay.k12.de.us
Website: https://www.redclayschools.com/northstar
Location: 1340 Little Baltimore Road Hockessin, DE 19707
Phone: 302.234.7200