What's the Scoop?
SFSD Child Nutrition Newsletter
Free & Reduced Meal Application Updates
This school year parents/guardians will again be responsible for paying for school meals. Those who do not qualify for Free/Reduced Meals will be charged. Those who DO qualify should take advantage of Free/Reduced cost option.
If you believe that your family might meet the income eligibility requirements to qualify for Free or Reduced School Meals, PLEASE fill out the 2022-23 form NOW by logging into your Parent Portal in Infinite Campus (click "More" at the bottom of the left hand menu). The application works best on a computer, not a phone. You are welcome to go to any school or our Child Nutrition office for assistance applying. You will be notified of your status in your Parent Portal account once approved.
You will receive an email confirmation of your status within 10 days of submitting your application. Please know that the application does not save if incompleted, if you log out without submitting you will need to start the application over.
If your family receives SNAP or TANF benefits as of July 1, 2022 or after, you are automatically qualified for free school meals and do not need to complete the application. You will receive a letter from the Child Nutrition office confirming that you are approved for the 2022-23 school year.
More Important Information
Check Out Our "Yes Please" & "No Thank Yous" (thumbs up and thumbs down)
Gay Anderson
Child Nutrition Coordinator
The 21-22 School Year was a challenging but rewarding one for our Child Nutrition Department. We want to thank you for trusting us to feed your children healthy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks throughout their SFSD academic careers. We are excited to start the year strong and take what we've learned to plan for this year. If you have any feedback you're willing to share, I would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to reach out.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Email: Gay.Anderson@k12.sd.us
Website: https://www.sf.k12.sd.us/page/nutrition-services
Location: 1101 North Western Avenue, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Phone: (605) 367-7635