Week Ahead
September 15th - September 21st

For a full text version click here
This Week on the Ridge
Ready, Set, Play
The kids are loving their new playground. Our playground project is finally complete and includes our new basketball court, wall ball, 2 Gaga pits, and structures that encourage gross motor movement, creative play, sound and memory.
Exploring Specials
At Oak Ridge, students take part in units of specials. Each unit is 11 days long. This allows students to work on a specific project from start to finish. Specials include: Art, Technology, Health, Music, Engineering, Physical Education, and our very own Exploring the 7C's. Students also have the option of taking a musical instrument.
From the Health Office
Each year students in ALL GRADES require updating of all forms in PowerSchool. These forms ensure that staff have accurate contact information for your children in the event of illness, injury, or emergency. In addition, these forms provide the nursing staff with permission to provide first aid and medical care to your children while they are in school.
Please take a moment today to log into the PowerSchool parent portal and fill out the required forms in PowerSchool using the instructions found on this link. It is VITAL for the safety and comfort of our students, that we have accurate, current information on our students. If you have problems accessing PowerSchool or have forgotten your username or password, please email help@sandwich.k12.ma.us
As always thank you for your attention to these issues and enjoy these final days of summer!
Nicola Bordelon, MSN, RN, SPS Nursing Department Head
Registration is now open for TRYOUTS for the Spring 2025 Travel Season for players in Grades 1* thru 11/Post Grad. 2-STEP REGISTRATION PROCESS:
#1: Use the QR code, below, to register your child for tryouts.
#2: Once tryouts are completed, teams will be determined and a separate email will be sent prompting you to log back in, accept your child’s position, and complete payment for the Spring season.
Your child cannot be assigned to a team until Step #1 is complete. The registration fee is $225/player ($10 per sibling discount). Questions? Please email us at registrar@sandwichsoccer.org or info@sandwichsoccer.org.
Girls on the Run
Boys and Girls Club
Sandwich Youth Basketball
Sandwich Youth Basketball Registration is OPEN NOW!
Registration for Sandwich Youth Basketball’s 2024-25 season is now open! Registration closes on October 13; Town REC players save $$ with early registration through September 30.
Register online today at: sandwichyouthbasketball.teamsnapsites.com/registration
Rotary Club of Bourne-Sandwich
Online Safety Zoom Presentation for Families
The U.S. Attorney’s Office will be hosting a statewide, virtual presentation for parents on Wednesday, October 9th @ 6:30 pm.
What: Webex Webinar – Keeping Children Safe and Secure Online: A Project Safe Childhood Presentation for Parents
When: Wednesday, October 9th @ 6:30 pm (log in begins at 6:00 pm)
Registration link: https://usao.webex.com/weblink/register/r3c6f24c5e409d764c38ac82d069f700e
*Registration is required. Space is limited. The Webex platform has a maximum capacity of 1000 attendees. If you have any questions or if we have reached registration capacity, please email USAMA.PSCOutreach@usdoj.gov to be put on a waitlist for the next presentation.
What Can I Do About Bullying?
September 19th 6pm-8pm Free Virtual Presentation.
Hosted by: Autism Resource Center.
Learn how to recognize bullying, support students experiencing bullying and how to report and address it in school and the IEP
PTA News
Support the PTA in their main fundraising effort, the Fun Run. Check out the attached flyer for more information on how you can help.
Bay Cove Behavioral Health & Wellness Center
Bay Cove Behavioral Health & Wellness Center is a Community Behavioral Health Center. The Behavioral Health and Wellness Center is a continuation of Bay Cove’s commitment to the “No wrong door” approach with expanded services in behavioral health for adults, youth, and families on the Cape.
Services Offered:
Outpatient therapy for individuals and families
Access to expedited and ongoing psychopharm services for youth and adults
Crisis Intervention for youth and adults
Substance use services, including access to MOUD treatment (16+)
Community Crisis Stabilization (CCS) for adults and youth
Enhanced care coordination with peer supports, recovery coaches, family partners, and case managers
Groups (Peer support, DBT, CBT, Family Support)
Mark Your Calendar
9/26 - Picture Day - MPR
9/26 - Open House
- Grades 3&4 6-7pm
- Grades 5&6 7-8pm
10/15-16 - Scholastic Book Fair - MPR
10/23 - Bart Weisman Music Assembly - MPR
5th - 9:15-10:00 / 6th - 10:15-11:00
11/8 - Vento Chiaro Music Assembly - MPR
4th - 9:15-10:00 / 3rd - 10:15-11:00