Ms. Nutt's Newsletter
Austin Elementary
Austin Mustang Wild Stampede
It's not too late to donate to the Austin Elementary fund raiser - Wild Stampede. Our class has raised $555.00 of our $1,100.00 goal. We are currently in 19th place (out of 23 classrooms). Thank you so much for your support!
Fiftieth Day of School
On Friday, October 25, first grade will be celebrating the 50th day of school. We will be doing fun activities throughout the day centered around the number 50 or life in the 1950’s.
**If you would like to contribute a food item for our Root Beer Float Celebration, please click on the sign up genius below:
On this day, we will be dressing up in 50’s clothing. Some examples of this could be, but are not limited to: rolled jeans, a white shirt, slicked back hair, poodle skirts, ponytails, bobby socks, saddle shoes, jean or leather jackets, scarves, etc.
We are looking forward to seeing the students dressed in their best 50’s day attire and celebrating this special day together!
Coppell Education Foundation - Give For Grants
The First Grade educators at Austin Elementary would like the opportunity to bring a Science Lab to our learners! Through the exciting and educational High Touch High Tech program - Sea Ya' Later - students can experience hands on, TEK based science experience in our classrooms. We can't go to the ocean so this program would allow us to bring the ocean to Austin Elementary!
If you are interested in donating to this grant to support our learners, please click on the link below!
https://give.livingtree.com/c/sea-ya-laterRed Ribbon Week
National Red Ribbon Week 2019
Austin Elementary
October 21st-25th
We celebrate National Red Ribbon Week in honor of Enrique Camarena, a fallen DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) Agent, who risked his own life in the battle against illegal drugs. Since 1988, the Red Ribbon has been a symbol used to raise awareness of the destruction caused by illegal drugs in America and to encourage participation among schools and communities in drug prevention activities. Please join us this week in the following themed days to support making healthy choices and being drug free.
Monday, October 21st
**Neighborhood Walk 8:00AM
“RED-Y to Live a Drug Free Life.”
Wear red to help kick off Red Ribbon Week. Bring your homemade poster with you on our campus wide walk around the neighborhood to promote being drug free.
Tuesday, October 22nd
“I’m Wild About Being Drug Free”
Wild and crazy hair day.
Wednesday, October 23rd
“Follow Your Dreams. Don’t Do Drugs.”
It’s pajama day!
Thursday, October 24th
“Your Future Is Bright Without Drugs.”
Dress like what you want to be when you grow up.
Friday, October 25th
“Austin Mustangs Team Up Against Drugs.”
Wear your Austin spirit wear, Coppell Cowboys spirit wear, or your favorite team jersey.
A Note From the Library
Our Week in Review
Week of October 21-25
We are reading...
*The Story of A Garden
*Big Pumpkin
*The Little Old Lady Who Wasn't Afraid of Anything
*The Roly Poly Spider
Language Arts
*Phonics Workshop - Snap Word Boot Camp
*Readers Workshop - Word Detectives Turn New Words Into Snap Words
*Writers Workshop - Writers Become Readers By Asking "Can I follow this?"
*Grammar Talk - Ending Punctuation - ., ?, !
*continue to learn about place value
*compose and decompose numbers
*skip count forwards and backward by 5's
*represent numbers 0 to 100
*count with and without numbers
*write numbers in standard and expanded form
*review addition and subtraction math strategies
*solve story problems
*identify three sources of energy
Red Ribbon Week
*identify the difference between medicine and drugs
*learn how to be safe around medicine
Upcoming Events
Library books are due on Thursdays!
Wear tennis shoes to P.E. on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Family Friday Lunch Sign Up Link: https://forms.gle/pXvFW1x3QdTykpVdA
Upcoming Dates:
*October 23 - Sonic Night - First Grade Teachers are working from 5-6 p.m.
*October 25 - 50th Day of School!
*October 30 - Field Trip to Biodiversity Center and Life Safety Park
*November 1 - Mustang Stampede Fun Run
*November 8 - Veteran's Day Ceremony
*November 8 - Grandparents Day - Lunch and Cookie Reception
*November 13 - Pastries with Parents 7:20 a.m.
Stay Connected!
Email: snutt@coppellisd.com
Location: 161 S. Moore Rd. Coppell, TX 75019
Phone: 214-496-7340
Twitter: @SharonNutt1C