St Peter's Primary School
Friday 11th October 2024
Dear Lord,
As we prepare for the coming of a new term make us ready, attentive and available to hear you.
Thank You for the gift of being able to rise each day with the assurance that You walk with us.
Thank You for the gifts of creativity and uniqueness, and the energy to put them to good use.
May all that we are today, all that we try to do today,
may all our encounters, reflections,
even the frustrations and failings be placed in your hands.
May the work we do and the way we do it, bring new hope, new life,
and courage to all we come in contact with this term.
We thank you, Lord.
We make this prayer through Christ Our Lord,
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents and Members of our School Community,
Thank you for the warm welcome you have extended to me as I begin my Principalship at
St Peter’s. I am thrilled to be able to serve this community, one with such a rich history and prominence in the community. I know St Peter’s is a wonderful school where children care for one another and truly live the gospel values as this week I have seen it first-hand. I do wish to make special comment to parents about how well your children greet staff every morning and engage in conversation. This has impressed me to no end.
As a father, I understand the importance of a strong connection between the school and our parents. You are welcome to contact me if there is anything I can do to support your family. As always, if you have any issues, please make sure you make an appointment to see your child’s teacher as a first port of call, as they are more than willing, and in fact want, to help.
I would like to thank Mrs Courtney Caputi for her support of my appointment to St Peter’s and for her comprehensive handover. We wish her all the best as she begins her new adventure of motherhood.
Each new term brings with it a new sense of learning, discovery and wondering for each one of us. While our history is so important to who we are and what we know, it is our goals and aspirations that drive our future, and this is so applicable to a school as we all strive to new learnings and dreams.
This term is shaping up to be extremely busy with Graduation, Athletics Carnivals, Year Six Camp and Christmas Concert taking centre stage.
PRE PRIMARY – YEAR 6 ATHLETICS CARNIVAL - Yesterday, our Pre Primary to Year 6 classes participated in our St Peter’s Primary School Athletics Carnival held at Dianella Open Space. We loved having our Pre Primary students join us for the first half of the day! We were blessed with beautiful weather for the event, and it was wonderful to witness healthy competition, teamwork and great sportsmanship.
Thank you to Miss Eliza Hardie for her hard work and commitment in organising such a successful carnival! Thank you to the parents that volunteered on the day. It takes many hands to ensure the smooth running of a carnival, so we appreciate you volunteering your time.
GRANDPARENTS’ MORNING TEA - We would like to extend an invitation to all grandparents to join us for a morning tea at the school on Friday 18 October (Week Two, Term Four) from
10:15am - 11:00am. Grandparents are a huge part of our community, and we would like to acknowledge the role our grandparents play in our students’ lives and the unconditional love they have for family. Classroom doors will be open at 10:15am for grandparents to visit the classroom and to collect their grandchild/ren for morning tea.
We do hope that many grandparents can join us for this very special morning. Please note if your child does not have a grandparent who is able to attend, we welcome families to invite a treasured caregiver to attend, this includes: godparents, aunts, uncles, neighbours and more!
SCHOOL UNIFORMS - Thank you to the students who returned to school this term looking so smart in their summer school uniforms. Parents thank you for your ongoing support in this matter. The uniform policy can be found on the school website. https://bit.ly/4befucu
ADVANCED NOTICE - Please be aware that Friday 1 November and Monday 4 November are Pupil Free Days at St Peter’s. Pre-Kindy will still operate on Friday 1 November.
CODE OF CONDUCT - As you would be aware St Peter’s has a Code of Conduct which clearly states the behaviours and expectations required by all staff at St Peter’s, parents, students and volunteers, and anyone who spends significant time at St Peter’s.
The St Peter’s Code of Conduct can be found on the school website. https://bit.ly/3Y574yi
Any Breach of this code must be reported to the school principal. All school community members are expected to have the safety and welfare of our children/students as our primary priority. Throughout the remainder of the year, I will briefly outline what each Conduct Statement is and highlight a few examples of what this may look like from a parent’s perspective.
The following examples are ways parents can adhere to Conduct Statement 1:
- Drop off and pick up your child in accordance with school guidelines, this includes proper procedures for late drop offs and early pickups and entry to school grounds during the school day.
- Ensure your child is at school on time, dressed appropriately and has the necessary school supplies, including appropriate food.
- Information and photos of students is not to be taken and/or circulated without the express permission of the individual student’s parents. This includes discussion of students, families and staff on the world-wide web and amongst community members.
- Be mindful and vigilant of your child/rens internet activity.
- Seek advice and assistance from experts and/or the school Principal/staff as necessary.
Monday 14 October: Year 3 Excursion to the WA Museum
Tuesday 15 October: NIPSSA Interschool Basketball Carnival
Year 5 and 6 Parent Information Evening - Centre for Life, Marriage and Family (6.00pm)
Thursday 17 October: Merit Assembly (2.15pm)
Friday 18 October: Year 5 Grandparents’ Mass (9.00am)
Whole School Grandparents’ Morning Tea (10.15am)
Monday 21 October: KB & KM Muddy Gully Incursion
Tuesday 22 October: KW Muddy Gully Incursion
Year 5 and 6 Centre for Life, Marriage and Family Talks (9.45am)
Parent Kindy Info Night (7.00pm)
Wednesday 23 October: Year 2 Liturgy
Thursday 24 October: Interschool Athletics Carnival – WA Athletics Stadium
Friday 25 October: Year 3 Assembly (8.45am)
Year 4 Excursion – Perth Zoo
Justin Tuohy
Assistant Principal RE News
Our Faction Athletics Carnival on Thursday 10th October was a fantastic success, blessed with beautiful sunny weather and an incredible display of athleticism and team spirit. The students were absolutely outstanding, and their enthusiasm made the day truly memorable.
A huge thank you goes to our dedicated staff and wonderful parent volunteers, whose hard work and support ensured everything ran smoothly. Days like this wouldn’t be possible without your contributions.
Congratulations to Siena for winning the overall Faction Trophy and to Angelico for taking home the Cheering and Sportsmanship Award. Well done to all!
Champion Girl: Mackenzie Robertson
Runner Up: Kiyannah Elias-Perez
Runner Up: Marnie Sunderland
Champion Boy: Enrique Rets
Runner Up: Vincent Hocking
Champion Girl: Emerson Davies
Champion Girl: Beatrix Marshall
Runner Up: Leilani Njeru
Champion Boy: Marcus Camilleri
Runner Up: Arlo Maher
Champion Girl: Madeleine Epton
Runner Up: Ava Mainstone
Champion Boy: Asher Raveendrakumar
Runner Up: Blake Taylor
Champion Girl: Amanda Penaloza
Runner Up: Isla Swords
Champion Boy: Mason Aleksoski
Runner Up: Anderson Palermo-Martin
Runner Up: Edward Barnes
Runner Up: Stirling Grove
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Young Engineers After School Club
P&F News
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Community News
- LA SALLE COLLEGE - will be hosting Carols by Candlelight on Thursday 5 December from 5pm.
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Office Hours
8am - 4pm School Term Only
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Email: stpeters@cewa.edu.au
Website: stpeters.wa.edu.au
Location: 103 Wood Street, Inglewood WA, Australia
Phone: (08) 9338 9900