Ms. Steinberg's Weekly News
Week of September 19th, 2016
Hello families,
I hope you've enjoyed your weekend and are ready for another week! Here is a look at what your child learned this week:
This week our word study words all included the short i sound. We played games including short i sight word bingo and basketball to practice spelling the words and recognizing the short i sound. We did some vocabulary exercises in which we defined the vocabulary word and listed synonyms and antonyms as a class. Students independently wrote a sentence with the word in it. We learned about the animal fantasy genre (a story in which animals do things they cannot typically do-a pig cooking breakfast). We read an animal fantasy story called Pig in Wig and identified what made the story an animal fantasy. Students were introduced to the writing process and we started writing our first piece! We practiced identifying: a complete sentence, the subject in a sentence and the plot.
We reviewed our Math terms and continued solving addition problems using the vertical addition format. We learned that there are more than one way to make a number. For example, to get the sum of 4 you can add: 0+4, 1+3, 2+2, 3+1 and 4+0. We played a fun game called Alien Addition to reinforce addition skills. It's a free online game that you can easily find if you want your child to play it at home. We also solved addition word problems by underlining what we know, circling what we need to find out and then creating the addition number sentence. This Friday we will be having a Math test on Chapter One. You child will come home with a practice test this week to prepare. If you study with your child, which I recommend you do, pay attention to the vocabulary as well as the Math.
We had a great time playing Miss Monteiro's class in Landform Jeopardy! The game helped us prepare for the quiz. Thanks to those who took the time to review the landform material with your child. We read about rocks, soil and sand then found the natural resources outside! We added water to our samples and noted our observations. We began to think about what effect water has on the environment. We watched a fun Bill Nye the Science Guy video on erosion. If your child wants to watch it at home search: Bill Nye erosion on YouTube and it should come up.
-We celebrated AJ's birthday!
-We had fun rooting for the Eagles or Bears!
-This Friday (30th) is Picture Day-formal uniform please
-Applebee's Pancake Breakfast for PAC is 8-10am Saturday (1st)
See you tomorrow!
Ms. Steinberg