EVHS Bi-Weekly Announcements
Friday, March 17th, 2023
March 27-31 - No School, Spring Break
April 4 - PreACT, ACT, Bilingual Seals Test Day (E-Learning Day for students not taking an exam)
April 7 - Last day of Quarter 3
April 21 - No School, Data Analysis Day
New: EV Boys Basketball Team Earns A Trip To STATE
Congrats to the Lightning Boys Basketball team on their 63-36 win last night over Eagan in the Section Championship! The Lightning used a strong first half performance (feeding off of an electric, packed house featuring both the Lightning and Wildcat pep bands) to jump out to a commanding lead. Truly an awesome atmosphere! The Lightning are now STATEBOUND and will play next Tuesday, March 21st at Target Center in the State Quarterfinals. They will learn the exact game time and opponent on Saturday.
STUDENTS: If you plan to attend the State Tournament, please check Schoology this weekend for more details about tickets, attendance process and any possible fan bus information. Game times for Class AAAA Quarterfinals are 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm. Eastview will learn their game time on Saturday morning. All tickets are sold online only via the MSHSL and Target Center. Tickets are $11.50 for students and $17.50 for adults. This event will NOT sellout as there are 18,000 seats at Target Center!
Due to times of games and available bus drivers, we will have a limited number of fan buses. Kids will need to sign-up for the Fan Bus through My Payments Plus. Fan Bus cost is $10. We will open the Fan Bus registration as soon as we confirm game time and corresponding bus availability. Unlike the pre-Covid days where we had up to 20 fan buses available, we will be lucky to get 4-5 max and if we play at 4:00 we likely will not get any. Any kids not on a Fan Bus will need to provide their own transportation if they plan to attend. The absence to attend this event is an “excused” absence. The process to follow to report an absence if the game is at 10am/12pm/2pm will be communicated via Schoology and School Messenger.
For Current 10th and 11th Graders – AP World/European History Trip Spring Break 2024
For all current 10th and 11th Graders currently interested in traveling to Central Europe during spring break 2024, please use the link https://acis.com/tripsite-trip-overview/?key=MjAyNHw4NDU4
Our trip will be traveling to Berlin, Prague, and Krakow. We will be seeing history through multiple centuries including a lot of 20th century history sites.
See Mr. Wollersheim or email him at joseph.wollersheim@district196.org for more details. You do not need to be in AP History to go on the trip.
National Honor Society 2023-24 Applications Due March 24
Current sophomores and current juniors are eligible to complete a Candidate Form. It is strongly encouraged that the eligible candidate have a cumulative 3.8 GPA or higher.
Optional informational meetings will be held on Wednesday, March 8 at 7:10 AM OR 2:30 PM in C232. Interested candidates are strongly encouraged to attend ONE of the meetings.
If a candidate is unable to attend an informational meeting, more info can be found here: https://sites.google.com/view/eastviewnhs/home
Responsibility matters, therefore, late Candidacy Forms will not be considered.
If you have questions, see Mr. Kelly in C232 or email him at john.kelly@district196.org
New: Check Out the Latest Episode of The Flash
Need A Tutor?
Peer tutoring is available on Wednesdays in the Learning Commons after school! Math peer tutors will be available from 2:30-3:30. You can get support for math homework- bring your questions or assignments to work on with a peer tutor and/or small group.
New: Register for Playschool
The Eastview High School Family and Consumer Science Department is excited to announce that Playschool registration is open for Spring!
Playschool will run Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays, April 24th -June 2nd, from 9:35am-11:10am. This program is for 3-5 year olds and the cost will be $35 for the spring session.
If you have a Pre-Schooler or know of a family who would be interested please complete the attached form and return it to me. Feel free to pass this information along to friends and community members as it is open to all.
New: Calculator Drive
Over the years, the Eastview Math Department has created a collection of used calculators which are made available to students who may not be able to afford the purchase of a brand new one. While the student iPads have calculator functions, these devices are not allowed on standardized testing such as the ACT or SAT tests which most students will take as upperclassmen. The calculators we have are checked out through the Learning Commons for an annual rental fee of $20 (free for students receiving educational benefits) and returned at the end of each school year.
