Monthly Parent/Guardian Newsletter
Month of December 2024
Principal's Message
Dear LCE Families,
The holidays are rapidly approaching and we'd like to take this time to thank you for working in collaboration with us to help our students shine brightly.
We are filled with gratitude that you have supported us through all of the various campus activities that we are implementing this year. Thank you for those who have come and volunteered to support Comic Con, the Feast of Gratitude, the science lab, and the math lab. Thank you for those who have vollunteered with time or through donations. If you would like to volunteer please reach out to Ms. Washburn and she can help put your name on for one of the slots. We want to continue providing our students at LCE with a variety of unique learning experiences that are engaging and fun. This allows us to shine brightly as we execute our vision of preparing and empowering teachers through ongoing professional development while providing access to innovative resources to create a safe, caring and challenging learning environment for all students.
As a reminder, when it is pouring rain outside in the mornings or afternoons, we do not allow Safety Patrol to be outside opening car doors. Please let your children know they will need to open their own car door to exit the vehicle. Thank you for your assistance on rainy days.
Please take the time to read through all the information below for activities planned to celebrate the holidays.
Our Lexington Creek family wishes you and your family a safe and Happy New Year!
With joy,
Mr. Williams and Ms. Croft
December 2 - 6 ~ NEHS/Shared Dreams Toiletry Drive
Monday, December 2
- Choir (3:30 - 4:15 pm ~ Music Room)
Wednesday, December 4
- Retakes & Class Group Pictures
- Chick-fil-A Spirit Night (4:00 - 8:00 pm ~ Missouri City)
Friday, December 5
- Winter Tour LCE Choir (9:00 - 2:00 pm)
Friday, December 6
- Spelling Bee ~ Grades 3-5 (8:30 - 10:00 am ~ Cafeteria)
- LCE Choir at Sugar Land Holiday Lights (6:20 pm performance at Constellation Field)
Tuesday, December 10
- Student Council Meeting (3:30-4:15 pm ~ Library)
Thursday, December 12
- 5th Grade Music Program (8:30-9:00 am) and (6:00-6:30 pm) ~ Cafeteria
- 3rd Grade Field Trip ~ Crocodile Encounter
- Garden Club (3:30 - 4:45 pm ~ Art Room/Garden)
Friday, December 13
- Jingle Jam (for Grades 3-5) Sponsored by Student Council (5:00 - 6:30 pm)
Thursday, December 19
- Garden Club (3:30 - 4:45 pm ~ Art Room/Garden)
Friday, December 20
- Winter Classroom Festivities (no visitors please ~ lunch will be in classrooms)
- Early Dismissal at 12:10 pm
Thursday, January 9
- First Day of Classes ~ 2nd Semester
Angel Card Project
The Angel Card Project is an Internet-wide charity event that allows people the opportunity to give a little something back during the throughout the year and especially during the holidays. It's your chance to make a difference in the life of someone who is hurting or less fortunate than yourself by volunteering to send Holiday Cards! The students, faculty and staff will be participating in this project in the next couple of weeks.
Please feel free to send a box of holiday cards with your student to help with our project. Thank you.
Link to Angel Card Project:
Facebook Link:
LCE Student, Faculty & Staff Holiday Attire ~ December 2-20, 2024
Class Group & Fall Picture Retake Day ~ Wednesday, December 4th
Our Class Group and Fall Picture Retake Day is on Wednesday, December 4, 2024. If you do not want your child to participate in the class group picture, please email your child's teacher to decline participation.
Please click on the following link to place picture orders,
Use code 89963T for Class Group Pictures
Use code 86743HU for Fall Individual Picture Retakes
You will be able to order up until the day before picture day.
On Retake Day the only students that will be coming to the camera are:
*Any Student that is newly enrolled to the school after your original picture day
*Any Student that was absent on the original Picture Day
*Any Student returning their package for any reason and wanting to retake their picture (the student must return their original package to the photographer in order to receive full credit for their package)
*Any Student that did not purchase on Picture Day that has payment/online receipt for purchase on Retake Day
Winter Break - December 23, 2024 - January 8, 2025
Students return on Thursday, January 9, 2025
Nurse's Corner
While it is very important for your child to be in class; however, please do not medicate your child and send them to school. Keep your child at home if he/she is exhibiting signs or symptoms of illness such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, fatigue, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and decreased sense of taste or smell.
Help us protect other students and staff by not sending your child back to school while he/she is still experiencing symptoms. If your child is sick and attending school, he/she may be spreading symptoms to others. It is also very difficult for a sick child to concentrate on learning.
Thank you for helping us keep LCE students and staff healthy.
Kathy Vo, BSN, RN
School Nurse
Lexington Creek Elementary
2335 Dulles Avenue, Missouri City, TX 77459
Phone (281) 634-5005
Fax (281) 327-5005
LCE Counselor's Corner
Lexington Creek Elementary
Location: Lexington Creek Elementary, 2335 Dulles Avenue, Missouri City, TX, United States 77459
Phone: 281-634-5000
Twitter: @LCE_Lions