Letter to Families and Staff

Letter To Families & Staff
Friday, October 4, 2024
Upcoming School Closures and Transportation Reminders
We are reminding families about some important dates and transportation events that are coming up in the month of October. If you have any questions, please reach out to your student’s main office.
1) District-wide Emergency Early Release Drill, Friday, October 11: Each year the entire RCS school district must complete an emergency early release drill that requires us to evacuate our students and staff approximately 15 minutes before their dismissal time. This drill helps prepare us in the case of an emergency that would require us to transport our entire district home or to another location prior to the end of the school day. Our drill is set for this Friday, October 11, 2024. In working with transportation to get the students home as soon as possible, here are the plans for each building:
Middle & High School: Students will be released at 1:42 p.m. HS athletes who have practice or a game will report to the HS stadium bleachers and MS athletes who have practice or a game will report to outside of the MS gym.
AWB & PBC Elementary Schools: Students who get picked up will be released at 2:35 p.m. and students who take the bus will be dismissed starting at 2:45 p.m. Due to the nature of the drill, please remember that students will be getting home early and for students in Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten, someone does need to be home to get them off the bus. The after-school childcare program will be held in both PBC and AWB.
2) The entire RCS District is closed on Monday, October 14 for the Federal Holiday.
3) Thursday, October 24, 2024: Staff Development Day, Early Dismissal PK-12.
Elementary Schools: On Thursday, October 24, 2024 parent pick-up will begin at 12:15 p.m. and buses will depart at 12:30 p.m. All students will eat lunch prior to dismissal. After-school childcare programs will be held. Parents/guardians should be prepared for their students to be home 3 hours earlier.
Middle and High School: Students will dismiss at 11:07 a.m, there will be PM CTE this day.
Important Information Being Sent Home With Your Student - SchoolTool
With the return to SchoolTool, our District’s Student Management System, the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District is focused on confirming we have the most up-to-date student information for your child.
The District must have current and accurate contact information for several reasons, including ensuring that you receive important and timely notifications from your student’s teacher, building, and district. Providing accurate information to our transportation department for dispatch communication and off-campus field trips. Lastly, providing you as guardian access to the SchoolTool Parent Portal.
Please be on the lookout for a small packet of papers coming home with your student(s) with a bright yellow top sheet with guardian contact information attached. Your student’s principal will notify you a few days before its release and the day the packet will be going home with your student.
Once received please review the attached contact sheet for your child and follow the directions on how to return the packet.
Thank you for your support in ensuring we have the most accurate information for your child. If you have questions, please contact Diane Palazzo, Registrar at 518-756-5200 x 6008.
For more information about SchoolTool you can visit our website: SchoolTool - Monitor Your Child’s Progress.
Free Community Event - Speed Painting Show on Thursday, October 10, 2024
The Middle School administration and teachers have been working closely with the Middle School Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) creating opportunities for students to learn about and practice respect and understanding in their building. A positive atmosphere is crucial for helping our students grow, develop, and contribute to the overall success of their school and the RCS Community. The team has worked together to bring a world-famous artist to RCS and to create a memorable and powerful community experience!
On Thursday, October 10, 2024 students and our RCS Community are invited to attend a very special show featuring Rob Surette, an artist who currently paints for Disney, DC Comics, Star Wars, Muppets, Indian Jones, and MARVEL! The speed painting show “BE SOMEBODY!” is about awe, hope, beauty, love, and self-empowerment all while being entertained by the sheer talent of Rob Surette's painting. The goal is to leave the performance with the appreciation of the highest possible good in life and to change the way you look at the world!
All of our RCS Community is invited to attend the evening show at 6:15 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Middle School students will have an opportunity to watch the show during the school day. The show is designed for all ages.
For more information about the show at RCS click here. You can also find more information about Rob Surette here.
News from RCS High School Counseling Center
The RCS High School Counseling Center has two upcoming events we want to share with you.