Our supply of calculators is currently low! Due to increased need and devices which no longer work, we are seeking ways to replenish our stock. If you have a graduating senior or a student who is no longer taking math, please consider donating the used calculators to the Math Department for use by other students. Our greatest need is for TI-30, TI-83, TI-84 and TI-84Plus models. Calculators can be sent to the Learning Commons or left at the security door (#1) labeled as a donation.
If you have any additional questions, please contact evhs.learningcommons@district196.org. Thank you for supporting math at Eastview!
Trades of Hope Online Fundraiser for BRAVO! 2023 - LAST DAY!!
- Visit the Trades of Hope fundraising site at: https://bit.ly/LPABCfundraiser2023
- Order online through March 17, 2023
- Feel good about giving back 25% of your sale to BRAVO! 2023
Check out this flyer for more information, and happy shopping!
Order Your 2022-23 Yearbook
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
Senior Party BINGO - Sunday, March 19
Class of 2023 Senior Party Donations
EVHS All-Night Senior Party Tickets - Get Yours Today!
Graduating seniors are invited to attend the 2023 All-Night Senior Party, a chemical free, lock-in which takes place the night of graduation, Saturday June 3rd, 2023 from 10:00 pm – 4:00am at EVHS.
Each year the All-Night Senior Party is a highlight for the graduating seniors with at least 80% of the class attending. This is an “Everything Included” night of fun! Entertainment, Food, Prizes, Games, Casino, and MORE! It is the place to be on graduation night! On February 8th there will be a party kick-off event during the school day where the theme of the party will be revealed to the senior class! Get your tickets before the kick-off to save money & be entered into prize drawings!
- $115: Feb 8th to May 26th, 2023 **
- $140: At the Door (Cash and Venmo)
- $45: If you qualify for free/reduced lunch **
**Tickets entered to win a $50 gift card (2) or a graduation flower bouquet (2)
- Only members of the Eastview High School class of 2023 (including PSEO and SES students) are allowed to attend the party.
- You must present a photo ID at the door to be admitted.
- Tickets are non-transferable and non-refundable.
Purchase options:
The most up to date info is available on our website https://sites.google.com/view/evhs-senior-party/home.
Optional EVHS Graduation Announcements
Announce your graduation in style & CELEBRATE YOUR SENIOR YEAR with your official optional graduation announcement... showcasing the specific information regarding the date, time and place of your high school graduation ceremony. Mail these to those who matter most to invite them to your special event.
*Please note: The student’s name does not appear on the announcement. Be sure to order name cards to place in the card cut-out.
Counseling Office Newsletter
Friday, March 17th Counselor Connection Newsletter
In-School Pre-ACT and ACT - April 4th
In-School PreACT and ACT - Tuesday, April 4th
EVHS Juniors have the opportunity to take the ACT on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. Testing begins promptly at 7:45 AM and is expected to end at 11:30 AM.
EVHS Sophomores have the opportunity to take the PreACT on Tuesday, April 4, 2023. The PreACT is a practice ACT exam. The PreACT will begin at 7:45 AM and is expected to end at 11:30 AM.
There is no fee or sign-up required for these exams. There is no makeup test date offered.
What should students bring to the ACT and PreACT?
· Acceptable photo ID
· No. 2 pencils
· An ACT approved graphing calculator
What should students NOT bring?
· Testing regulations do not allow these items in the testing room and need to be stored elsewhere during the test. Students are encouraged to leave all unnecessary personal items at home on this day.
· Cell phones or iPads
· Any electronic devices that record or make noise
What can students do to prepare before the day of the test?
· Plan to be in school that day. Do not plan appointments or vacations for this date.
· Use their Naviance student account to access Naviance ACT Test Prep for free. Click on Resources to Get Ready from the Naviance homepage. Timed practice tests are available for students there.
· Visit the ACT free practice site located here.
What can students do to prepare for the day of the test?
· Get a full night’s rest and have breakfast (students will receive the option for lunch after the test and be able to request a lunch in their Advisory class).
· Arrive early, in advance of the test start time.
· Test proctors will not permit students who arrive late into the testing room.
If you have questions, please contact:
Suze Fulford
Testing Coordinator
Upcoming College Visits
Students should stop by the Counseling Office and get a pass to attend the college/university/military Rep Visit prior to the right visit. These university/college or military visits are small group meetings typically lasting 20/30 minutes. These admission reps are often times the same people that review college applications, so it's a great connection for students.
