Counseling Corner
December / Jennifer Mayo
Kindness is like snow - it beautifies everything it covers. - Kahlil Gibran
December Character Trait
Lending a hand can build strong friendships. Can you remember a time when someone lent a hand to you? Maybe you were feeling sick, or couldn’t do something all by yourself, maybe you didn’t know how to do something in school, or maybe you were a new kid on campus and were unsure of where to go. We can all relate to a time when we needed someone to help us out. Be the person that reaches out to help someone in need this holiday season.
Let's Spread Some Holiday Cheer!
Places to Help Support Children This Holiday Season
Peer Helpers
Peer Helpers will embark on a new journey beginning this holiday season. They will begin reading to Kindergarten and first-grade students and will continue doing so until the end of January! I'm super excited about seeing our older students supporting our littles at GSES!
Stress Management
The holidays can be both exciting and exhausting. Click the links below for some tips to help destress during this busy time.
Counseling Services