Tuesday, October 7 at 6:00 p.m. - Financial Aid Night
The High School Counseling Department will host a Financial Aid Information Night in the High School Library Media Center for current 11th and 12th graders and their families, but all are welcome to attend. A representative from Siena College will discuss the FAFSA, Tuition Assistance Program, scholarships, the financial aid process, and more!Wednesday, October 16 - PSAT
RCS will be hosting the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT) for all 11th-grade students during school. More information about the test may be found on our website here.
The Counseling Center’s website is a valuable resource of links to important information that will help students and their families navigate high school and plan for the future. Check out their website here and view their Fall 2024 Newsletter here.
Board of Education Awards
The RCS Board of Education will hold student recognition awards nights for all four school buildings over the next few months. These awards will recognize the outstanding achievements of our students.
The dates for all four recognitions are 6:30 pm in the High School auditorium as follows:
High School, Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Middle School: Wednesday, November 6, 2024
A.W. Becker Elementary: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Pieter B. Coeymans Elementary: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Students will receive their awards during a brief presentation at 6:30 p.m. in the High School auditorium. Students and their families will be notified about their awards from their school building. All are welcome to attend the awards ceremony and Board of Education meeting to follow.
Take Your Family to PE Week
Daily physical activity has many benefits for kids, such as increasing energy, focus, the readiness to learn, and reducing stress and anxiety. Of course, physical activity has benefits for people of all ages, so helping our students and families be active together is one of our district’s physical education goals.
Next week, *A.W. Becker and Middle School families have the opportunity to participate in a Family P.E. class with their student. To join, we ask you to sign up for a specific class with your student, which you can find in the registration link in the newsletter from your student's principal or a form sent home through backpack mail. These classes are hands-on, so be prepared to run, jump, have fun, play, and learn while participating as a member of your student's P.E. class. We kindly ask you to wear appropriate clothing for movement and don’t forget your sneakers!
*Pieter B. Coeymans families: A rescheduled Family P.E. Week will be communicated soon!
Let's Stay Healthy - Annual Reminder About Hand Sanitizer Use in School
As the colder air comes in there will be lots of opportunities for spending time with family and friends indoors. Spending time indoors with others provides more opportunities to share illnesses and germs. Hand-washing is the best way to stop the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy. Our school district offers students the opportunity to wash their hands using soap and water and also provides alcohol-based hand sanitizers (ABHS). Information about ABHS at school and tips on how to use it effectively are available here or on the RCS School Health Services page. As a reminder, students and staff who do not feel well should not come to school or work, please view our When to Keep Students Home Due to Illness Information Sheet for more information. If you have any questions, please reach out to your school nurse.
In Case You Missed It From Our Last Letter
Notifications about Important Safety Drills For the 2024-25 School Year
The safety of your student, and every individual in our school community, is critical to us. To maintain a safe environment, we must practice our emergency response procedures by conducting drills.
As required by New York State Education Law, the students and staff in our school will be practicing “Evacuation Drills” and “Lockdown Drills.” These drills will help enhance and refine our emergency response procedures. Please note this new law requires families to be notified of upcoming drills within one week of the scheduled drill. A notification will be sent to you by email from your building’s principal.
If you would like to read more about our District Safety Plan you can view it here.
Who to Contact and When
The Who to Contact and When Guide was put together to connect the community with the most knowledgeable and direct person for concerns or questions. When looking for assistance, please start at level 1 and move up through the levels if that person is unable to provide you with the assistance you need. The Board of Education will become involved, if necessary, in the final stage of the process. The Board may be contacted via District Clerk at (518) 756-5200 ext. 6000 or sstar@rcscsd.org. Check out the guide here and on the second page of the 2024-25 RCS Printed Wall Calendar.
RCS Fall Sports and Where to Watch
Our RCS Fall sports teams are on their way to another successful season! Find the schedule for every game, score, and standings here. Home Varsity Athletic Games are available on the District’s YouTube Channel with some games live-streamed. For more information about the fall season and health information for all RCS athletes, please visit our Athletics Page. Students, parents, and spectators are encouraged to read our District’s Stadium and Gymnasium Rules of Conduct before the next home game; find it here and on our Athletic Page.
Did you capture a perfect photo of an RCS student-athlete this season? We want your photos to celebrate all of our sports team on the District website. Please send athletic photos to communications@rcscsd.org or message us on Facebook.
Rebranding Process
We are very excited to be starting our new chapter as the RCS Ravens! When we started this journey in May of 2023, we wanted the decision to be a true community effort. Thank you to our students and community for being a part of the 18-month process and embracing this new phase of our RCS history as we become the Home of the Ravens.
As our new mascot the Ravens takes flight around RCS we want you to be aware that we are still in the final phase of our rebranding process. If you have visited our buildings you will see our new branding greeting you. If you watch our teams play this season you may see jerseys and helmets with our new mascot proudly being on display. There are a few items and spaces around our facilities that are still in the process of being retired as this will be a transition year. The final updates to our facilities will be completed by the beginning of the 2025-26 school year like the athletic fields, pool, and gym floor which are scheduled for updates via regular maintenance, replacement, or construction projects. Some of these areas are already scheduled for update or replacement by 2025. Any update that needs to be completed prior to the end of their expected, useful life will either be subsidized by funds given to the District through PILOT programs (Payments In Lieu Of Taxes) or by funds given to the District by Holcim. As a reminder, these rebranding efforts will not be paid through the District’s general budgetary fund.
For the history of the RCS Rebranding Process please visit our website.
Go Digital!
Add to your digital calendar all the important District dates by clicking on the RCS School District Calendar and then “copy to my calendar.”
RCS Highlights
We would like to take a moment to share some RCS highlights from around our District. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more RCS Highlights!
Second Grade Celebrates International Dot Day
On Monday, September 16, A.W.Becker second graders participated in International Dot Day. Students dressed in their dotty best and virtually met with Peter H. Reynolds, a New York Times bestselling author and illustrator the The Dot. Photos courtesy of Ms. Conti
Students Dress for Success
As part of the building’s spirit week, Pieter B. students were encouraged to Dress for Success. Students arrived at school dressed in their future careers as doctors, chefs, astronauts, police officers, vets, and an RCS bus driver! The future looks incredibly bright with our amazing students!
Fall Pep Rally Reveals A Suprise Guest!
Students Exercise Their Right To Vote
Team RCS
RCS Senior Opens ‘Window’ To A Bright Future at Capital Region BOCES
RCS Senior Lennon Babicz was featured and quoted in a news article about the Game Design & Implementation program at Capital Region BOCES. The two-year program teaches students the “ins” and “outs” of video game design, 3D modeling, and computer programming. Lennon is attending the program to prepare for a future in information technology (IT) and says “I really like the art aspect of game design and the program so far.”
Apple Run Fun!
A.W. Becker’s annual Apple Run happened on Friday, September 27, when students and staff enjoyed a beautiful fall day outside with their families cheering them on! After each run, students enjoyed a delicious apple generously donated by Indian Ladder Farms. Thank you to all of our staff and A.W. Becker PTA for putting together this event. Check out all the photos here. Watch our social media for photos from Pieter B. Coeyman’s Apple Run on Friday, October 4.
RCS High School Shares Their Students and Staff Member of the Month
RCS High School announced their high school students who have exhibited outstanding performances during the month of September. A shout-out goes to Ms.Passman for being chosen as the High School Staff Member of the Month. Ms. Passman was nominated by the students for this recognition.
RCS Celebrates Operation and Maintenance Staff
Tuesday, October 2 was National Custodian Appreciation Day! RCS took a moment to spread our appreciation to all of our terrific Operations and Maintenance staff. Their department makes our buildings and grounds sparkle and shine and helps our students and staff have a safe and clean environment to work and learn. Thank you for all you do 365 days a year!