Exploring the Link Between Majors and Careers with Will Sealy, Assistant Director of Recruitment at UW-River Falls
University of Wisconsin-River Falls
Saint Cloud State University
*Don't forget to register in Naviance and pick up a pass in the Counseling Office prior to the event.
New: Boys Golf Announcement
Attention Boys Golfers: Golf season starts on Monday! Please register at My Payments Plus by Monday to be eligible to participate. If you are a new golfer trying out and haven’t talked with Coach Wanous yet please see him in the Counseling office regarding the schedule for next week.
Girls Golf Announcement
Join Girls Golf- We have 3 teams: Varsity, Top JV and a beginner JV. All girls are welcome.
Talk to Mr. Currie or email Coach Colucci @ tamara.colucci@apps.district196.org.
First day of practice will be March 20th at 3:00 in room C236.
Athletics Scoreboard
Congrats to the Lightning Boys Basketball team on their 63-36 win last night over Eagan in the Section Championship! The Lightning used a strong first half performance (feeding off of an electric, packed house featuring both the Lightning and Wildcat pep bands) to jump out to a commanding lead. Truly an awesome atmosphere! The Lightning are now STATEBOUND and will play next Tuesday, March 21st at Target Center in the State Quarterfinals. They will learn the exact game time and opponent on Saturday.
STUDENTS: If you plan to attend the State Tournament, please check Schoology this weekend for more details about tickets, attendance process and any possible fan bus information. Game times for Class AAAA Quarterfinals are 10am, 12pm, 2pm and 4pm. Eastview will learn their game time on Saturday morning. All tickets are sold online only via the MSHSL and Target Center. Tickets are $11.50 for students and $17.50 for adults. This event will NOT sellout as there are 18,000 seats at Target Center!
Due to times of games and available bus drivers, we will have a limited number of fan buses. Kids will need to sign-up for the Fan Bus through My Payments Plus. Fan Bus cost is $10. We will open the Fan Bus registration as soon as we confirm game time and corresponding bus availability. Unlike the pre-Covid days where we had up to 20 fan buses available, we will be lucky to get 4-5 max and if we play at 4:00 we likely will not get any. Any kids not on a Fan Bus will need to provide their own transportation if they plan to attend. The absence to attend this event is an “excused” absence. The process to follow to report an absence if the game is at 10am/12pm/2pm will be communicated via Schoology and School Messenger.
On Thursday, March 16, several members of the Eastview Speech Team competed at the Minnesota State High School League Section 6AA Section Tournament. At this tournament, the top three in each event qualify to the state tournament.
Eastview qualified 11 speakers to the Minnesota State High School League State Tournament, which will be held at EVHS in April. In addition, the team earned the Runner-Up Sweepstakes Plaque at the Section 6AA Tournament. Section 6AA is arguably one of the most competitive sections in the state.
Congratulations to our qualifiers:
Sahiti Atluri - Champion, Creative Expression
Stella Keller - Champion, Extemporaneous Reading
Faye Zhang - Champion, Extemporaneous Speaking
Neal Rajvansh - Champion, Informative Speaking
Cailin Mayotte - Champion, Prose Interpretation
Zoe Champ - Champion, Storytelling
Mary Rezcallah - 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Reading
Allie Nathan - 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking
Tess Douma - 2nd Place, Humorous Interpretation
Ava Violette - 3rd Place, Extemporaneous Reading
Rhea Saarang - 3rd Place, Great Speeches
In addition, congratulations to the following individuals that advanced to the final round in their event:
Grace Vrieze - 4th Place, Creative Expression
Nimisha Bora - 4th Place, Great Speeches
Ian Machalek - 4th Place, Storytelling
Dagmawit Abate - 5th Place, Dramatic Interpretation
Monisha Suresh - 5th Place, Extemporaneous Reading
Shriya Yalamanchili - 6th Place, Creative Expression
Nina Galindez - 7th Place, Storytelling
EVHS Esports Team
Come join EVHS esports! Esports is a group of peers all connected by a shared passion for video games. All people are welcome regardless of skill. The team meets every other Tuesday in C130 from 2:30 to 4:00. We invite you to play games with us, use our gaming computers, and make new friends with similar interests.
The team meets on the following days:
March 21st, April 11th, April 25th, May 9th, and May 23rd. For further information please contact esports.evhs@gmail.com
Hiring Heroes Information Night
Tue | Mar 21 | 6:30-7:30 p.m. | SHMS
Come to the rescue and splash your way into a job that you can dive right into!
