Roundtown Weekly Updates

Roundtown PROUD Post
Friday, August 30, 2024
A Message from Roundtown Principal, Dr. Miller
Happy Friday, Roundtown Families & Friends!
The school is getting set to move into the month of September next week and it's full speed ahead for our 567 students! The 5-day week allowed our systems and routines to really get locked in for our students and staff. I am so proud of how hard the children and teachers and staff are working to make Roundtown the absolute BEST learning environment for little people!
Have a wonderful and safe 3-day weekend! I am so thankful that my mom and dad will be coming for a visit for the weekend/holiday. My dad just recently finished radiation and is now cancer-free. My mom was diagnosed with cancer in June so it has been a tough season for me personally and my family. I am thankful for every moment I get with these two special people in my life. I hope you too, have the chance to spend this weekend with family!
Matt Miller, Ed. D.
Roundtown Principal
This past week....
I had the opportunity to visit with all grades to look at their class hopes and dreams for the school year. Hopes and Dreams is a teaching tool that we use to help children set goals. The children enjoyed hearing each others' hopes and dreams and we all learned how much we actually have in common with what we want to do in school. Our Hopes and Dreams are now proudly posted in our cafeteria for all to celebrate. Check them out during Back to School Night!
The school participated in its first 2 safety drills this week. We practiced an "intruder" drill and a fire drill. For both drills, the children listened exceptionally well. I use the language with little children that safety is like anything else that we want to get better at-we practice. Additionally, I always share that we are not scared, we are PREPARED! I want our community to know how seriously we take safety and that our job to protect your child is paramount to everything else we do. We have excellent plans in place that have been reviewed by local law enforcement and our firefighters to ensure success. We will routinely practice these drills as the school year moves forward.
Coming next week…
There is no school for the children on Monday, September 2 in honor of Labor Day. School will resume on Tuesday, September 3.
Our reading team and interventionist will begin our classroom "sweeps" for skills next week. Sweeps are an efficient way for us to work with every single child in the school to preliminarily assess their basic reading and math skills. These skills are then cross-referenced with a cut score system to see where are biggest instructional needs are. Sweeps are a key part of our teachers meeting the needs of each child as we begin our instructional blocks of time during the day. Your child's results will be shared with you during our first round of parent-teacher conferences.
Our annual Back to School Night is set for Thursday, September 5 from 6:30-8PM! Please see below for the official invitation to this great night!
The District’s new Volunteer Registration Portal is now live and parents/guardians/families may register to volunteer for this school year.
The District utilizes a new volunteer registration process within School Gate Guardian, our current visitor management system, to streamline the registration process and efficiently track, maintain, and check in volunteers throughout the school year. With this online registration process, there is no longer a requirement to complete paper packets or drop off paperwork at the District Office.
Prospective volunteers can check their status in the portal after uploading necessary clearances and will receive an email notification when they are approved. Please note that returning volunteers will be required to upload their active clearances within the portal to place them on file in the new system. Please allow up to one week for processing.
Volunteers will receive a self-expiring printed volunteer sticker during each visit upon check-in at the office.
For more information, please refer to our Volunteer page on the District Website
PTO Volunteer Opportunities
Our Roundtown PTO is an active committee that works to provide activities and additional opportunities for our Roundtown Students and Staff. Please use the survey below to indicate your interest and specifically identify particular events you would be interested in.
Here are some things you can do at home to help continue a smooth start to school.....
CYSD Device Protection Plan
Central York School District offers optional protection plans for your child’s District issued devices.
The protection plan fully covers your child’s device for any accidental damage that occurs. The cost is $25 per year for iPads.
Learn more and sign up: https://dpp.centralyork.org/
- Please click here to read over the 2024-2025 K-3 Student Handbook.
Please review and discuss as appropriate with your child. Families received the handbook sign-off page in your child's first day orange folder. Once you review the information as a family, please sign the sheet and return to school with your child. - Our annual Back to School Night is set for Thursday, September 5 from 6:30-8PM. This is always a special night for us to connect and reconnect with our families and community! Stay tuned for a more formal invitation coming next week along with details on how the evening will flow. *A change to our Back to School Night this year is that we are kindly requesting this evening be for parents only to allow for a better overall presentation to parents.*
Roundtown Calendar Reminders
9/2 - No School-Labor Day
9/4 - Kindergarten's Red Day-Wear something red!
9/5 - Back to School Night 6:30-8PM