· Find out what it's like to work for us.
· Get answers to your questions.
· Learn about the application.
· Sign up for interviews.
We're hiring
· Water Safety Aides (ages 14+)
· Water Safety Instructors (ages 16+)
· Lifeguards (ages 15+)
· Water Exercise Instructors
· Pool Managers. Apply now!
Winter online catalog open!
See what we have in store for you and your family. Register early to ensure your spot in class.
Irish Lacrosse Spring Preseason Camp (boys, grades 5-8)
Mon - Thu | Mar 20 – 23 | 6:30 - 8:00 p.m. | 4 sessions $75 | RHS Field 2
Youth/Adult Bowling League at Bogarts (adult and child ages 7+)
Sat | Mar 25 - Apr 29 | 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. | skip Apr 8 | Bogart's Entertainment Center
Code Championship Tournament-Virtual Computer Coding Competition (grades 3-9)
Sat | Apr 1 – 22 | 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. | 4 sessions | $85 | Live Online
Rainy Day Treats (ages 6-16)
Wed | Apr 5 | 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. | $30 | SHMS
Fencing Team (grades 6-12)
Wed | Apr 5 - May 24 | 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. | 8 sessions | $129 | RMS
Do you need fee assistance? Find our more and apply here.
Improv: Acting Without a Script (grades 6-9)
Thu | Apr 6 – 27 | 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. | 4 sessions | $85 | DHMS
Youth Horseback Group Riding Lessons (ages 4-17)
Self Awareness/Self Defense (ages 10-15)
Mon | Apr 10 | 6:15 - 8:15 pm. | $55 | DHMS
Kung Fu: Beginner, White and Yellow Belt (ages 5-adult)
Mon | Apr 10 - May 22 | 6:30 - 7:00 p.m. | 7 sessions | $79 | GL
Adventures in Dungeons & Dragons (grades 5-12, adults welcome)
Thu | Apr 13 - Jun 8 | 5:30 - 8:30 p.m. | 6 sessions | $89 | skip May 25 | FRMS
Web Design (grades 4-8)
Sat | Apr 15 & 22 | 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | 2 sessions | $78 | Live Online
Lifeguarding plus Waterpark (ages 15+)
Sat, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. & Sun, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Apr 15-23 | 4 sessions | $285 | FRMS
Sat, 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. & Sun, 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. | Apr 29-May 7 | 4 sessions | $285 | FRMS
Mon-Thu | Jun 12-15 | 9:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m. | 4 sessions | $285 | FRMS
Rubik's Cube Speedsolving/STEM (grades 3-8)
Wed & Thu | Apr 26 & 27| 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. | 2 sessions | $105 | NV
Lend a hand!
Project Explore Waffle Breakfast Volunteer (grades 8+, adults)
Saturday, Apr 29 | 7:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. | Messiah Lutheran Church
Advantage ACT Prep Course (grades 10-12)
Many convenient dates, times and mode of delivery: in person or online.
High School Sports Camps hosted by our coaches! Join them for quality, exciting sports camp opportunities to promote skill improvement and good sportsmanship.
Think Spring and Summer!
Mark your calendars to browse and register in our online catalog for spring and summer Wednesday, February 15, beginning at 6:00 a.m. Register early to ensure your spot in class!
District 196 Moving Forward with May 9 Bond Referendum Election: Two-Question Special Election Addresses District’s Facilities and Equipment Needs
District 196 School Board on Monday unanimously approved a resolution calling for a two-question bond referendum election on May 9, 2023, to address the district’s facilities and equipment needs for the next 10 years and beyond.
That was the recommendation of the administration and members of a Facilities and Equipment Steering Committee that conducted a comprehensive review of the district’s facilities and equipment needs over the last year and a half. The committee developed a facilities master plan and recommended the first phase of improvements to address needs in the areas of safety, security and supervision; space for growth, and providing students and families a more consistent experience in facilities across the district.
The proposed improvements were presented as preliminary recommendations at the Nov. 14 School Board meeting. They were then presented for public input during three nights of focus group dialogues in November, and online via a form on the district website. Learn more.
Do you need fee assistance?
Fee assistance is available for District 196 residents. Apply online or call 651-423-7920.
Request an Interpreter / Solicite un intérprete / Badhanka “codso turjumaan”
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning